

单词 sithence
释义 ˈsithence, adv., conj., and prep. Obs. exc. arch.
Forms: α. 4 sitth-, sytthenes, 4–5 siþ-, sithenes, 5 sythnes; 5–8 (9 arch.) sithens (6 -ins, sythens, -yns, -ence), 6 sithence. β. 5–6 sethens, 6 sethence (7 seeth-).
[f. prec. + -es -s1: cf. since adv., etc.]
A. adv.
1. = sith adv. 1. Obs.
In later use with tendency to pass into sense 3.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. vi. 65, I wil sowe it my-self and sitthenes wil I wende To pylgrymage.c1400Brut lxix, Merlyn saw þat sterre,..and siþenes he quok and wepte tenderly.1479in Eng. Gilds 414 [He] ordeigned by the same fro that tyme sethens, every mayre on Mighelmas daie to be chargid [etc.].1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 31 The slaves were not sithence seene, by whom they beleived the Prince to bee betraied.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. 94 Certain principall Persons, conceived signall for Sanctity in that Age, and sithence put into the Calender of their Saints.1757Dyer Fleece ii. 311 Sithence the Fleeces of Arcadian plains..bore esteem.
2. = sith adv. 2. Freq. with ever. Obs.
1560in Marsden Cases Crt. Admiralty (Selden) II. 119 Our said subjectes have feared ever sethence to trime..any shippes of warr.1599H. Buttes Dyets Drie Dinner F ij, Ever sithence, it hath bene a by-word: an Almond for the Parrat.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 684 Ever sithence the British nation hath continued..dutifully in their loyal allegiance.1671F. Phillips Reg. Necess. 103 The Defendant was in his service before the day given by the Essoin,..and every time sithence.
3. = sith adv. 3. Obs.
1529More Dyalogue iii. Wks. 223 Sythe that time Tyndal hath put out..another booke... And yet hath he sithens put forth a worse.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 11 Long since there was an istmus.., although the sea hath sithence fretted the same in sunder.1607J. Carpenter Pl. Man's Plough Ep. Ded. p. vi, That..which I have sithence conceived and thus brought forth.1660Trial Regic. 35 What Goods, and Chattels, he had at the time of committing the said Treason, or at any time sithence.
4. = sith adv. 4. Obs.
Very common from c 1550 to c 1650.
1548Udall Erasm. Par. Mark i. 9 The Prophetes so many hundred yeares sythens prophecied.1591Spenser Ruins Rome ix, Why haue your hands long sithence traueiled To frame this world?1619J. King Serm. 11 Apr. 10 Well⁓nigh fifteene yeeres sithence.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. 135 Seeing Devotion..long sithence hath desisted to expresse itself in such pompous Buildings.
B. conj.
1. = sith conj. 1. Obs.
1557in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 387 Sethienc [sic] the said Colladge was furste..unitid together.1566W. Adlington Apuleius (1596) 11 It is a great while paste sithens we two sawe eche other.1606Proc. agst. Late Traitors 55 Such as were made Priests sithence her Majesty came to the Crowne.
2. Seeing that; = sith conj. 2. Now arch.
Very common from c 1550 to c 1650.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xix. 15 Why calle ȝe hym cryst,..sithenes iuwes calle hym ihesus?c1400Beryn 559 Sithens þow hast hym bete, it were no reson þat I shuld bere þe gilt.1477Norton Ord. Alch. v. in Ashm. (1652) 60 Sithens our Tincture must be most pure and faire.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xli. (Percy Soc.) 203 What you avayleth such treasure to take, Sithens by force ye must it now forsake?1590Spenser F.Q. i. ix. 8 Sithens silence lesseneth not my fire,..I will reuele, what ye so much desire.1626J. Yates Ibis ad Cæsarem ii. 1 Well might he say so, sithence none that is sound and Orthodox, professeth any other societie.1644J. Berkenhead Serm. 3 We must be subject, sithence there is no power but of God.c1709Prior 1st Hymn Callim. 16 Holy Retreat! Sithence no Female hither..Must dare approach.1798W. Sotheby tr. Wieland's Oberon iv. xlviii, Sithence our Drusi prince is loathsome grown,..she sees him not without disdain.1898E. W. Hamilton Mawkin xiii, It's our plain duty to bide by it, sithens we was sent by Buccleuch to be guided by the hound.
b. So sithence that, = sith conj. 2 b. Obs.
c1400Brut cxcvi, How might Robert Holonde fynde in his hert me to bitraye, siþens þat y haue Louede him so miche?1535Fisher Wks. (1876) 385 Studiouslie to keepe it, sithens that you haue it once.1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 394 But sithens that sicke men are not to prescribe diets but to keepe them, I am redie to take potions.1630S. Lennard tr. Charron's Wisd. i. x. (1670) 37 For sithence that by their means..we attain to all knowledge [etc.].
C. prep.
1. = sith prep. 1. Obs.
1483in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. I. 102 The revenues of the same.., sethens Michilmesse last past.1556in Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. Var. Coll. IV. 221 Ever sithens the begynnyng of Kyng Edwarde the VIth untill this tyme.c1585Hooker Serm. v. ⁋8 This hath been the state of the Church sithence the beginning.1603Owen Pembrokeshire (1892) 8 For soe much doe I finde to be called Dyuett seethence the conquest.1628Abp. Williams Serm. 17 What life you see in me, sithence that happy houre I first applyed to my soule the passion of my Sauiour.
2. = sith prep. 2. Obs.
1536in Fuller Ch. Hist. (1655) v. 209 It was never merry in England, sithence the Letany was ordained.1581Nowell & Day in Conf. i. (1584) D b, Sithence the Tridentine Councill, some Popish printers haue left out the..Prologue.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 29 Sithence the remembrance of later times, a larger Emperie hath not befallen any christian potentate.




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