

单词 significavit
释义 significavit Eccl. Law.|sɪgnɪfɪˈkeɪvɪt|
[L., 3rd sing. perf. indic. of significāre to signify. Cf. OF. significavit (Godef.).]
A form of writ employed in ecclesiastical cases; spec. one formerly issued by Chancery for the arrest of an excommunicated person; also, the bishop's certificate on which such a writ is based.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 664 Of cursing oghte ech gilty man him drede..And also war him of a significavit.1559Boke Presidentes 14 b, The fourme of a Sygnyficauit to the Metropolytane of the prouins vpon a newe foundacyon of a byshopriche.1562–3Act 5 Eliz. c. 23 §6 After any Significavit being of Recorde in the sayd Courte of Chancerie, the tenour of suche Significavit by Mittimus shalbee sent [etc.].1607Middleton Phœnix ii. iii, No, No I say; if it bee for defect of Apparance, take me out a speciall Significauit.a1683J. Owen True Nat. Gosp. Ch. x. (1689) 216 Of what use a Significavit and Capias may be in this case I know not.1714Burnet Hist. Ref. III. iii. v. 261 He sent a Significavit of some Heretics to be delivered to the Secular Arm.1767Burn Eccl. Law II. 206 At the common law, a certificate of the bishop, whereupon a significavit was to be granted, ought to express the cause.1881Daily News 17 Jan. 5/1 The first point taken..was that the Judge..had no power to enforce obedience to an inhibition issued under the Act by the process of significavit.




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