

单词 sine
释义 I. sine1 Obs.
Forms: α. 1 sionu, sinu, sino (obl. sine, pl. sina), 3, 5 syne, 4, 6 sine, 5 zyne, Sc. seyne. β. 4–5 syn; pl. 5 synnes.
[OE. sionu, etc. (originally a -stem: see sinew), = OFris. sini, sine, sin (Fris. sine), MDu. sene, zene (Du. zeen), MLG. and LG. sene, MHG. sene, senne (G. sehne, senne), ON. and Icel. sin (Norw. sin, sēn), MSw. sina, sena (Sw. sena), MDa. sinæ, senæ (Da. sene). The β-forms may be due to Scand. influence. Cf. also huxen and hockshin.]
A sinew.
αc725Corpus Gloss. N 97 Neruus, sionu.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 6 Læcedomas ᵹif sin [sic] scrince..& ᵹif sino clæppette & cwaciᵹe.c1000ælfric Gen. xxxii. 25 Þa æthran he his sine on his þeo, and heo þær-rihte forscranc.c1300Beket 2429 That ther nas no flesch ileved bote synes and bar bon.c1375Cursor M. 3944 (Fairfax MS.), For þis enchesoun..of sine of bestes etes nane of ȝou.c1430Two Cookery-bks. 37 Also choppe a-mong þe zynes of þe fete clene y-pikyd.Ibid., Choppe þe syneys in-to þe same milk rythte smal.c1470Henry Wallace ii. 401 Wallace..Throw brayne and seyne in sondyr straik the bayne.1544Extr. Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 207 Selling of tauch, sine, flesche, fische.
βc1400Beryn 588 For þe egge of þe panne met with his shyn, And karff a too a veyn, & þe nexte syn.14..Towneley Myst. xxiii. 165 Let now se and lefe youre dyn, And draw we ilka syn from syn.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 1073 So þat þe synnes in his ham Be þat bolnyng was drawen samen.
II. sine2|saɪn|
Also 6–7 sign(e.
[ad. L. sinus a bend, bay, etc.; also, the hanging fold of the upper part of a toga, the bosom of a garment, and hence used to render the synonymous Arab. jaib, applied in geometry as in sense 2. Cf. F. sinus, Sp. and It. seno.]
1. A gulf or bay. Obs. rare. (Cf. sinus 5.)
1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. iii. 98 Such is the German Sea, such Persian Sine, Such th' Indian Gulf.1598Ibid. ii. ii. iii. Colonies 94 Between the Erythrean Sea, and Persian Sine.
2. Trig. One of the three fundamental trigonometrical functions (cf. tangent, secant): Originally, the length of a straight line drawn from one end of a circular arc parallel to the tangent at the other end, and terminated by the radius; in mod. use, the ratio of this line to the radius, or (equivalently, as a function of an angle) the ratio of the side of a right-angled triangle opposite the given angle to the hypotenuse (the sine of an obtuse angle being numerically equal to that of its supplement). Abbrev. sin.
For coversed, logarithmic, natural, subversed, and versed sines, see the adjs.
1593T. Fale Art of Dialling 60 This Table of Sines may seeme obscure and hard to them who are not acquainted with Sinicall computation.1662Hobbes Seven Prob. Wks. 1845 VII. 62 You take BR,..which is the Sine of forty-five degrees.1663Butler Hud. i. i. 123 [He could] Resolve by Signs and Tangents streight, If Bread or Butter wanted weight.1710J. Harris Lex. Techn. II. s.v., Sines on the Plain Scale, Gunter's Scale, and almost all Scales have a Line, called the Line of Sines.1738Gentl. Mag. VIII. 10/1 The Sine of the visible Semidiameter of the Earth.1774M. Mackenzie Maritime Surv. 63 The Sines of the Complement of the Altitude.1833Herschel Astron. v. 185 The sines or tangents of such small arcs being proportional to the arcs themselves.1847Tennyson Princ. vi. 239 Of sine and arc, spheroid and azimuth.1880Haughton Phys. Geogr. iii. 155 note, This will convert all the periodic terms..into the sums of sines and cosines of arcs.
b. Const. of an angle.
