

单词 skull-cap
释义 skull-cap|ˈskʌlkæp|
Also 7–9 scull-cap.
[f. skull n.1 + cap n.1]
1. a. A light, close-fitting cap, usu. of silk, velvet, or other soft material, for covering the head.
α1682Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) I. 182 About 30 persons,..clad in Indian stuffs, with sculp [sic] caps on their heads.1687Miége Gt. Fr. Dict. ii. s.v., A Scull-cap, that some wear under the Perwig.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) I. iii. xlii. 194 They also use scull-caps of paper, or a cabbage-leaf under their hats.1819Scott Leg. Montrose xi, A Presbyterian clergyman,..wearing a black silk scull-cap.1869H. F. Tozer Highl. Turkey II. 206 Their black and greasy scull⁓caps..might once have been red.
β1704Steele Lying Lovers ii. i, I suppose I was used like other Children. They clap'd me on a Skul-cap.a1734North Lives (1826) I. 59 He wore commonly a little leather cap, which sort was then called skull caps.1848Layard Nineveh vii. (1850) 141 The women wore small embroidered skull-caps.1888Burgon Lives 12 Gd. Men I. iii. 355 He commonly wore a black silk skull-cap.
b. fig.
1960S. Becker tr. A. Schwarz-Bart's Last of Just (1961) vi. 305 Everything under the skullcap of the heavens that called itself a democracy.1978Amer. Poetry Rev. July/Aug. 35/2, I remember the moon is a skullcap not placed properly on the head.
2. Hist. A steel or iron cap, a form of casque or helmet fitting closely to the head; = skull n.1 3.
1820Scott Monast. ix, An iron skull-cap, none of the brightest, bore for distinction a sprig of the holly.1824W. Irving T. Trav. (1849) 174 There was a ferocious tyrant in a skullcap like an inverted porringer, and a dress of red baize.1834J. R. Planché Brit. Costume 98 Skull-caps.., with or without nasals, are common amongst esquires, archers and men at arms.
3. Bot. One or other of various species of plants belonging to the genus Scutellaria, in which the calyx finally assumes the appearance of a helmet.
α1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 326 Scull-cap, see Skull-cap.1777Lightfoot Flora Scot. I. 320 Scutellaria,..Little red Scull-cap or Willow-herb.1821Barton Flora N. Amer. I. 5 Scutellaria hyssopifolia. Hyssop-leaved Scull-cap.Ibid. 78 Scutellaria laterifolia. Side-flowering Scull-cap... Blue Scull-cap.1845–50A. H. Lincoln Lect. Bot. 172 The scull-cap, (Scutellaria,)..has been said to be a remedy for the hydrophobia.
β1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 327 Skull-cap, Scutellaria.1786Abercrombie Arr. 67 in Gard. Assist., Skull-cap, or helmet flower.1855Miss Pratt Flowering Pl. IV. 205 Common Skull-cap..received its name from the singular impalement of its calyx, which, when inverted, resembles a helmet with its visor raised.
b. Amer. (See quot.)
1846–50A. Wood Class-bk. Bot. 406 Veronica scutellata, Skull-cap or Marsh Speedwell,..[grows] in swamps and marshes, N. Eng. and Western States, and Brit. Am[erica].
4. Geol. (See quots.)
1839Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. II. 375/2 The skull cap [in certain quarries in the island of Portland] is irregular in texture; it is a well-compacted limestone, containing cherty nodules.1860R. Damon Geol. Weymouth 88 The term ‘skull cap’, applied to the solid layers constituting the lowest bed of the Purbeck formation, is intended to denote its position in relation to other beds below.1885R. Etheridge Stratigr. Geol. & Palæontol. 478 note, The lower Purbeck beds are known as the ‘cap’ and the ‘skull cap’. They are botryoidal limestones or indurated calcareous tuffs, possibly derived from the denudation of the Portland rocks.
5. Anat. The bony structure covering the brain; the top or roof of the head.
1855L. Holden Human Osteology 94 The skull-cap is composed of the expanded arches of three of the cranial vertebræ, and forms a beautiful oval dome for the protection of the brain.1866Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 760/1 These fossæ are marked, as is the whole skull-cap, by the cerebral convolutions.




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