

单词 quatreme
释义 quatreme, -ime Obs. rare.
In 5 quaterime, -(e)ryme, katereme.
[a. OF. quatrieme, -esme (14th c. in Godef.), subst. use of quatrième fourth.]
A duty or tax of a fourth part levied on certain commodities.
c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. x. (1885) 131 The gabell off the salt, and the quaterimes of the wynes, were graunted to the kynge by the iij estates of France.c1465Eng. Chron. (Camden 1856) 48 Alle maner custumez, fe fermez, and quatrymez.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. vii. (1520) 149/2 All maner customes and fee fermes and kateremes.




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