

单词 circulatory
释义 I. ˈcirculatory, n. Obs.
[ad. med.L. circulātōri-um: cf. next.]
A vessel for the old chemical process of circulation; an alembic or retort having the neck or necks bent back so as to re-enter the lower part of the retort, a ‘pelican’.
1559Morwyng Evonym. 11 Suffred..to putrifie in a circulatory or a blynde limbeck.1641French Distill. iv. (1651) 99 Digest them in a Circulatory ten days.1708Phillips, Circulatory, a Glass-Vessel, in which the Steam of the distilled Liquor, by its rising and falling, rolls about as it were in a Circle.1751Chambers Cycl. s.v., There are two kinds of circulatories; the diota or double vessel; and the pelican.
II. circulatory, a.|ˈsɜːkjuːlətərɪ|
[ad. L. circulātōri-us: see above. Cf. F. circulatoire, 16th c. in Littré.]
Of the nature of, or pertaining to, circulation.
1. Pertaining to the circulation of the blood, or of any analogous fluid or current.
1605Timme Quersit. i. xv. 72 The veyne called vena caua..is..the vessel circulatorie.1664Power Exp. Philos. i. 59 It is carried up and down in circulatory Vessels.1707Floyer Physic. Pulse-Watch 14 The Blood..continually moves through the circulatory Organs.1862A. Maclaren in Macm. Mag. V. 517 Their nervous and circulatory systems are readily irritated.1880Haughton Phys. Geog. iii. 131 The circulatory current revolving to the left.
2. Old Chem. For the purpose of chemical ‘circulation’: see circulatory n.
1675Evelyn Terra (1776) 66 Old Glauber.. by the assistance of certain Circulatory vessels to prepare the oily succus and pinguid juice.c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Dispens. iii. iii. (1734) 132 Unless they be made in a circulatory vessel.
3. Of or pertaining to a mountebank, or quack; juggling. [= L. circulātōrius.] Obs.
(Warton prob. meant ‘strolling, itinerant’.)
1652Gaule Magastrom. 275 Detecting the circulatory and præstigious fallacy.Ibid. 348 A præstigious jugler, being taken at Paris, escaped prison by his circulatory tricks.1774T. Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry (1840) III. xxiii. 77 Borde's circulatory peregrinations in the quality of a quack-doctor.
4. circulatory letter: = Circular letter. Obs.
1668Lond. Gaz. No. 229/3 A Circulatory Letter sent to all the Princes and Potentates.1696Phillips Circulatory Letters, Letters sent into all parts of a Kingdom, by General Commissioners, upon particular occasions.1735Johnson tr. Lobo's Abyssinia 242 Circulatory Letters from him to the Christian Princes.
In the following, circulatory varies with circulary (the reading of edd. 1611 and 1617).
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. §53 (also edd. 1632, 1845) Crosse and circulatorie speeches, wherein there are attributed to God such things as belong to manhood, and to man such as properly concern the deitie of Christ Jesus.




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