

单词 chop-logic
释义 ˈchop-ˌlogic contemptuous.
Also 6–7 chopt-logicke.
[cf. chop v.2 8.]
1. Sophistical or contentious argument.
1533More Apol. xxvii. Wks. 893/1 All suche argumentes, and suche choppelogikes agaynste good rules.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 395 b, What kinde of chopp⁓logick is this?..A trymm conclusion surely!1592Greene Upst. Courtier (1871) 13 Cloth-Breeches..swore..that this chop-logick was not worth a pinne.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 254/1 Argumentation..is..termed also Demonstration, Sophistry, Chop Logick, Polemic.1951N. Annan Leslie Stephen i. 42 His chop-logic destruction of cant.Ibid. ix. 257 The true positivist is not a crude lout wielding an axe of chop-logic.1960Spectator 8 July 51 The arguments were nearly always developed with the same chop-logic.
2. One who chops logic; a contentious, sophistical arguer.
1561J. Awdelay Frat. Vacab. 15 Choplogyke is he that when his mayster rebuketh him of hys fault he wyll geve hym xx wordes for one.1576Newton Lemnie's Complex. (1633) 209 Wranglers, Busie medlers in other mens matters..Choplogicks, and Prattlers.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iii. v. 150 How now? Chopt Logicke? what is this?
3. attrib.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. xliv. 213 And take vpon him in chop logic lawse To controll vs.
Hence chop-logical a., argumentative, disputatious. Tindale uses chopological in derision of tropological.
1528Tindale Doctr. Treat. (1848) 308 The literal sense killeth..We must therefore, say they, seek out some chopological sense.a1652Brome Queen & Conc. iv. v, You choplogical Rascal.Ibid. v. vii, Why thou choplogicall Fellow, dost thou not think, there are as good men hanged?




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