1728Pemberton Newton's Philos. 361 The sine of the angle of incidence bears to the sine of the refracted angle a given proportion.1823Brooke Crystallogr. 296 The analogy between the sines of the angles of triangles, and the sides subtending those angles.1859Sabine in Man. Sci. Enq. 91 The intensity of the Earth's magnetic force in different localities is inversely as the sines of the angles of deflection.1864Bowen Logic xii. 407 The ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and those of refraction is constant for the same medium.
3. right sine, = prec. Obs.
1594Blundevil Exerc. ii. (1636) 103 Sinus complementi, is the right Sine of that Arch which is the complement of the given Arke.1596W. Burrough Variation Compass B v b, Which is the seconde right signe of the semidiurnall arke.1715tr. Gregory's Astron. (1726) II. 797 The Ratio between..the Radius and the Right Sine of the Angle ASD.1795Hutton Math. Dict. II. 456/1.
4. attrib., as sine compass, sine complement, sine galvanometer, sine-inductor, sine-integral, sine rhumb, sine-wave; sine bar Mech., a device used to set out or measure angles accurately, in which one end of a bar of known length is raised on gauge blocks; sine tone = pure tone s.v. pure a. 1 e; sine wave, a periodic oscillation of pure and simple form in which the displacement at any point is proportional to the sine of the phase angle at that point; a wave or curve resembling (a segment of) this in form.
1915Engineering 8 Jan. 42/3 A sine-bar is a flat strip of steel, planed true all over, upon which are fixed two hardened and ground plugs, 1 in. in diameter, 10 in. apart.1975Bram & Downs Manuf. Technol. i. 19 The sine bar is commonly used for marking off and checking the angle of a workpiece.
1879Encycl. Brit. X. 52/1 The earliest forms of standard galvanometer were the tangent and sine compasses invented by Pouillet.
1706Phillips (ed. 6) s.v., Sine Complement of an Arch or Angle, is what that Arch or Angle wants of 90 Degrees [etc.].
1873F. Jenkin Electr. & Magn. xiii. §8 Sine galvanometers can be easily made much more sensitive than tangent galvanometers.
1879Encycl. Brit. VIII. 49/2 A is the fixed and B the suspended coil of the electrodynamo⁓meter, and S the sine-inductor.
1880Ibid. XIII. 39/2 These functions..were styled the sine-integral and the cosine-integral.
1797Ibid. (ed. 3) XII. 693/1 The extent from 8 points to 31/4 points, the complement of the course on sine rhumbs.1828Moore Pract. Navig. 15 Sine rhumbs, marked (SR), is a line which contains the logarithms of the natural sine of every point and quarter point of the Mariner's Compass, figured from the left hand towards the right [etc.].
1962Sine tone [see line v.2 8 a].1976Times Lit. Suppl. 3 Dec. 1522/5 Stockhausen's recent memoirs of his early years, which are sometimes strangely at odds with his correspondence of the period (particularly vis-à-vis the whole question of sine-tone synthesis).
1893D. E. Jones tr. H. Hertz's Electric Waves 17 The vibration of the primary conductor is, at any rate to a first approximation, a uniformly damped sine-wave of determinate period.1916Electrician LXXVI. 800/1 The alternating current produced in the telephones is almost a pure sine wave.1965Wireless World Sept. 455/1 To verify the rated output of an amplifier a 1 kc/s sinewave is fed through it at a level sufficient to produce the rated output power.1972Islander (Victoria, B.C.) 21 May 15/2 Some of the flat fishes, such as flounders and rays, move by undulating their bodies in a flattened sine wave. Visualize this movement as a flag held horizontally in a stiff wind.
III. sine3 Eton College slang.|ˈsaɪniː|
[a. fanciful mod.L. sine (coloribus), without (colours).]
At Eton College: a House team, which excludes those awarded colours; the members of this considered collect.
1922S. Leslie Oppidan xxii. 276 The sine was made to forego the sweetness of a long lie in order to run..before breakfast.Ibid. 277 As match after match was lost by the sine, Mouler put up a notice to say that in future sine were expected to do a training walk as well as their morning run.1940M. Marples Public School Slang 112 Idioms such as these are probably not of great age{ddd}[e.g.] sine (Eton): used to describe a House team excluding colours, from the dog Latin sine coloribus, without colours: hence 2nd sine wrongly used = 2nd XI.
IV. sine
obs. f. sign n. and v.; var. of sind v.




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