

单词 citeyan
释义 citeyan Sc. Obs.
Also 6 cieteyan.
[If genuine, a. OF. citeyain, citeyen.
Doubt attaches to this word, from the fact that in later ME., ȝ, meaning y consonant, and z were written alike, and in 16th c. Sc. both printed z. It is therefore possible that, in the Scotch examples, z was really meant, and not ȝ= y as some modern editors have assumed.
Several examples of citeȝen, citiȝen appear in recent edd. of ME. works, but there is reason to believe that in every case the ȝ ought to have been printed z, as the letter really intended by the scribe.]
c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. xxix. 41 Cytezane he Was of Saynct Andrewys þe Cytè.1533Bellenden Livy (1822) 26 He gaiff occasioun to the cieteyanis [MS. letter ȝ, as in prec. and following] thairof to ische out of the toun.1536Cron. Scot. 30 b, The citezanis of Teruana in Flanderis.
b. citeȝen, printed for citezen.
c1350Will. Palerne 3850 Citeȝens [l. 3627 citesens].c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. iv. 14 Citiȝenis [v.r. citesenes].c1384H. Fame 930 (Bodley MS.) Cytiȝeyn [Fairf. citezeyn, Caxton cytezeyn, Thynne cytezeyne].1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 425 Citiȝeyn.1389St. Christopher, Norwich in Eng. Gilds (1870) 23 Citeȝenis.a1400–50Alexander 2199 (Ashm. MS.) Citiȝens [Dublin MS. citesyns].




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