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similitude|sɪˈmɪlɪtjuːd| Also 4–5 symyli-, 5 simyli-, 5–6 symyly-, simyly-, symili-, 6 symily-, similytud(e; 5 semeli-, 6 semylytude; 6 similitewd. [a. OF. similitude (= Sp. similitud, It. similitudine), ad. L. similitūdo, f. similis like.] 1. A person or thing resembling, or having the likeness of, some other person or thing; a counterpart or equal; † a similarity.
c1386Chaucer Miller's T. 42 He knew nat Catoun,..That bad man sholde wedde his similitude. ― Sqr.'s T. 480 Pitee renneth soone in gentil herte, Feelynge his similitude in peynes smerte. c1430Lydg. Minor Poems (Percy Soc.) 97 This gostly manna..To us figurithe..A symilitude of the sacrament. c1480Henryson Poems (S.T.S.) III. 167 Haif rewth, lord, of thyne awin symilitude. 1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 272 b, The similitude of an hande sent downe, toke me by the heer of my heed. 1632Lithgow Trav. i. 19 Romanists will worship their counterfeit similitude, in stone or tree. 1667Milton P.L. iii. 384 Begotten Son, Divine Similitude, In whose conspicuous count'nance..th' Almighty Father shines. 1714Steele Poet. Misc. Ded., Men of your Talents oblige the World, when they are studious to produce in others the Similitude of their Excellencies. 1764Goldsm. Hist. Eng. in Lett. (1772) II. 174 Accustomed to cruelty,..they expected a similitude of treatment. 1791Cowper Iliad ii. 23 The shadow stood, similitude exact Of Nestor. a1822Shelley Triumph Life 117 Nor wanted here the just similitude Of a triumphal pageant. 1876Mozley Univ. Serm. vi. 130 Nature..bearing a relation to something moral of which it is the similitude and type. 2. The form, likeness, or image of some person or thing.
a1400–50Alexander 1627 Slike a segg in my slepe me sodanly aperid, Euyn in slike a similitude & þis same wedis. c1440Gesta Rom. (1879) 62 By the lady..we shall vndirstond the soule formed to the symylitude of god. 1484Caxton Fables of Poge v, He hadde from the nauylle vpward the symylytude or lykenesse of a man. a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. (1811) 421 He had a feende in his house in the symylytude of a catte. 1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 191 The first degree of this image and similitude that is in man. 1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 13 He that waiteth for Christ..conformeth himselfe daily vnto his similitude. 1667Milton P.L. vii. 520 Let us make now Man in our image, Man In our similitude. 1871B. Taylor Faust (1875) II. 147 Behold this flame in man's similitude. 3. †a. A sign or symbol; the symbolic representation of something. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. v. (1868) 75 A tyraunt..shewide by similitude þe dredes of realmes by gastnesse of a swerde þat heng ouer þe heued of his familier. c1440Astron. Cal. (MS. Ashm. 391), Wt yn it is an hoole which shewt by similitude how þe moone wexeþ and wanȝeþ. c1440Lydg. Hors, Shepe & G. 17, I fond to purpos A similitude Ful craftily depeyntid vpon a wall. 1558Bp. Watson Sev. Sacram. vii. 39 In this Sacrament is a sygne or a figure, or a similitude of Christes body. b. A comparison drawn between two things or facts; the expression of such comparison; † a simile.
