

单词 sleighty
释义 sleighty, a. Now rare.|ˈslaɪtɪ|
Forms: 5 sleȝty, sleihty, sleiȝty, -ti, Sc. slichty, 5–6 sleyghty (6 -ye, -ie), 6 sleighthy, slightie, 5–7, 9 sleighty (6 -tie).
[f. sleight n.1 + -y. Freq. in Lydgate and from c 1530 to c 1580.]
1. Possessed of, making use of, sleight or craft.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints ii. (Paul) 257 Schow wes vode, þat lente to hym a clath sa gud, þat wes sa slichty a creatour.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy ii. 1869 Sche is so sleiȝty with hir gynny snare.c1430Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 158 The sleihty fox smal polayl doth oppresse.1530Palsgr. 629 Put your sonne to hym, he wyl make hym as sleyghty as an other.1556Olde Antichrist 172 b, These toyes..haue the subtil sleighty Marchauntes beaten in to the eares..of the common simple sorte.1594West 2nd Pt. Symbol. § 171 Judglers and sleightie curers of diseases.1615W. Lawson Country Housew. Gard. (1626) 56 You might sit in your Mount, and angle a peckled Trout, or sleighty Eele.
2. Characterized by, of the nature of, sleight or dexterity; crafty, subtle.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy i. 1947 Þis Medea..From hir fader his tresour hath berafte Þoruȝ þe werchyng of hir sleiȝty gyle.a1470Harding Chron. lxvii. viii, By subtelty and his sleyghty gyn.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, c. 2 Dyers..have used & exercised a false sleyghtie & deceyvable waye in dyeng.1588J. Harvey Disc. Probl. 69 To..carry away the commons with od rumors, by flimflams, wily cranks, and sleightie knacks.1600W. Watson Decacordon (1602) 82 It seemeth impossible for Antichrist to inuent a more sleighty, plausible and colourable deuice.1631Weever Anc. Funeral Mon. 534 Who did vse some sleightie trickes for his owne disports.1676Carleton Epist. Admon. & Adv. 6 Learn not the sleighty words and cunning evasions of the deceitful spirits of this world.1888Doughty Arabia Deserta I. 74 Property, all of his own strong and sleighty getting.




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