

单词 comment
释义 I. comment, n.|ˈkɒmɛnt|
Also 5–7 coment, 6 com(m)ente, (commend).
[a. OF. comment (-end, -and) commentary, ad. L. commentum invention, contrivance, enthymeme, (in Isidore) a comment or interpretation (see commentary); from comment-us, pa. pple. of commin-isc-or (root com-men-) to devise by careful thought, contrive, invent, f. *men-, root of mens, memini, etc. The mod. use corresponds to that of Isidore.]
1. An expository treatise, an exposition; a commentary. Obs.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 43 Galion seiþ in þe eende of his coment coold is moost grevous to a senewy lyme þat is woundid.c1475Babees Bk. (1868) 1 This tretys..this lytil coment.1513Douglas æneis Ded. 141 (end of Bk.), I haue alsso a schort comment [v.r. commend] compild, To expon strange historeis and termes wild.1530Palsgr. Introd. 5 A thirde boke, which is a very comment and exposytour unto my seconde.1609B. Jonson Case is Altered i. ii, He speaks all riddle..I must have a comment ere I can conceive him.1703T. N. City & C. Purch. 45 Barbaro..in his largest Edition of his Comment upon Vitruvius.1877J. D. Chambers Div. Worship 139 The middle three [lections] from some Comment on Holy Scripture.
2. a. A remark or note in explanation, exposition, or criticism of a literary passage; an annotation; a remark or criticism (on or upon anything).
1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1570) 106 For all Scripture new comentes to deuise.1595Shakes. John iv. ii. 263 Forgiue the Comment that my passion made Vpon thy feature.a1658Cleveland Wks. (1687) 11 Some Comments clear not, but increase the doubt.1780Cowper Progr. Err. 494 Hence comment after comment.1781Crabbe Library 191 Bibles with cuts and comments.1871Ruskin Munera P. Pref. (1880) 25 What few explanatory comments I have felt it necessary to add.
b. In extended and fig. uses.
1606G. W[oodcocke] Hist. Ivstine 127 a, Which wonder the southsaires interpreted to betoken a great..alteration..which according to..their coment happened.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. iii. xv, Bella looked to Mrs. Boffin's face for a comment on..this stormy humour in her husband.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. xxiii. 264 The names of the hostages..are a good comment on the mixed population of the Northern Kingdom.
c. Colloq. phr. no comment: a conventional statement of refusal to comment on a situation, esp. when answering a journalist, interviewer, or the like.
1950Time 18 Sept. 26 Questioned on a press report that ‘a close adviser to President Truman’ was predicting Johnson's resignation, White House Press Secretary Charles Ross issued a perfunctory ‘no comment’.1957‘P. Quentin’ Suspicious Circumstances ii. 17 ‘No comment at all.’ She dropped the receiver and watched me again... ‘I've always wanted to say No Comment into a phone.’1965A. Prior Interrogators xi. 205 ‘Is this man a suspect?’ ‘No comment. Sorry.’1970Guardian 8 Jan. 2/4 The District Attorney..answered ‘No comment’, when asked if the inquiry had been worthwhile.
3. collect. The expository or critical matter added to illustrate the text of a book.
1589Pappe w. Hatchet (1844) 41 Beware my Comment, tis odds the margent shall be as full as the text.1680H. More Apocal. Apoc. Pref. 31 The..Text..is printed..in a black English letter, the more easily to be distinguished from the Comment.1756Burke Vind. Nat. Soc. Wks. 1842 I. 17 Some adopted the comment, others stuck to the text.1859Tennyson Merlin & V. 681 None can read the text, not even I; And none can read the comment but myself.
4. The action of commenting; animadversion, criticism, remark.
1847Tennyson Princ. iii. 35 You need not set your thoughts in rubric thus For wholesale comment.1878Morley Carlyle Crit. Misc. Ser. i. 185 The fact that he should have taken no distinct side..has been the subject of some comment.
5. ‘Sometime it is taken for a lie or fayned tale’ (Bullokar 1616; also in Cockeram 1623). Obs. [So L. commentum: cf. also comment v. 1.]
6. Comb. as commentless, comment-like adj. or adv.
1654Whitlock Zootomia 242 They Comment-like refer to this.1886H. Merivale in Temple Bar Mag. LXXVI. 550 The commentless record of such and such a letter.
II. comment, v.|ˈkɒmɛnt, kəˈmɛnt|
Also 6 comente.
