

单词 sizer
释义 I. sizer1 Obs.
Forms: 4 sisour(e, 4–5 sysour(e, 5 cysour, 7 sizer.
[aphetic form of assisour assizer.]
An assizer.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 1336 What shul we sey of þys dytours, Þys fals men, þat beyn sysours.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 234 Lordis wolen not mekely here a pore mannus cause.., but suffre sisouris of contre to distroie hem.c1440Jacob's Well 131 Þe ferthe inche is, whan false cysourys gon vp-on qwestys, & puttyn a man fro his ryȝt thrugh a fals verdyȝte.a1450Myrc 1665 Alle fals sysourus and okererus.1614in W. M. Williams Founders' Co. (1867) 30 Persons..that shall be Auditors, Clerk, Bedell, Sizer, Searcher, or Searchers, shall take the severall Oathes.
II. sizer2|ˈsaɪzə(r)|
[f. size v.1]
A device for testing the size of articles, or for separating them according to size.
1677Moxon Mech. Exerc. iii. 52 Making a true round hole in a thin peece of Brass,..you may try if the cast bullet will just..fill that hole..This thin peece of Brass, with a round hole in it, is call'd a Sizer.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Sizers, machines used in Ceylon made of perforated sheet zinc or wire gauze, for separating the coffee into three sizes.
III. sizer3|ˈsaɪzə(r)|
[f. size v.2]
One who applies size to any article.
1863Chambers's Encycl. III. 276/1 Average weekly wages:..Sizers,..25s.c1890W. H. Casmey Ventilation 8 The reason why so many old sizers are found with joints twisted out of all natural shape by rheumatism.
IV. sizer
variant of sizar.




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