

单词 circumstant
释义 ˈcircumstant, a. and n. Obs.
[ad. L. circumstant-em pr. pple. of circumstāre to stand around.]
A. adj.
1. Standing around, surrounding, circumjacent.
1545T. Raynalde Byrth Man. i. x. (1634) 37 The circumstant cold ayre.1636Healey Theophrast. xiii. Impert. Diligence 54 Turning himselfe to the circumstant multitude.1650Bulwer Anthropemet. 47 The braine and the circumstant parts.1650Baxter Saints' R. ii. x. (1662) 279. 1666 T. Sergeant Letter of Thanks 39 Constant Practice of the circumstant Faithfull.
2. Pertaining as a circumstance; incidental, attendant.
1563–83Foxe A. & M. x. Pref. 1404 Such trinckets as were to the foresaid Masse apperteining or circumstant.1617Collins Def. Bp. Ely i. v. 220 Miracles come from no inhærent power..from a circumstant rather, or an attendant.1656tr. J. White's Peripat. Inst. 75 The circumstant causes.
3. Circumspect, cautious. rare. [So med.L. circumstans.]
1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 248 Aduising him to be very circumstant in his marching.
B. n. pl. Persons standing round or about, bystanders.
1494Fabyan v. cxxxi. 114 Noon of y⊇ circumstauntis, by neglygence, gaue answere vnto the bysshop.1577Hellowes Gueuara's Chron. 424 He threwe amongst the circumstants, a great summe of money.1675R. Burthogge Causa Dei 126 The circumstants and standers by.




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