

单词 sleeping
释义 I. sleeping, vbl. n.|ˈsliːpɪŋ|
[f. sleep v.]
1. a. The fact, state, or condition of being asleep; an instance or occasion of this.
a1300Cursor M. 11583 Þar ioseph on his sleping lai.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. Prol. 10, I slumberde in a slepyng.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 57 Wille þou noght folowe þy delyces yn etynge and drynkynge,..ne longe slepynge.c1440Alph. Tales 91 Þis womman layde hur down..& slepyd, & in hur slepyng sho dyed.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 126 The visyons..& inspiracyons of the holy goost, eyther in slepynge or wakynge.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 221 As I say of this, so I say of nightly sleepings taken abusiuely.a1613Overbury A Wife, etc. (1638) 285 Often sleepings are so many tryals to dye.1651R. Child in Hartlib's Legacy (1655) 66 That you may better understand their several sicknesses or sleepings.1719De Foe Crusoe i. (Globe) 270 The Fellow..was between sleeping and waking.1796Plain Sense (ed. 2) III. 189 These frequent sleepings, exposed to the open air,..made more substantial cloathing necessary.1886Gurney Phantasms of Living I. 389 These experiences, which occur on the borderland of sleeping and waking.
b. In transf. or fig. senses.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. lvii. (Bodl. MS.), Þey [that] haue þe stone in þe reynes feleþ in that place tyngling and slepyng for stopping of þe senewe.1483Cath. Angl. 344/2 Slepynge in y⊇ lymmes, artesis.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, ii. iv. 163 You euer Haue wish'd the sleeping of this busines.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 919 Sleeping of Process. In the..Court of Session, a process..is said to be asleep, when a year and day have elapsed [etc.].
c. With advbs. as around (see sleep v. B. 1 b), out (see sleep v. B. 1 k).
1852Rep. Committee on Criminal & Destitute Juveniles App. iii. 427 in Parl. Papers VII. 389 It is his fourth committal; his offence being, ‘sleeping out’.1945S. Lewis C. Timberlane xxiv. 155 Going to be none of this ‘modern civilized, urbane’ sleeping around and getting complicated in our house.1957J. Braine Room at Top xxv. 204 I'm glad you've decided to settle down. You're too old for sleeping around.1973E. J. Bahr Nice Neighbourhood xiii. 137 Her mother..did some sleeping around to help make ends meet.1974‘M. Innes’ Appleby's Other Story ix. 73 One very large bush has been curiously hollowed out... The badgers use it as a sleeping-out place.1976V. Canning Doomsday Carrier iv. 68 A sleeping-out pass until six tomorrow.1976Howard Jrnl. XV. i. 43 It seems wrong to assume..that non-indictable assaults, malicious damage, begging and sleeping out [etc.],..are all associated with social dereliction, homelessness, or disturbed behaviour.
2. attrib.
a. With words denoting places used for sleeping in, as sleeping apartment, sleeping-berth, sleeping-box, sleeping-cabin, sleeping-car, sleeping-chamber, sleeping-place, sleeping-platform, sleeping-porch, sleeping-quarters, sleeping-room, etc.
1825Scott Betrothed Concl., Receiving Damian de Lacy into her *sleeping apartment.
1834Chambers's Edin. Jrnl. III. 316/2 The Calais boats being small, and mounting few *sleeping berths.1939Auden & Isherwood Journey to War v. 123 The bugs must have been nesting in the upholstery of the shabby old Belgian sleeping-berths.1979O. Sela Petrograd Consignment 259 The..relative comfort of a first-class sleeping berth..all the way to Stockholm.
1847H. Melville Omoo i, Into a wretched ‘bunk’ or *sleeping-box.
1833T. Hook Parson's Dau. iii. xi, Here was the governor's *sleeping-cabin.
1839Mechanic's Mag. 5 Jan. 240 The introduction of the newly-invented *sleeping cars on our railroads.1872Sleeping-car [see Pullman a].1903Mrs. H. Ward Lady Rose's Daughter xviii. 313, I will go and get a sleeping car for you to Calais.1954T. S. Eliot Confidential Clerk i. 32, I shall go and rest now. In a sleeping-car it is quite impossible To get one's quiet hour.1978J. Simmons Railway in England & Wales 1830–1914 I. viii. 195 The first sleeping cars in Britain appeared in 1873, on trains running between London and Glasgow.
1814Scott Diary 30 July in Lockhart (1837) III. iv. 137 Then the kitchen of the people,..then their *sleeping-chamber.
1852Thackeray Esmond i. iv, A small chamber where..Harry Esmond [had] his *sleeping closet.
