

单词 slaken
释义 ˈslaken, v. Obs.
Also 4 slakyn.
[f. slake a. + -en5: cf. the later slaken v.]
1. intr. To grow slack; to abate.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 5993 Here synne shal noþer be forȝyuen ne slakyn Vn-to þey ȝelde þat þey haue takyn.c1330Chron. Wace (Rolls) 9473 When he was ded, his side gan slaken; Lightly was þen þe castel taken.a1352Minot Poems ix. 49 Þe pride of sir Dauid bigon fast to slaken.1633T. James Voy. 103 The Storme began to slaken.1675Essex Papers (Camden) I. 308 Least any may pretend ignorance or thinke we should slaken therein.
2. trans. To assuage, mitigate.
1629Sir W. Mure True Crucifix Wks. I. 275 Till God thy Dolours slaken, in some sort.




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