

单词 skerrick
释义 skerrick Now chiefly Austral. colloq. (orig. dial.).|ˈskɛrɪk|
Also skerrik, Sc. skourick; 9 scurrick, skirrack, skirrick, skurrick.
[Origin uncertain: cf. scuddick.]
1. (See quot.) Obs.
1823Grose's Dict. Vulgar T. (ed. Egan), Scurrick, a half⁓penny. Cant.
2. A small amount; a small fragment; the slightest bit. Usu. in neg. contexts.
1825Jamieson Etym. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. 407/2, I care nae a skourick.1841R. W. Hamilton Nugae Literariae 359 Skerrick, the smallest thing or fraction. ‘Not a skerrick remaining.’ ‘Not worth a skerrick.’1859W. Dickinson Gloss. Words & Phr. Cumberland 104 Nay, aal nut give a skurrick mair.1863Bairnsla Foak's Annual 14 A son ov hiz woddant gie a skirrick a nowt ta noabdy.1873Halifax Orig. Illuminated Clock Almanack 11 He cooarted a lass 'at didn't care a skirrack fur him.1890J. D. Robertson Gloss. Dial. & Arch. Words used in County of Gloucester 135 You shan't use a scurrick of anything that belongs to me.1916Bulletin (Sydney, N.S.W.) 16 Mar. 47/1 Nothing found at all of them? Not a skerrick.1936F. Clune Roaming round Darling xxv. 269 These wadless blokes of the Never-Never have to pay road, car, petrol, State, Federal and Unemployment Relief taxes, and never get a skerrick in exchange.1947H. Drake-Brockman Fatal Days 116 Eddie had rushed off without leaving a skerrick of kindling; he often did.1962A. Upfield Will of Tribe i. 13 ‘And no tracks..you said.’ ‘Not a skerrik of a track.’1969D. Clark Nobody's Perfect v. 139 ‘Any luck?’ ‘Not a skerrick,’ said Green.1972South China Morning Post 18 Aug. 5/2 The felon was made to pick up every skerrick of refuse.1977C. McCullough Thorn Birds vii. 143 If I had paid you a skerrick of attention it would have been all over Gilly in record time.




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