1889Pall Mall G. 7 Feb. 7/1 The passengers say than an axle first broke under a *sleeping coach.
1656Phillips Purch. Pattern (1676) 11 *Sleeping holes to defend them from..the weather.
1688Stradling Serm. (1692) 185 What are Church-yards but κοιµητήρια, *Sleeping-houses.1870Emerson Soc. & Solitude v. 98 An eating-house and sleeping-house for travellers.
1869Wallace Malay Archip. (ed. 10) 272 The skeleton of his little *sleeping-hut remained.
1565Cooper Thesaurus, Dormitorium, a dortour: a *sleapynge place.1688Miége, Dortoir,..the sleeping Place in a Monastery.1840Cottager's Manual 35 in Husb. III. (L.U.K.), To keep the pigs dry, a sufficient slope must be given..to the floor of the..sleeping-place.1910W. de la Mare Three Mulla-Mulgars 52 Let us hobble on, Mulla-mulgars, until we find a quieter sleeping-place.1957P. Worsley Trumpet shall Sound viii. 150 Existing huts were to be..replaced by communal houses..one as sleeping-place for the men and one for the women.
1935Discovery Dec. 361/2 Mr E. W. Savory did not actually see any of these apes in the district, but the presence of their *sleeping-platforms is proof of their residence there.1940R. Finnie Lure of North 199 His original excavation, from which most of the snow blocks needed for the house had been taken, now constituted the floor, and the rest of that space—more than half—was the sleeping platform, a foot or so higher.
1915J. Webster Dear Enemy 44, I want two hundred feet of *sleeping-porch running along the outside of our dormitories.1971Sunday Express (Johannesburg) (Homefinder) 28 Mar. 2/2 (Advt.), Flats 6 × 2 plus sleeping porch.
1919E. O'Neill Moon of Caribbees 117 A door leading to the captain's *sleeping quarters.1944J. S. Huxley On Living in Revolution 111 Many people have to share crowded sleeping-quarters.1982V. Mehta Vedi iii. 52 Mrs. Ras Mohun marched me up to her sleeping quarters.
1727Boyer Dict. Royal 1, Dortoir,..the *Sleeping Room in a Monastery.1789J. May Jrnl. & Lett. (1873) 125, I often find..the air of the sleeping-rooms thick and ropy.1833Chambers's Edin. Jrnl. I. 386/1, I..was shown to my sleeping-room by the waiter.1903W. B. Yeats in Fortn. Rev. Apr. 752 Maeve walked through that great hall, and with a sigh Lifted the curtain of her sleeping-room.1978Chicago June 135/2 He..leads me into a small sleeping room, which has a cot, a small desk, and a chair.
1753Hanway Trav. ii. xi. (1762) I. 52, I provided myself with a *sleeping waggon, and..took post for St. Petersburg.
b. With names of articles used for sleeping in, on, or with, as sleeping-bag, sleeping-chair, sleeping-gear, sleeping-mask, sleeping-mat, etc.; sleeping dictionary slang, a foreign woman with whom a man has a sexual relationship and from whom he learns her language.
Hexham (1648), rendering Du. combs. in slaep-, has sleeping-bank, -bed, -cap, -coif, -kerchief, etc.
1850S. Osborn Jrnl. 11 Oct. in Stray Leaves from Arctic Jrnl. (1852) 147 Friday morning, at seven o'clock, we rolled up our beds, or rather *sleeping-bags.1856Kane Arctic Expl. I. xvi. 196 We crawled into our reindeer sleeping-bags.1933Discovery Sept. 284/1 We retired to sleep in our sleeping-bags in the tiny room allotted us.1978Times 22 Nov. 5/4 She had put him..in his carrycot wrapped in a sleeping bag, romper suit and cardigan.
1675in J. Gloag Short Dict. Furnit. (1969) 619 For a *sleeping chaire to fall in the back of Iron Worke.a1877Knight Dict. Mech. I. 481/2 Car-seats..made reclining, for night travel..are termed ‘sleeping-chairs’.1924Macquoid & Edwards Dict. English Furnit. I. 215 In the Queen's Closet at Ham House are two winged ‘sleeping chairs’..with ratchets to let down the backs.
1928J. B. Wharton Squad 21 We picked up two beauties... Oo-la-la—I've learned French—out uv a sleepin' dictionary—dat's what dey're called.1965Listener 25 Mar. 461/3 He paints the old China of bound feet,..the endless dinners, the mistress (*sleeping dictionary) as fragile as a butterfly.1979M. Lindsay in C. Allen Tales from Dark Continent i. 14 In East Africa..‘East African officers as a whole maintained a..stricter code in the matter of sleeping with African women’—sometimes referred to as ‘sleeping dictionaries’, from their obvious advantages as language instructors—than did their fellow-officers in West Africa.
