

单词 quinarius
释义 quinarius|kwɪˈnɑːrɪəs|
Pl. quinarii |-ɪiː|.
[L.: see quinary a. and n.]
= quinary n. 2 a.
1601P. Holland tr. Pliny's Nat. Hist. II. xxxiii. iii. 463 At what time ordained it was, that the Denarius or Denier should go for tenne Asses or pounds of brasse money; the halfe Denier, Quinarius, should be currant for five; and the Sesterce reckoned worth two and a halfe.a1666Evelyn Diary an. 1645 (1955) II. 398 Now other observations I made in Rome are these amongst other, As to Coynes & Medails, that 10 Asses make the Roman Denarius, 5 the quinarius.1708Kersey Dict. Anglo-Britannicum, Quinarius.., a Roman Coin of the Value of Five Asses, equal to 3 Pence 3 Farthings English.1771[see sesterce].1840[see denarius 1].1962R. A. G. Carson Coins 110 The new system comprised three denominations in silver—the denarius worth ten asses, the quinarius of five asses and the sestertius of two and a half.




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