

单词 circumspect
释义 I. ˈcircumspect, n. Obs. rare.
[ad. L. circumspectus a looking round, f. circumspicĕre; see next.]
State of watchfulness or circumspection.
1494Fabyan vii. 551 He shall dwell in suche a cyrcumspecte with hym, that he shall dylygentlye foreloke and see that Goddys wylle be done.
II. circumspect, a.|ˈsɜːkəmspɛkt|
Also 6 cyrcum-.
[a. F. circonspect, or ad. L. circumspect-us considerate, wary, cautious, circumspect, properly pa. pple. of circumspicĕre to look around, take heed, consider; hence of things, ‘well-considered’, transf. to persons ‘considerate, cautious’, etc.]
1. Of things or actions: Marked by circumspection, showing caution, well-considered, cautious.
1422Lydg. Coronation Hen. VI, in Ritson Anc. Songs 70 By circumspect advise.1562Act 5 Eliz. c. 21 §1 If circumspect Remedy be not hereunto provided.1709Strype Ann. Ref. Ep. Ded. 1 Circumspect and holy labours.1847Emerson Poems, Monadnoc Wks. (Bohn) I. 441 By circumspect ambition.
2. Of persons: Watchful on all sides, attentive to everything, cautious, heedful of all circumstances that may affect action or decision.
1430Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. xvi, Circumspect in all his gouernance.1494Fabyan vii. ccxlvi. 290 Which in all his faytes is so circumspecte.1542Boorde Dyetary xxiii. (1870) 287 Sanguyne men..must be cyrcumspect in eatynge of theyr meate.1594Shakes. Rich. III, iv. ii. 31 High-reaching Buckingham growes circumspect.1624Capt. Smith Virginia iv. 147 This will make us more circumspect.1728Newton Chronol. Amended ii. 260 Herodotus was circumspect and faithful in his narrations.1850Prescott Peru II. 31 The wild passes..practicable..for the sure and circumspect mule.1881Besant & Rice Chapl. of Fleet i. 38, I was to be circumspect in my behaviour.
b. with dependent sentence or clause. Obs.
1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (1884) 2 As circumspect to se to mi self.1658W. Burton Itin. Anton. 172, I have..been very scrupulous and circumspect what authorities I made use of.
3. Considered, respected. [late L. circumspectus.] Obs. rare.
1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fortune ii. xxxii. 209 a, Then wylt thou be the more circumspect, and the better knowne.
III. circumˈspect, v. Obs. rare.
[f. L. circumspect- ppl. stem of circumspicĕre: see prec.; cf. inspect, respect, etc.]
trans. To examine or inspect on all sides; to take note of, ‘look to’.
1667Waterhouse Fire Lond. 31 Ability..to circumspect every part of his charge.1708Newcourt Repert. Eccl. I. 233 Whose office is to circumspect, and note daily all the Defaults and Offences in the Choir.




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