c1386Chaucer Sec. Nun's T. 431 Almache answerde vn-to that similitude, ‘Of whennes comth thyn answeryng so rude?’ c1400Langl. P. Pl. C. xx. 160 ‘By this simile [v.r. similitude],’ he seide, ‘ich seo an euidence’ [etc.]. 1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes iij b, By similitude ryght so is the kyng..with his people as the saule with the body. 1522More De quat. Noviss. Wks. 84/1, I shal put then a more ernest ymage of our condicion & that not a fained similitude but a very true fassion & fygure of oure worshipful estate. 1553Wilson Rhet. 100 b, A similitude is a likenesse when two thynges, or mo then two, are so compared and resembled together, that thei bothe in some one propertie seme like. 1635Swan Spec. M. v. §2 (1643) 116 A similitude may be taken from a chest-nut..breaking in the fire. 1699Bentley Phal. 266 To sneak away like a Cock, seems to be a very improper Similitude. 1712Addison Spect. No. 303 ⁋20 Those who are acquainted with Homer's and Virgil's way of Writing, cannot but be pleased with this kind of Structure in Milton's Similitudes. 1791Boswell Johnson 11 April 1776, Nor could I think of a similitude to illustrate it. 1854Emerson Lett. & Soc. Aims, Poet. & Imag., We cannot utter a sentence in sprightly conversation without a similitude. 1875Helps Soc. Press. iii. 44 London is often likened to Babylon; but the similitude is a very unjust one. attrib.1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 52 As for our metaphorical and similitude-men of the pulpit, these things to them are too still and languid. c. A parable; an allegory. Chiefly in Biblical use, after L. similitudo, used to render Gr. παραβολή.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. II. 207 Luc telliþ how Jesus seide to his disciplis þis similitude: þer was a man þat hadde a fige tree. 1388― Luke viii. 4 He seide bi a symylitude, He that sowith, ȝede out to sowe his seed. c1440Gesta Rom. xcvi. 426, I shall say to the an Ensawmple and a semelitude of a woman, that was a paynym. 1484Caxton Fables of æsop i. iii, This fable made Esope for a symylytude whiche is prouffitable to many folkes. 1535Coverdale Ecclus. xlvii. 15 He couered and fylled the whole londe with similitudes and wyse prudent sentences. 1582N. T. (Rhem.) Luke viii. 4 He said by a similitude. 1684Bunyan Pilgr. ii. Introd. 138 A dark Similitude Will on the Fancie more it self intrude,..Then things from Similies not borrowed. d. In proverbial use.
1674Hickman Quinquart. Hist. (ed. 2) 15 Similitudes do not run on all four, as the Proverb is. 1695in Misc. Curiosa (1708) III. 89 If..this very Place was a Temple of Jupiter Belus, the Similitude will run upon all Four. 1699Bentley Phal. Pref. p. lxxvi, Similitudes, even when they are taken from Asses, do not walk upon All Four. 4. The quality or state of being like; resemblance, similarity, likeness. Now somewhat rare.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. iv. (Skeat) l. 186 So than in that, it is more similitude to the everlasting presence. 1447O. Bokenham Seyntys (Roxb.) 10 Be congruite Of simylytude. 1484Caxton Chivalry 1 Kynges owen to haue puyssaunce and seygnorye upon the knyghtes, and the knyghtes by symylytude oughten to haue power..ouer the moyen peple. c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 923 Specially havyng symilytude of maners togyder. 1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 279 Similitude and likenesse is a great cause of loue,..because similitude maketh many things to be as one and the same thing. 1651Hobbes Leviath. Introd. 2 The similitude of Passions, which are the same in all men. 1699Bentley Phal. 287 Casaubon writ a whole Book on purpose, to shew they had no Similitude nor Affinity with one another. 1750Johnson Rambler No. 143 ⁋14 As not every instance of similitude can be considered as a proof of imitation. 1794Godwin Caleb Williams 25 A young man whom similitude of manners had rendered one of his principal confidants. 1837P. Keith Bot. Lex. 405 Such deviations..as will efface all traces of similitude of structure. a1854H. Reed Lect. Eng. Lit. i. (1878) 42 The law which reconciles similitude and dissimilitude, the harmony of contrast. 1878J. J. Young Ceramic Art 43 No better examples can be given of similitude. †b. Likelihood, probability. In phr. by or of (all, any, some) similitude. Obs.
c1460J. Metham Wks. (E.E.T.S.) 154 Qwat that a man dremyth schuld turne to trwthe be sum symylytude. 1509Hawes Past. Pleas. i. (Percy Soc.) 5 To knowe whether and unto what place It woulde me bryng by any similitude. 1513Hen. VIII in Strype Ann. Ref. (1824) V. 317 In caas the said retardation had not been, our said ship of al similitude had not happened into the said daungier. 1538Leland Itin. (1769) VII. 31 This castel..cam to them be similitude by Maryage. a1548Hall Chron., Hen. IV, D vj b, The Frenchemen whiche by all symilitude had knowledge of the kynges passage entered amongest the kynges nauie. Hence † siˈmilitudeness = similitude 2. Obs. siˈmilituding vbl. n., a drawing of comparisons. similiˈtudinize v., to make comparisons.
1547Boorde Brev. Health §182 Man is made to the similitudenes of God. 1681S. Colvil Whigs Supplic. (1751) 147 Thy own and other souls deluding, By such prophane similituding. 1837Fraser's Mag. XV. 316 Melodiously similitudinising in Sapphics languid or Alcaics terse. |