

单词 slanderful
释义 ˈslanderful, a. Obs. rare.
Also 5 sclandirful, 6 sklaunder-.
[f. slander n. + -ful.]
= slanderous a.
1453Epist. Acad. Oxon. (1898) I. 320 The first publisheris of the seide sclandirful noysyng.1663Dryden Wild Gallant iii. ii, Come, come, you're a slanderful huswife.
Hence ˈslanderfully adv. Obs. rare.
1550–1Acts Privy Council (1891) III. 213 He had at all tymes..used him self unreverentlie to the Kinges Majestie, and very sklaunderfullie towardes the Counsaill.




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