[In branch I, ad. med.L. commentāre, to devise, excogitate (usually in a bad sense, of fraud or mischief), by-form of L. commentāri, freq. of comminis-ci, comment-us, to devise, invent, contrive: see prec. In branch II, app. immediately f. comment n.: cf. F. commenter to expound (Cotgr.), It. commentare to expound largely (Florio). With the exception of that from Spenser (sense 1), all the verse quots. accent the first syllable; but some orthoepists recognize coˈmme·nt, which is usual in Scotland;
cf.1824L. Murray Eng. Gram. (ed. 5) I. 349 Trisyllables formed by adding a termination..retain the accent of the radical word: as..comménting, comménding, assúrance.]
I. repr. med.L. commentāre.
1. trans. To devise, contrive, invent (especially something false or bad). Obs. (The quots. 1554 and 1596 appear to connect this with branch II.)
c1450tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 129 Machomete the false prophete..commentenge [L. commentavit, v.r. adinvenit] the wickede secte of Saracenys.1554Philpot Exam. & Writ. (Parker Soc.) 376 Whether it may be seen rightful to comment any thing or to abate as concerning the matter in defining holy scriptures.1596Spenser F.Q. vii. vii. 53 Where were ye borne? Some say in Crete by name, Others in Thebes, and others other-where; But, wheresoever they comment the same, They all consent that ye begotten were And borne here in this world.
II. f. comment, n.
2. a. trans. To furnish with comments; to make a comment or comments on; to annotate. arch. Hence ˈcommented ppl. a.
1599Thynne Animadv. (1865) 75 Leysure to reprinte, correcte, and comente the same.1641Milton Ch. Govt. v. (1851) 119 Anselme..commenting the Epistles to Titus and the Philippians.1695Humfrey Mediocria 29, I comment therefore these words thus.1700Prior Carmen Sec. 158 To trace each Toil, and comment ev'ry War.1768Johnson Pref. to Shaks. Wks. IX. 285 The chief desire of him that comments an author.1838–9Hallam Hist. Lit. I. i. iii. 149 The treatise was commented, abridged..and even turned into verse.1904Nation (N.Y.) 7 Apr. 272 Tennyson's In Memoriam, commented by L. Morel.1963Language XXXIX. 242 This commented anthology.
b. with extension, into, away.
1642Fuller Holy State 33 (T.) She studiously avoids all suspicious expressions, which wanton apprehensions may colourably comment into obscenity.1726Amhurst Terræ Fil. No. 40. 217 This oath, like other oaths, is commented away, and interpreted so loosly.
3. intr. To write explanatory or critical notes ( to) on, or upon a text.
1611Cotgr., Commenté, expounded, commented on.1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. iii. 230 Hee..Commenting to that text of Scripture..writes, etc.1796H. Hunter tr. St. Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) III. 757 To be copied, printed, commented on, translated.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 73 The same Manuscript which I am translating, and upon which I am commenting.
4. a. To make comments or remarks (on, upon). (Often implying unfavourable remarks.)
1591Shakes. Two Gent. ii. i. 42 Not an eye that sees you, but is a Physician to comment on your Malady.1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. Ep. Ded., Little expecting the Curiosity of future Ages should comment upon their Ashes.1871R. F. Weymouth Euphuism 11, I have been commenting pretty freely on the errors of two critics.1872Freeman Hist. Ess. (ed. 2) 12 William of Malmesbury's tale, on which he himself thus comments.
b. with the remark as an obj. clause or sentence.
1643Milton Divorce ii. xv. (1851) 99 Commenting that divorce was permitted only for the help of wives.1883Lloyd Ebb & Flow II. 170 ‘Two opposite schools at once, you see,’ commented Gervase.
5. To remark mentally; to meditate, ponder.
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iv. iii. 51 Come, I haue learn'd that fearfull commenting Is leaden seruitor to dull delay.1602Return fr. Parnass. iii. v. (Arb.) 46 He doubles griefe that comments on a wo.
Hence commenting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1594[see 5].1643Milton Divorce Introd. (1851) 10 The shallow commenting of Scholasticks and Canonists.a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Queries of State Wks. 177 Matters not set down in it, or ambiguously..understood, and by appendixes and commenting supposed.1710Shaftesbury Charac. (1737) III. 269 The criticizing or commenting Practice.1857Whewell Hist. Induct. Sc. I. 237 A commenting literature, and a second-hand philosophy.




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