

单词 shimmy
释义 I. shimmy, n.1|ˈʃɪmɪ|
Also shimmey.
dial. and U.S. corruption of chemise.
1837Marryat Snarleyyow xliii. 267 We have nothing but petticoats here and shimmeys.1839Heref. Gloss., Shimmy, shift; now used by cottagers.1856H. H. Dixon Post & Paddock x. 176 Two shirts and a ‘shimmy’ is about the regulation package for a man and his wife.1889Macmillan's Mag. Sept. 360, I did count on gettin' myself a new shimmy.1952New Yorker 20 Sept. 35/1 To persuade the young matron to doff her wet shimmy.
II. shimmy, n.2|ˈʃɪmɪ|
Also shimi.
[App. a use of shimmy n.1]
1. A lively modern dance resembling a foxtrot accompanied by simulated quivering or shaking of the body which first achieved wide popularity in the early nineteen-twenties; a performance of this dance. Also in phr. to shake a shimmy. orig. U.S.
[1917Variety 30 Nov. 19/1 The opening number was programed as a combination of ‘Strutter's Ball’, ‘Shimme-Sha-Wabble’ and ‘Walking the Dog’.]1918Dancing Times Nov. 35 It is still very, very crude—and it is called ‘Shaking the Shimmy’... It's a nigger dance, of course, and it appears to be a slow walk with a frequent twitching of the shoulders.1920C. Sandburg Smoke & Steel 223 Shimmying the fast shimmy to the Livery Stable Blues.1922Weekly Dispatch 31 Dec. 9 ‘Shimmy’ banned in New York... The Chicago camel-walk, scandal, balconnades, and shimmy dances must cease.1924P. Marks Plastic Age 275 That music was enough to make a saint shed his halo and shake a shimmy.1935J. T. Farrell Judgment Day i. xvi. 387 The building began to waver and dance before his eyes. Funny. The building was doing the shimmy.1947M. Berger in R. de Toledano Frontiers of Jazz viii. 96 They did the Virginia reel, slow and fast quadrilles and the shimmy.1956B. Holiday Lady sings Blues (1973) iv. 41 White people..came to the Cotton Club—a place Negroes never saw inside unless they played music or did the shakes or shimmies.1975P. G. Winslow Death of Angel xii. 232 Frayne..held the towel behind his hips and did what..used to be called the shimmy.1977New Hampshire Times 27 July 12/2 Glasses in New Hampshire cupboards began to rattle as houses started modest shimmies.
2. transf. An oscillation or vibration of the wheels, etc., of a motor vehicle or of an aircraft undercarriage; spec. = wheel wobble.
1925Proc. Inst. Automobile Engineers XIX. 822 This phenomenon..is variously termed ‘wheel flap’, ‘shimmy’, ‘goldfishing’, ‘tramping’, ‘wobble’, according to the nationality and imagination of the writers.1936Aircraft Engin. July 199/1 With the use of the front castorable wheel another difficulty develops..in the form of wheel shimmy.1940G. Frankau Self-Portrait lxii. 385 ‘Frankie’..developed a shimmy in her full elliptic springing that made her solid steering column feel like india⁓rubber.1943F. L. Wright Autobiogr. (rev. ed.) v. 411 At high speed it would settle down and shake itself almost to pieces in a perfect frenzy (the garage-doctors called it a shimmy).1958H. G. Conway Landing Gear Design viii. 150 Shimmy can be divided into two basic types: large angle and small angle (or kinematic) shimmy.1968K. J. Bunker in J. G. Giles Steering, Suspension & Tyres vii. 132 Shimmy..is usually started by road irregularities.1977Grimsby Even. Tel. 5 May 5/1 (Advt.), Terrific tyre bargains!.. Wheel balancing. Got the ‘shimmy’—Got the ‘shakes’? Expert correction.
3. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 1) shimmy dance, shimmy dancer, shimmy dress; shimmy damper, a device fitted to aircraft undercarriages and motor vehicles in order to prevent or reduce shimmy; shimmy-fox(trot) = next; also, (a piece of) music to accompany this dance; shimmy shake, shiver = shimmy n.2 1; hence shimmy shaker.
1928Proc. Inst. Automobile Engineers XXII. 741 It is important when using a shimmy damper to avoid the use of spring connections..in the steerage linkage.1946Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. L. 533/2 In only one aircraft had a hydraulic shimmy damper been used, and that was a direct copy of the damper used in Douglas aircraft.1958H. G. Conway Landing Gear Design viii. 153 (caption) A well-known type of American shimmy damper on the rotating vane principle.
1919N.Y. World 17 Jan. 7/5 (heading) Shimmy dance is banned in greater New York.1922Joyce Ulysses 533 You found me in evil company, highkickers, coster picnic makers, pugilists..and the nifty shimmy dancers.1967Boston Globe 5 Apr. 59/3 A largely nude shimmy dancer put in all the bumps and grinds with a gyrating G.I.
