

单词 sixscore
释义 ˈsixscore, a. Now arch.
[f. six a. + score n. 16.]
Six times twenty, one hundred and twenty.
a1300Cursor M. 5353, I am sex scor and ten yeir ald.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. iv. 183 Hue may ney as moche do in a mounthe one As ȝoure secret seel in sexscore dayes.1489Mater. Reign Hen. VII (Rolls) II. 445 Diverse summes of money amounting to the sum of sex score poundes sterlinges.1535Coverdale 1 Kings ix. 14 And Hiram sent vnto the kynge sixe score hundreth weight of Golde.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies v. xiii. 363 There was a staire of stone of sixscore steppes.a1704T. Brown Two Oxford Scholars Wks. 1730 I. 9 His living was commonly reputed worth sixscore pounds a year.1814Southey Carmina Aulica ii. 2 Sixscore full years have pass'd.1870Bryant Iliad I. ii. 59 Fifty were their barks and each Held sixscore youths of the Bœotian race.




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