

单词 Queen Anne
释义 Queen Anne
a. The Queen of Great Britain and Ireland who reigned from 1702 to 1714.
Queen Anne is dead: a phrase implying stale news (cf. queen 3, quot. 1738). Queen Anne's bounty: see bounty 5 a. Queen Anne's free gift: see quot. 1867.
1840Barham Ingol. Leg. Ser. i. Acc. New Play, Lord Brougham, it appears, isn't dead, though Queen Anne is.1859Thackeray Virgin. lxxiii, On which my lady cried petulantly, ‘Oh Lord, Queen Anne's dead, I suppose.’1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Queen Anne's Free Gift, a sum of money formerly granted to surgeons annually, in addition to their monthly twopences from each man.
b. attrib. as an epithet of the style of furniture, buildings, etc., characteristic of Queen Anne's reign, or of things made in this style. Also absol.
1863A. J. Munby Diary 12 May (1972) 160 The house..is noble, having a fine Queen Anne front and elaborate scrollwork gates.1878C. L. Eastlake Hints on Househ. Taste (ed. 4) i. 25 The recently revived taste for the so⁓called ‘Queen Anne’ style..for that domestic type of brick architecture which prevailed..from the Caroline to the Georgian period.1879M. E. Braddon Vixen I. xiii. 253 The Queen Anne kettle was hissing merrily over its spirit-lamp.1881A. Lang Library 36 What furniture-dealers indifferently call the ‘Queen Anne’ or the ‘Chippendale’ style.1883Harper's Mag. Sept. 560/2 In all Queen Anne buildings the architecture is appliqué. However, to disparage Queen Anne is not to explain its acceptance.1913W. J. Locke Stella Maris ii. 13 A Queen Anne gem of a tiny house in Kensington.1936Archit. Rev. LXXIX. 213 (caption) This house claims to be the first brick-built house of the ‘Queen Anne’ Revival; No. 1 Palace Green, Kensington, by Philip Webb.1964S. Nowell-Smith Edwardian England iv. 152 Tudor, Jacobean, Queen Anne, and Chippendale pieces..often jostled each other in the same room.1977Times 28 May 22/7 The audio and radiogram..designs are in Jacobean, Regency, Queen Anne and Scandinavian contemporary.
c. In the possessive in the names of plants: Queen Anne's (double) daffodil, a daffodil, Narcissus capax plenus, with pale yellow double flowers; Queen Anne's (double) jonquil, a small variety of Narcissus jonquilla with clusters of double, yellow, fragrant flowers; Queen Anne's lace, a popular name for various umbelliferous plants bearing clusters of small white flowers, esp., in North America, the wild carrot, Daucus carota, and in Britain, cow parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris.
1806Curtis's Bot. Mag. XXIV. 934 Varies with very double flowers, and is then called by some Gardeners ‘Queen Anne's Jonquil’.1886G. Nicholson Illustr. Dict. Gardening II. 413/1 A double form of this species [sc. Narcissus jonquilla] is known as Queen Anne's Jonquil.1889Jrnl. R. Hort. Soc. XI. 90 Its name of ‘Queen Anne's Daffodil’ was no doubt originally given in honour of Queen Anne of Austria.1894Amer. Folk-Lore VII. 89 Daucus Carota, Queen Anne's lace, some⁓what general.1913W. P. Eaton Barn Doors & Byways 273 Wild carrot bears a dainty, flat-topped white bloom sometimes as large as a saucer, and a long bed of them will often appear like a strip of delicate embroidery along the wayside, making their more aristocratic title of Queen Anne's lace entirely applicable.1926W. de la Mare Connoisseur 318 Only the rotting sleepers remained, matted with weeds and bordered with Queen Ann's [sic] lace, golden rod and Michaelmas daisy.1930F. A. Pottle Stretchers 204 The fields..are rioting with the delicate blooms of Queen Anne's lace.1934E. A. Bowles Handbk. Narcissus viii. 89 N[arcissus] eystettensis,..otherwise known as capax plenus or Queen Anne's Double Daffodil, is another plant of mysterious origin.Ibid. 90 Queen Anne's Daffodil may be a garden hybrid of the sixteenth century.Ibid. xiv. 137 Its double form is known as ‘Queen Anne's Jonquil’.1946D. C. Peattie Road of Naturalist i. 21 In Maryland the Queen Anne's lace was dancing under the apple trees that made wide pools of shadow.1951M. Jefferson-Brown Daffodil x. 117 Queen Anne's Double Daffodil is another flower with which this monarch's name is associated.Ibid., Queen Anne's Double Jonquil..is but six inches high.1955W. Gaddis Recognitions iii. ii. 760, I remember..tall weeds including Queen Anne's laces.1961M. Fish Cottage Garden Flowers iii. 29 N[arcissus] capax plenus (Syn. N. eystettensis) is the flower that was known as ‘Queen Anne's Double Daffodil’.1961P. Synge Collins Guide to Bulbs 236 N[arcissus] jonquilla florepleno is the double form often known as Queen Anne's Double Jonquil.1971P. Larkin in Listener 29 July 144/1 Young-leafed June,..With hedges snowlike strewn,.. Lost lanes of Queen Anne's lace.1974M. Ingate Sound of Weir xix. 164 A dragonfly..settled for a moment among the litter scent of Queen Anne's lace.1978Church Times 23 June 14/5, I waded into waist-high cow-parsley (or, if you prefer it, Queen Anne's lace, hemlock or bogy's gruel).
Hence Queen ˈAnneified a., in Queen Anne style; Queen ˈAnn(e)ish a., suggestive of, or designed in, a Queen Anne style; Queen ˈAnneism, employment of, or preference for, a Queen Anne style; Queen ˈAnneist, -ite, one who adopts or favours this style; Queen ˈAnnery, a style (of utterance, etc.) characteristic or reminiscent of the reign of Queen Anne.
a1878Sir G. Scott Recoll. ix. (1879) 375 The Queen-Anne-ites soon threw off this disguise.1879Athenæum No. 2696. 818 Even Queen-Anne-ism should draw the line somewhere.1881G. M. Hopkins Let. 29 Oct. in Hopkins & Dixon Corr. (1955) 83 The language is a quaint medley of Middle-Ages and ‘QueenAnnery’.1887J. C. Robinson in Times 17 Aug. 5/4 All architects, Gothic, Classic, and Queen Anneists alike.1889J. K. Jerome Idle Thoughts 43 ‘Drinking the waters’ sounded fashionable and Queen Anneified.1926Spectator 24 July 154/2 Gradually Queen-Annish cornices began to creep in.1943J. Lees-Milne Ancestral Voices (1975) 269 It is a low, rambling, attractive house, Queen Anne-ish but not of architectural distinction.1975Country Life 9 Oct. 909/1 The Queen Anne-ish windows fill the room with light.




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