

单词 cockagrice
释义 cockagrice Obs.
[f. cock + grice pig.]
In early cookery, a dish consisting of an old cock and a pig boiled and roasted together. Also called cokentrice, cokyntryce, -tryche, app. perversions of the word.
a1400Forme of Cury No. 175 Cokagres. Take an hole rowsted cok, etc.14..Anc. Cookery in Househ. Ord. (1790) 250 Kockagris, and flaumpoynts, and daryoles, and peres in syrip.Ibid. 443 Cokagrys. Take an olde cok and pull him..and also take a pygge, and flee hym..and sowe hym faste togedur, and sethe hom..and do hom on a spette.c1430Cookery Bks. 40 Cokyntryce.—Take a Capoun, & skald hym, & draw hem clene..take a Pigge, & skald hym, & draw hym in þe same maner..sewe þe fore partye of the Capoun to þe After parti of þe Pygge..putte hem on a spete, & Roste hym.Ibid. 62 Cokyntryche.Ibid. 115 Cokentrice.




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