1856Kane Arctic Expl. I. viii. 89 We had buffalo-robes for our *sleeping-gear.
1908S. Ford Side-Stepping with Shorty McCabe ix. 139 They'd kept his face in a steam box by the hour..made him wear a *sleepin' mask, and done everything but peel him alive.1944S. Bellow Dangling Man 79 A black cotton sleeping mask hung around her neck.
1836–7Dickens Sk. Boz, Scenes xxv, A row of large hooks,..on each of which was hung the *sleeping-mat of a prisoner.1965A. Nicol Truly Married Woman 3 He then severely flogged his eldest son..for wetting his sleeping-mat last night.1979J. Melville Wages of Zen ii. 21 Hanae always folded the sleeping mats up and put them away during the day.
1856Kane Arctic Expl. II. xvi. 168 Two buffalo-robes..forming *sleeping-sacks for the occasion.
1622T. Scott Belg. Pismire 12 Salomon the Preacher..rowseth him vp from that *sleeping-stoole of his.
1897M. L. Hughes Medit. Fever v. 178 The *sleeping-suit (be it pyjamas or night-dress).1897Outing XXIX. 335/2 An elk-skin contrivance, miscalled a ‘sleeping-suit’.
c. In the sense of ‘inducing sleep’, as sleeping cordial, sleeping cup, sleeping-draught, sleeping pill, sleeping powder, sleeping tablet, etc. Cf. sleeping ppl. a. 2.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. civ. (Bodl. MS.), Mandragora is a slepinge herbe.1568Grafton Chron. II. 218 By the meane of a sleapyng poyson or drinke that he gaue to his kepers..he escaped.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. v. iii. 244 Then gaue I her..A sleeping Potion.1664Lady Hobart Let. 23 Mar. in M. M. Verney Mem. (1899) IV. ii. 53 Thay had no way but to give hur a sleping pell, & she slep all night.1709E. W. Donna Rosina 120 Some sleeping Powders to be administered to Crispin.1790J. Woodforde Diary 17 Sept. (1927) III. 214 Her Child is dead..owing it is supposed to her [having] given him a Sleeping Pill.1810Crabbe Borough vii. 222 She gave her powerful sweet without remorse, The sleeping cordial.1819Scott Ivanhoe vi, Offer the sleeping cup to his holy man.1829Anne of G. xix, To hand round to the company a sleeping-drink, or pillow-cup.1838Mrs. Carlyle Lett. I. 97 Any sort of sleeping-draught, which had no opium in it.c1900H. A. Jones in M. R. Booth Eng. Plays of 19th Cent. (1969) II. 414 You'll find a sleeping powder in the second drawer... We must manage to give Lionel a little sleep tonight.1934G. B. Shaw Too True to be Good i. 42 It must be that new sleeping draught the doctor gave me.1936Time 19 Oct. 66/2 It was then that she attempted to find independence in an overdose of sleeping powder.1938W. S. Maugham Writer's Notebk. (1949) 300 He feels the moment can never be excelled and so takes an overdose of sleeping-pills.1941C. Milburn Diary 4 Oct. (1979) vii. 110 A sleeping tablet last night gave me a good rest.1973M. Amis Rachel Papers 30 Dozy afternoons slugging on opiate cough mixtures, sleeping-draughts dropped at noon, stolen handfuls of Valium, a sheet of aspirins before breakfast.1976H. Wilson Governance of Britain iv. 105, I have never had a sleeping pill in No. 10. I have never needed one.1977K. O'Hara Ghost of T. Penry xv. 148 She'd taken a quadruple dose of sleeping tablets last night.
d. Denoting morbid states, as sleeping disease, sleeping evil.
(a)1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. iii. (Bodl. MS.), Floures isode in oile awakeþ ham þat haue..þe slepinge yuel.1580Blundevil Horsemanship iv. xix, Of the Sleeping euill.1639T. de la Grey Compl. Horsem. 69 The takings, sleeping-evil, madnesse, and the like.
(b)a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (Sommer) 167 As I haue seene one that was sick of a sleeping disease, could not be made wake, but with pinching of him.1899G. Massee Plant-Dis. 328 The disease is indicated by the dull colour of the leaves [of the tomato], which commence to droop; this is quickly followed by a collapse of the stem, hence the name ‘sleeping disease’.
e. In misc. use, as sleeping-halt, sleeping hour, sleeping partner, sleeping posture, sleeping stage, sleeping-tide, sleeping time (also fig.).
