

单词 cloth-maker
释义 ˈcloth-maker
A maker of woollen cloth.
1382Wyclif 1 Sam. viii. 13 Oynement makers, and fier makers, and clothmakers [1388 bakeris; Vulg. panificas].c1470Pol. Poems (1859) II. 285 Merchaundes and cloth⁓makers..The wyche makythe the poreylle to morne and wepe.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §146 If she haue no woll of her owne, she maye take wol to spynne of clothe-makers.1779J. Haigh (title), A hint to the Dyers and Cloth Makers.1885[see clothier].
So cloth-making, the making of cloth.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 447 A good wif was ther of biside Bathe..Of clooth makyng she hadde swich an haunt She passed hem of ypres and of Gaunt.1509–10Act 1 Hen. VIII, Preamb., To leve the occupacion of Clothmakyng.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. 162 All the deceits in Cloth⁓making.




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