

单词 siesta
释义 siesta1|sɪˈɛstə|
[Sp. siesta (Pg. sesta):—L. sexta sixth (hour); hence, in Sp. and Pg., the hottest part of the day, rest or sleep taken at this time.]
An afternoon rest or nap; esp. that commonly taken during the hottest hours of the day in tropical countries. Also transf.
1655Howell Lett. IV. i, When he slept his Siesta (as the Spaniard calls it) or afternoon sleep.1667Earl of Bristol Elvira i. in Dodsley O. Pl. (1780) XII. 147 What, sister, at your Siesta already? if so, You must have patience to be wak'd out of it.1788Burke Corr. (1844) III. 76 We have just risen from our siesta, and have no news.1816Keatinge Trav. (1817) I. 156 Without his siesta and segar,..he would think his lot a hard one in this world.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast xix, After dinner we usually took a short siesta, to make up for our early rising.1882M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal I. viii. 243, I must go and get my siesta, or I shall be as stupid as an owl all the evening.1946D. C. Peattie Road of Naturalist i. 19 Its crepuscular flowers are large as those of a wild rose when they open..great mothlike petals languidly expanding, as if still oppressed with the long siesta of the day.1947J. Stevenson-Hamilton Wild Life S. Afr. iii. 27 The rhinoceros, startled suddenly from his midday siesta, rushes blindly at the intruder.
fig.1856R. A. Vaughan Mystics (1860) II. 29 Most men prefer a sleeping conscience to a tender one; and for such the Romish Church offers a perpetual siesta.1884Sime To & Fro 8 On duty which knows no siesta.
b. Without article.
1834Marryat P. Simple (1863) 123, I called with my handkerchief full of segars for the father, but he was at siesta, as they called it.1869Mrs. S. Hawthorne Notes Eng. & Italy iii. ii. 322 It was the hour of siesta, and the monks were..fast asleep.1892E. Reeves Homeward Bound 318 Deep recesses on either side for cushioned luxurious siesta.1899C. J. C. Hyne Further Adventures Capt. Kettle ii. 30 ‘Right,’ said Kettle. ‘I'll siesta too.’1956G. Durrell My Family & Other Animals xv. 201 The rest of the family, finding they could not siesta with the argument going on, assembled to find out the trouble.1976L. Deighton Twinkle, twinkle Little Spy i. 7 The staff have noisy arguments about who should siesta on the cold stone floor.




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