1456Paston Lett. I. 390 Writan in my slepyng tyme at after none, on Wytsonday.c1560Bp. Pilkington Exp. Nehem. xvi. 21 At noone he must haue his sleeping time.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iii. ii. 8 While she was in her dull and sleeping hower.1656Blount Glossogr. s.v. Dormant, A Lyon..lying in a sleeping posture.1707E. Settle Siege of Troy iii. 18 'Tis high sleeping Time, and so let's all home to Bed.1833E. B. Browning tr. Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound 96 The close and subtle clasping of a chain..Whose links are furnished from the common mine..From work-times, diet-times, and sleeping-times.1856Kane Arctic Expl. II. xxix. 289 At one of our sleeping-halts upon the rocks.1887Morris Odyss. iv. 105 When memory maketh loathly my meat and my sleeping tide.1899G. Massee Plant-Dis. 328 Shortly after the sleeping stage has been reached.1903Farmer & Henley Slang VI. 247/1 Sleeping-partner... 2. (common).—A bed-fellow.1926Maines & Grant Wise-Crack Dict. 14/1 Sleeping time, one year in Jail.1959T. S. Eliot Elder Statesman 5 The rhythm that governs the repose of our sleepingtime.1967P. D. James Unnatural Causes i. vi. 42 Your sleeping partner would provide you with an alibi.1979G. Mitchell Mudflats of Dead xiv. 144 Camilla wasn't the only predator... People are always changing their sleeping partners.
II. sleeping, ppl. a.|ˈsliːpɪŋ|
[f. sleep v.]
1. a. That is asleep; slumbering. Also absol.
a1300Cursor M. 21075 And als a slepand aends oft, It bers þe pudre vp o-loft.a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxiii. 1129 Þe geaunt..Þat wel a-wakeþ þe slepynge Of sleep of deþ so long.1562Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 3 Sleuthfull marinaris and sleipand sterismen.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. i. 170 The iuyce of it, on sleeping eye-lids laid.1605Macb. ii. ii. 53 The sleeping, and the dead, Are but as Pictures.1629Milton Hymn Nativ. xxvii, Her sleeping Lord with Handmaid Lamp attending.1775Sheridan Duenna i. i, My sleeping love shall know Who sings.1812Crabbe Tales xvi. 467 A sleeping boy the Mother held the while.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 260 Group respiration may frequently be seen in sleeping children.
Prov.c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 764 It is nought good a slepyng hound to wake.1562[see dog n. 17 k].1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, i. ii. 174 Since all is wel, keep it so: wake not a sleeping Wolfe.1623J. Wodroephe Marrowe Fr. Tongue 505/2 Do not awake the sleeping Cat.1824Scott Redgauntlet let. xi, Best to let sleeping dogs lie.1864–86[see dog n. 17 k].
(b) Sleeping Beauty (occas. Sleeping Princess), the heroine of a fairy tale (Charles Perrault's La belle au bois dormant) who slept for a hundred years, until woken by the kiss of her prince; also (sometimes with small initial) applied allusively and joc. to any sleeping or unconscious person; also attrib. and transf.
1729R. Samber Perrault's Tales iv. 32 (heading) The sleeping beauty in the wood.1830Tennyson (title) The sleeping beauty.1893S. Weyman Gentleman of France III. xxviii. 91 The Castle before us..might have been that of the Sleeping Princess, so fairylike it looked.1907E. Glyn Three Weeks iv. 64 The Austrians..are naturally awake, whereas you English are naturally asleep, and you yourself are the Sleeping Beauty, Paul.1909Mrs. H. Ward Daphne ii. 40 It had been a Sleeping Beauty story so far. Treasure for the winning—a thorn hedge—and slain lovers!1936C. Day Lewis Friendly Tree vii. 97 Who could wake the Sleeping Beauty with a kiss of friendship?1955E. Bowen World of Love vii. 126 Sleeping-beauty briars..swung at her.1965J. Porter Dover Two ii. 26 A rather smudgy photograph of Curdley's Sleeping Beauty lying motionless in her hospital bed.1967V. Nabokov Speak, Memory vi. 136 The terra-incognita blanks map makers of old used to call ‘sleeping beauties’.1977D. Bagley Enemy xxiii. 179 You can go in and wake the sleeping beauties.1979A. Price Tomorrow's Ghost ii. 28 You can be our Sleeping Princess in the Library, and I shall come and wake you with a kiss.
b. Occupying a bed or beds in a certain place. sleeping attorney (see quot. 1809).
