

单词 sinner
释义 sinner, n.|ˈsɪnə(r)|
Forms: α. 4 sin-, synȝer, zeneȝere, sinnier, 5 synnyer. β. 4 synnere, 4–7 synner, 4– sinner. γ. 4 synnour, 4–5 (6 Sc.) synnar, 5 Sc. synar, 6 Sc. sinnar.
[f. sin v. Cf. OFris. sondere, MDu. sondaer (Du. zondaar), MLG. sunder, OHG. suntari (MHG. sundære, G. sünder), ON. and Icel. syndari (Sw. syndare, Da. synder).]
1. One who sins; a transgressor against the divine law.
αc1325Prose Psalter i. 1 Blesced be þe man, þat..stode nouȝt in þe waie of sinȝeres.Ibid. i. 6 Þe sinniers.1340Ayenb. 33 Sleuþe and uoryetinge blendeþ þe zeneȝeres.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 201 He did so myche for Pagans and Synnyers.
βc1325Prose Psalter i. 7 Þe waye of synners schal perissen.1382Wyclif Mark ii. 17, I cam not for to clepe iuste men, but synners.c1440Alph. Tales 470 A riche man..þat was a synner of his bodie.1509Fisher Funeral Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 298 It perceth my stomacke to se the rest & ease that synners often haue.1579in W. Fulke Heskins' Parl. 31 Contrition maketh a man more sinner.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxviii. 248 Salvation of a sinner, supposeth a precedent Redemption.1721Young Revenge i. i, Sinners shall..bid the light adieu.1784Cowper Task iii. 96 Now..they are safe, sinners of either sex.1820Shelley Witch Atl. lxxvi, Both, like sinners caught, Blushed.1881Besant & Rice Chapl. of Fleet I. 179 Sir Miles enjoyed the lamentations of a sinner the morning after a debauch.
fig.1610Shakes. Temp. i. ii. 101 Like one Who..Made such a synner of his memorie To credite his owne lie.
Comb.1797T. Park Sonn. 72 She ponders o'er her follies past, And, sinner-like, repents at last.
γa1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxiii. 183 Olde Adames sone, þe furste synnour [rime sauour].c1400Apol. Loll. 27 Þus was Crist callid a synnar and blasfemer.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 120 Sinnaris hes thy Celsitude Resistit cruellie.
b. spec. An unchaste woman.
14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 695 Hec fornicatrix, a sinner.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 143 The Servants, Pages, Lacquies, and Filles de joye (Punkes or pleasant sinners) which follow the Court.1688Bunyan Jerusalem Sinner saved (1886) 41 They knew that she [the woman of Samaria] was a town sinner, an adulteress.
c. In phrase as I am a sinner.
1682N. O. Boileau's Lutrin iv. 329 As I am a sinner, My eager stomach crokes, and calls for Dinner!1800Shelley Verses on a Cat i, As I am a sinner, It waits for some dinner.1844Thackeray Contrib. to Punch wks. 1900 VI. 59 My acquaintance..was in the boat with fifteen trunks, as I am a sinner.
2. In trivial use: A reprobate, rogue; an offender against some rule or custom.
1809Malkin Gil Blas iii. x, A thousand broad hints..seasoned exactly to the taste of these old sinners.1851Mayne Reid Scalp Hunt. xxx. 231 The smoky old sinner chuckled with delight at the remembrance of his adventure.1871Freeman Norm. Conq. IV. xxii. 53 The original sinners of the Herefordshire border..were still lords of English soil.
Hence ˈsinner v. (with it), to act as a sinner.
1735Pope Ep. Lady 15 Whether the Charmer sinner it, or saint it, If Folly grow romantic, I must paint it.1880A. I. Ritchie Ch. Baldred 26 He sainted it and sinnered it.




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