

单词 cite
释义 I. cite, n. U.S.
Brit. |sʌɪt|, U.S. |saɪt|
Forms: 19– cite., 19– cite
[Shortened ‹citation n.]
= citation n. 3 citation n. 4.
1957Atlantic Reporter (2nd Ser.) No.131 102 The Legislature in 1951 passed the Police Tenure Act, (cite. omitted).1975Bookletter (N.Y.) 8 Dec. 3/3 He has personally collected a file of over 250,000 cites.1984Verbatim Autumn 10/1 The earliest cite so far uncovered for marriage-neutral Ms.1998Yale Law Jrnl.1071996 First a cite to Morrall, then a cite to the source citing Morrall, and so on until the connection to Morrall is forgotten.
II. cite, v.|saɪt|
Also 5–7 cyte, 7 scite.
[a. F. cite-r, ad. L. citāre to move, excite, summon, frequentative of ciēre, cīre to set in motion, call.]
1. To summon officially to appear in court of law, whether as principal or witness. Properly confined in England to eccles. law.
1483Caxton Cato A viij, Euery persone whiche is cyted lawfully or rightfully befor his juge ordinarye.1583Babington Commandm. ii. (1637) 23 An Heretike he is, a Run-away from the Church, cite him and summon him.1616R. C[rowley] Times' Whist. vi. 2537 A litle mony from the law will quite thee, Fee but the Sumner, and he shall not cite thee.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. I. i. 72 Persons of Honour and great Quality..were every day cited into the High Commission Court.1834H. Martineau Demerara x. 115 Ladies have been frequently cited to answer the complaints of slaves.1876Green Short Hist. v. 1 (1882) 217 Philip found an opportunity to cite the King before his court at Paris.
b. fig.
1574tr. Marlorat's Apocalips 9 Paule citeth God, and Christ and the Angells togither for witnesses.1615Crooke Body of Man 175 Whose arguments we will here scite before the tribunall of Reason.1857–8Sears Athan. iii. v. 292 After appealing to Christ..citing witnesses.
2. gen. To summon, call; arouse, excite.
1534Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. xxv. (R.), Incontinent we are cyted to hir subtyll trauailes of repentaunce.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. i. 34, I thinke it cites vs (Brother) to the field.1718Prior Solomon i. 30 This, sad experience cites me to reveal.1740Shenstone Judgm. Hercules 207 Wake the gay Loves and cite the young Desires.1845–6De Quincey Shelley Wks. VI. 14 In a storm cited by the finger of God he died.
3. To quote (a passage, book, or author); gen. with implication of adducing as an authority.
1535Joye Apol. Tindale (Arb.) 11 As Rabbi Kimhy cyted of Bucere vpon that same verse taketh Judicium.1576Fleming Panoplie Ep. 47 This vearse cited by Cicero, is not to bee founde in Euripides.1596Shakes. Merch. V. i. iii. 99 The diuell can cite Scripture for his purpose.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 3 Wee omit to cite to the same effect S. Cyrill.1728Pope Dunc. i. 1 note, I cite the whole three verses.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Lit. Wks. (Bohn) II. 105, I could cite from the seventeenth century sentences and phrases of edge not to be matched in the nineteenth.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. I. App. 757 The authority cited for the statement.
4. To bring forward an instance, to adduce or allege (anything) by way of example, proof, etc.
1663Gerbier Counsel 3 It cites some remarkable Structures.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. 40 Some experiments cited from Glauber.1804Abernethy Surg. Obs. 212 To cite those instances only which have come within my own knowledge.1868Peard Water-Farm. i. 2 China..often cited as an example of national permanence.1874Helps Soc. Press. iii. 52 As a proof of this I may cite such a town as New York.
b. spec. in Law. To adduce as precedent.
1788J. Powell Devises (1827) II. 225 Lord Kenyon observed that the cases cited for him proceeded not on the formal or technical words.1848Dickens Dombey vi, Walter went on to cite various precedents.1885Sir W. V. Field in Law Times Reports LII. 652/2 A case which was cited to me of Denton v. Donner.
c. Usu. pass. To mention in dispatches. Cf. mention v. 1 a. U.S. Mil.
1917N.Y. Times 27 Nov. 1/7 The French War Cross has been conferred on the fifteen American officers and men who were cited with their company by the French General commanding the sector.1929F. A. Pottle Stretchers vi. 129 The hospital was subjected to air raids, during which two of the nurses..distinguished themselves by unusual bravery, and were later cited.1944Yank Oct. 17/1 The 1st Engineer Combat Battalion has been cited three times for ‘outstanding performance of duty in action’.1975Legion of Valor U.S.A. Gen. Orders May 7 He has been cited many times for his contributions in the intelligence and medical areas. He was twice awarded the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service.
5. To call to mind; make mention of or reference to; refer to as so and so. Also cite up.
1588Shakes. Tit. A. v. iii. 118 Me thinkes I do digresse too much, Cyting my worthlesse praise.1591Two Gent. iv. i. 53 We cite our faults, That they may hold excus'd our lawlesse liues.1594Rich. III, i. iv. 14 We cited vp a thousand heauy times..That had befalne vs.1820W. Irving Sketch Bk. I. 190 Whilst a small cluster of English writers are constantly cited as the fathers of our verse.1873Act 36 & 37 Vic. c. 85. §1 This Act may be cited as the Merchant Shipping Act, 1873.
b. To bespeak, to evidence. Obs.
1601Shakes. All's Well i. iii. 216 Your selfe, Whose aged honor cites a vertuous youth.
III. cite, -ee, -eceyn
obs. ff. city, citizen.




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