1809Kendall Trav. I. 184 It has been found that a sleeping attorney may be rendered very profitable... His business is to secure a lodging in one of the many-bed-rooms, which at the public inns, happen to be chiefly occupied by a large part of the jury sworn to try the cause.1876T. Hardy Ethelberta (1890) 32 We've a house full of sleeping company, you understand.
c. Of plants: (see sleep v. 3 b).
1757J. Hill Sleep of Plants 3 In what are called the sleeping plants.1796Stedman Surinam II. xxv. 230 The sleeping plant, so called from its leaves..clapping close together from sun-set to sun-rise.
d. In specific names of animals, etc.
1803Shaw Gen. Zool. IV. 250 Sleeping Gobiomore..: supposed to take its name from the slowness of its movements.1859D. Bunce Trav. with Dr Leichhardt ix. 94 We disturbed many of the short, knobby-tailed sleeping lizard (Agama).1883Harper's Mag. Jan. 189/1 The eyes of the sleeping monkey (nyctipithecus).1897G. C. Bateman Vivarium 119 The Stump-tailed Lizard (Trachysaurus rugosus), also known as the Two-headed Lizard and the Sleeping Lizard, comes from Australia.
e. Seen in sleep.
1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxx. (1787) III. 139 The mind of Alaric was ill prepared to receive, either in sleeping or waking visions, the impressions of Greek superstition.
f. sleeping policeman: see policeman 1 e.
2. Inducing sleep; soporific. Obs. rare. Cf. sleeping vbl. n. 2 c.
c1369Chaucer Dethe Blaunche 162 A few wellys..That made a dedly slepynge soun.1578Lyte Dodoens 447 One is called Solanum somniferum, that is to say Sleeping Night⁓shade.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. li. 269 Dwale or sleeping Nightshade hath round blackish stalks.
3. Numb: devoid of sensation.
1562Turner Baths 3 These baths are good for..the unfelinge and slepinge membres.1818Hogg Brownie of Bodsbeck xii, On pretence of a sleeping leg.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 640 Pressure, not in itself severe, will in time produce the well-known sleeping foot.
4. a. Inactive, torpid, quiescent.
1538Starkey England ii. iii. 208 Thys celestyal doctryne..ys neuer gyuen to idul & slepyng myndys.1598J. Davis Epigr. ii, Whilst in his sheath his sleeping sword doth bide.1702Rowe Tamerl. i. i, The magic Numbers rouze our sleeping Passions.1754Gray Pleasure fr. Vicissitude 6 Till April starts, and calls around The sleeping fragrance from the ground.a1822Shelley Fragm. Unf. Drama 184 Those words in which Passion makes Echo taunt the sleeping strings.1851G. Brimley Ess. (1858) 119 As means, he may..use them to move and rouse the sleeping soul.
b. sleeping table, an immovable apparatus on which ore is washed.
1839Ure Dict. Arts 815 The grilles anglaises are similar to the sleeping tables used at Idria.1855J. R. Leifchild Cornwall Mines 207 Then follow the picking, stamping, and washing on a kind of sleeping table.
c. sleeping rent, a dead rent (see dead a. 30).
1870Law Rep. 5 Comm. Pleas 584 There is no stipulation that the tenant shall pay any sleeping rent or minimum rent, or any rent in the event of no clay being raised during the term.
5. a. sleeping partner, a partner in a business who takes no share in the actual working of it.
1785in Grose Dict. Vulg. T.1818Scott Rob Roy i, Your father, though his fortune was vested in the house, was only a sleeping partner, as the commercial phrase goes.1887W. P. Frith Autobiogr. I. xvii. 203 A sleeping partner in a cloth firm at Leeds.
transf.1848Lowell Biglow P. Ser. i. Introd., Associated (though only as sleeping partner) in a book.1884Rider Haggard Dawn xxxvi, His sole motive in consenting to become, as it were, a sleeping partner in the shameful plot.
b. (See quot.)
1889‘R. Boldrewood’ Miner's Right (1899) 66/2 A transfer of a ‘sleeping quarter share’, that is, a proportion of the property of the claim, involving a sixteenth of the entire profit, without the necessity of representing or paying for the services of an able-bodied miner.
6. Quiet, silent; motionless.
1784Cowper Task i. 763 The moon-beam, sliding softly in between The sleeping leaves.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xxviii, The lonely murmur of these woods, and the view of this sleeping landscape.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xix. IV. 257 The long lines of painted villas reflected in the sleeping canals.1872Black Adv. Phaeton xix. 276 The chimneys and slates of the sleeping houses.
Hence ˈsleepingness, sleepiness. Obs.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. v. (Bodl. MS.), Ȝif..þe woodenes dureþ þre daies with slepingnes,..þere is no hope of rekoueryng.




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