

单词 commissar
释义 commissar
Also 5 comis-, commissare, 6–7 commisser(e.
[ad. F. commissaire, ad. med.L. commissāri-us: see commissary and -ar2.]
1. = commissary in various senses. Obs. chiefly Sc.
1425Sc. Acts Jas. I (1814) Pref. 19 (Jam.) Alsua the commissaris of the burovys, in the name of the haill merchandis of the realme.1427Ibid. (1597) §101 That of ilk Schirefdome their be send [to Parliaments]..twa or maa wise men..the quhilk sal be called Commissares of the Schire.c1475Pict. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 780 (Nomina Ecclesiasticorum), Hic Comissarius, comissere.1567Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1597) §28 Anent the Artickle proponed be the Commisseris of Edinburgh.a1649Acts Chas. I (1814) V. 320 (Jam.) Electit Mr. Alexander Gibsone of Durie to be general commisser of the haill kingdome..and of all the forceis, armeis, regimentis, etc.1681Act Prot. Relig. Scotl. in Lond. Gaz. No. 1649/2 All Sheriffs..Officers of the Mint, Commissars and their Deputs, their Clerks and Fiscals.
2. |ˈkɒmɪsɑː(r), kɒmɪˈsɑː(r)|. [ad. Russ. komissár.]
a. = commissary 1; esp. during and after the Revolution of 1917 in Russia, a representative appointed by a Soviet, a government, or the Communist party to be responsible for political indoctrination and organization, esp. in military units.
b. In full People's Commissar, the head of a government department in the U.S.S.R. or any of its constituent republics. (In 1946 the title was replaced by ‘Minister’.)
1918tr. Lenin's Less. Revolution (title-p.), By Vladimir Oulianow (N. Lenin) President of the Council of People's Commissars... Published by the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda attached to the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs.192019th Cent. Aug. 216 Some artists protected by commissars are well paid.1921Chambers's Jrnl. 151/1 The Bolsheviks retreated in a panic, killing their own commissars as they fled.1932J. G. Wright tr. Trotsky's Hist. Russ. Revol. xiv. 294 At the session of March 6 [1917], the Executive Committee considered it advisable to instal its own commissars in all regiments and all military institutions... One of the principal duties of the commissars was to keep watch over the political reliability of the staff and commanding officers.1955J. Carmichael tr. Sukhanov's Russ. Revol. i. iii. 62 Braunstein proposed that directives be given..for district committees to be formed, and for plenipotentiary Commissars to be appointed in each district to restore order and direct the struggle against anarchy and pogroms.




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