1919Honey Pot I. i. 8 The Eton collar which, in addition to her plain blue ‘shimmy’ dress..made her resemble a school-girl of sweet sixteen.1968P. Oliver Screening Blues vi. 206 The women dressed exotically and were supported by scantily clad chorus girls wearing the shimmy dresses of the period.
1934C. Lambert Music Ho! iii. 224 Jannings going to the dogs is not a more melancholy spectacle than some worthy Teutonic fiddler putting a little pep into a ‘shimmy-fox’.
1926–7T. Eaton & Co. Catal. 305/1 Collegiate—Shimmy Fox Trot.1928Observer 15 Apr. 12 Instead of a scherzo she has written a shimmy-foxtrot.
1925Infanta Eulalia of Spain Courts & Countries after War i. 18 The history of dancing during the Revolution repeated itself, with the differences that the Carmagnole of '93 was the Shimmy Shake or the Bunny Hug of 1914.
1920Sat. Even. Post 27 Nov. 42/4 Then they was a pair of young shimmy shakers.
1919N.Y. Sun 16 Jan. 14/4, I was dancing the shimi shiver.
III. shimmy, v.1 orig. U.S.
Also shemmi.
[f. prec.]
1. a. intr. To dance the shimmy.
1919J. R. Pickell Twenty-Four Days on Troopship xiv. 74 O, boys, we don't care, If we never get home, If mother will shimmy So long as we roam.1919A. J. Piron (song-title), I wish I could shemmi like my sister Kate.1932J. Laver Nymph Errant viii. 199 Constantine shimmied until beads of perspiration gathered on his shiny forehead.1977Zigzag Apr. 28/1 He gyrates, shimmies, shakes his ass.
b. trans. To dance (the shimmy); to shake (part of the body) as in the shimmy.
1920[see shimmy n.2 1].1956H. Gold Man who was not with It xi. 85 Pauline used to tell me..shimmying her loose bare arms of which she was so proud for their milky flesh, ‘like this, like that, and ziggety-zaggety’.1974J. Irving 158-Pound Marriage vii. 148 She shimmied her fingers the way Tyrone Williams did before the whistle.
2. intr. fig. and transf. To shake, quiver, vibrate, to progress hastily or irregularly.
1925C. R. Cooper Lions 'n' Tigers ix. 235 Leader Mary was beginning to shimmy slightly with increased flight.1941Picture Post 3 May 9/2 The gunfire came surging back... The floor of the basement shimmied underneath me and the whole house shook like a Chinese lantern in a breeze.1942Jrnl. Aeronaut. Sci. IX. 400/1 It is impossible for any side force to build up on the tire to cause it to shimmy.1958H. G. Conway Landing Gear Design viii. 152 Aircraft..with less than a certain amount of castoring friction shimmied and those with more did not.1969L. Michaels Going Places 135 She..shimmied up my arm and hung from my shoulder like a bunch of bananas.1976Times Lit. Suppl. 2 July 814/3 When his wife was asleep, he would shimmy down a pillar to the ground floor.1980Daily Tel. 29 Nov. 17/3 Palm, shimmying in the warm breezes all along the coasts.
Hence ˈshimmying vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1919J. R. Pickell Twenty-Four Days on Troopship 73 The star in the heavens, Looked down with a frown, To see mother so shimmied In her shimmeying gown.1928Galsworthy Swan Song ii. xiii. 217 He..watched the dancing on deck—funny business nowadays, shimmying, bunnyhugging, didn't they call it.1942R. H. Bound in R. A. Beaumont Aeronaut. Engin. xv. 412/2 Main tail wheels have been subject to one very serious defect, namely, shimmying; this consists of violent oscillations of the tail-wheel from side to side when the aircraft is running over the ground.1972Sci. Amer. Oct. 100/3 Most of the behavior of a nucleus undergoing nuclear fission can be understood as the splitting of a shimmying electrically charged drop.1977Gay News 24 Mar. 23/1 A mere suggestion of a shimmying hip and you were lectured by a bartender.
IV. shimmy, v.2|ˈʃɪmɪ|
[Alteration of shimmer v.1 under infl. of shimmy v.1]
intr. and trans. To ‘dance’ in; to transport (a person) quickly.
1923Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves vii. 76, I bounded into the sitting-room, but it was empty. Jeeves shimmied in.1930G. MacMunn Behind Scenes in Many Wars x. 187 A small destroyer..would shimmy us over to the beaches from Imbros.1980G. V. Higgins Kennedy for Defense x. 104, I just love seeing fat fees shimmy out the door to go elsewhere.




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