

单词 coheritor
释义 coˈheritor
[co- 3 b. Cf. F. cohéritier.]
A joint inheritor; = co-heir.
c1550Crowley Inform. & Petit. 233 The Father, whych hath by his Worde begotten hym many brothers and coheritours in his kyngdom.1645E. Pagitt Heresiogr. (ed. 4) 40 The Gentiles should not with the Jewes be made co-heriters..of the Promise.1805Southey Madoc in Azt. viii, In Heaven, Co-heritors with us of endless joy.1853G. Johnston Nat. Hist. E. Bord. I. 218 Coheritors of the soil with civilized man.
So coˈheritage, joint heritage.
1882F. W. Myers Renewal of Youth 65 The undispersed co-heritage of joy!




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