

单词 cleed
释义 I. clead, cleed, v. north. dial.
Forms: 4 cleþ(e, kleþe, clede, (clete), 4–6 cleth(e, 6 cleith(e, (cleitht), cleath, 6–9 cleid, 8– cleed, clead. Pa. tense and pple., 4– cled, (cledde, cledd, clethd): cf. clad.
[ME. (north.) cleþe, pa. tense cledde, pa. pple. cled, a. ON. klæða, pa. tense klædda, pa. pple. klædd-r (Sw. kläda, Da. klæde) to clothe; f. klæði n.: see cloth. (Not the exact correspondent to OE. cláðian:—type *klaiþojan.) The pa. tense, klædda was from *klæðda; in later times the present stem has, by levelling, and assimilation to the type of feed, breed, etc., become cleed, clead. The normal Sc. spelling is cleid, but in the vbl. n. has passed into general use in the form cleading.]
= clothe v.
a1300Cursor M. 23072 (Cott.) Þe nede for to cleth [Fairf. cleþ, Gött. clath, Trin. cloþe] and fede.c1325Metr. Hom. 87 Wit hayr ful hard his bodi he cledde.1375Barbour Bruce i. 356 The byschop..cled him rycht honorabilly.c1420Chron. Vilod. 132 And pore men love to clethe and fede.c1440York Myst. xlviii. 287 Whanne I was clothles ȝe me cledde.c1450Guy Warw. (C.) 397 When þey were þus ycledde.1483Cath. Angl. 67 To Clethe in manhode, humanare.1545Joye Exp. Dan. iv. G viij b, For that he was so excellently cled with glorye and innocencye.1549Compl. Scot. vii. (1873) 70 Beand clethd in ane sydegoune.a1605Montgomerie Lyk as Aglauros 75 Cleith thy self with cair.a1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (1843) II. 102 That purenesse and perfection wherewith we are cled in baptisme.1724Ramsey Tea-t. Misc. (1733) I. 85 I'd clead me braw and ladylike.a1774Fergusson Cauler Water Poet. Wks. (1845) 22 Leaves to cleed the birken bowers.1795Macneill Will & Jean v, Night advancing, Cleads wi' grey the neighbouring hill.1816Scott Antiq. xxvi, ‘He kens weel eneugh wha feeds him, and cleeds him.’c1850Janet Hamilton Rhymes for Times ii. 55 Cleed their limbs wi' decent claes.
II. clead, n. Sc.
[f. clead v.]
Clothing, attire.
1804W. Tarras Poems 4 (Jam.) In its brawest clead.Ibid. 7 As lang's in simmer wadders cast their clead.
Hence ˈcleadful a., ‘handsome in regard to dress’ (Jamieson.).
1804W. Tarras Poems 48 (Jam.) Compar'd to you, what's peevish brag Or beaus wi' cleadfu' triggin?




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