

单词 chondro-
释义 chondro-|ˈkɒndrəʊ|
combining form of Gr. χόνδρο-ς a grain, cartilage, used as the first element in many words, chiefly Med. and Phys., as chondro-ˈcostal a., ‘relating to the ribs and the costal cartilages’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.). chondroˈcranium, the primitive brain-case, composed of cartilage. ˈchondrocyte Histol. [-cyte], a cartilage cell; so chondroˈcytic a. ˈchondrogen [see -gen2] = chondrin, or ‘the tissues which yield chondrin’. chondroˈgenesis, the development of cartilage. chondroglossus [Gr. γλώσσα tongue] a fasciculus of muscular fibre extending from the lesser corner of the hyoid bone to the tongue; part of the hypoglossus muscle. chondroˈglucose [see glucose], a sugar obtained from cartilage; also chondriglucose. chonˈdrography [Gr. -γραϕία writing], a description of cartilages. chonˈdrology [Gr. -λογία discourse], ‘a discourse or treatise on cartilages’ (Hooper Med. Dict. 1811). chonˈdrometer [Gr. µέτρον measure], a steelyard for weighing grain. ˈchondrophyte [Gr. ϕυτόν plant], ‘a growth, tumour, or vegetation, arising from a cartilage’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.). ˈchondroplast [Gr. πλαστ-ός formed, moulded], ‘a term applied to the cavities in the matrix of cartilage which contain the cartilage cells’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.). chonˈdropodous a. Zool., applied to snakes, having the rudiment of a foot consisting in a simple cartilaginous filament (Syd. Soc. Lex.). chondroˈsamine [amine], an amino-sugar, C6H13O5N, the basis of chondroitin. ˌchondrosarˈcoma Path., a malignant tumour in which the parenchyma is composed wholly of differentiated cartilage. chondro-ˈskeleton, cartilaginous skeleton. chondro-ˈsternal a., relating to the sternum and to the cartilages of the ribs. ˈchondrotome [Gr. -τοµος cutting, cutter], a knife for dissecting cartilage. chonˈdrotomy [Gr. -τοµία cutting], dissection or cutting of cartilage. chondroˈxiphoid a., relating to the xiphoid cartilage at the bottom of the breast bone.
1875T. H. Huxley in Encycl. Brit. I. 753/1 The primordial skull or chondro-cranium.1919J. G. Kerr Embryol. II. 306 The skull consists in its simplest form primarily of a chondro-cranium—a trough of cartilage, the cavity of which is occupied by the brain.1959Chambers's Encycl. XII. 591/1 The parts of the skull which develop in cartilage constitute in the embryo what is called the chondrocranium.
1903Dorland Med. Dict. (ed. 3) 163/1 Chondrocyte, a cartilage cell.1937E. E. Hewer Textbk. Histol. Med. Stud. 52 In the mature state the chondrocytes do not divide.1968Bloom & Fawcett Textbk. Histol. (ed. 9) ix. 212/1 Cartilage is a specialized form of connective tissue consisting of cells, chondrocytes, and extracellular fibers embedded in an amorphous, gel-like matrix.
1965R. P. Morehead Human Path. viii. 233/2 (heading) Benign chondrocytic tumors.
c1865in Circ. Sc. I. 360/2 The bones of the infant yield gelatine of cartilages or ‘chondrogen’.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Pathol. 333 The transformation of collagen and chondrogen into mucus or mucin.
1879Watts Dict. Chem. VI. 449 s.v. Chondrin, Pure rib-cartilage boiled with strong hydrochloric acid yields a sugar..De Bary..designates the sugar thus obtained as chondroglucose.
1897Chaney Weights & Measures 130 In estimating the quality of corn a little instrument called a ‘chondrometer’ is sometimes used.
1914Jrnl. Biol. Chem. XVIII. 123 The substance is isomeric with glucosamine, and until the details of its structure will be disclosed it will be referred to as chondrosamine. Chondrosamine resembles glucosamine in its elementary composition.1956Nature 10 Mar. 467/2 A sulphated polysaccharide containing both glucosamine and chondrosamine.
1883J. Coats Man. Path. 213 Sarcomas follow in their type the various connective tissues of the body... So Virchow indicates the division into fibrosarcoma, myxosarcoma, gliosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, melanosarcoma.1886Chondro-sarcoma [see chondroma].1906Practitioner Nov. 663 Similar new growths have been labelled by different observers carcinoma, adeno-sarcoma, chondro-sarcoma, myxosarcoma.1966Wright & Symmers Systemic Path. II. xxxvii. 1414/2 In contrast to the majority of benign cartilaginous tumours, which occur towards the periphery of the limbs, chondrosarcomas usually arise in the pelvis, ribs, and proximal long bones.
1881P. M. Duncan in Academy 23 Apr. 303 The chondro-skeleton is now complete.
1859Todd Cycl. Anat. V. 177/2 The chondro-sternal ligaments.
Ibid., The superior pubic ligament finds its homologue..in the chondro-xiphoid..fibres.




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