

单词 slip-
释义 slip-
The stem of slip v.1 in combination, as:
1. a. slip-bend (see quot.); slip-buoy, a buoy attached to a cable when slipping an anchor; slip-case, a close-fitting box with one side open into which a book or books are placed for protection, while allowing the spine to remain visible; also, a similar case for gramophone records or photographic equipment; hence slipcased a., contained in a box of this kind; slip-coat, ? a coat which slips on readily; slip-cord, a cord with a slip-knot made on it; slip-cover U.S. = loose cover s.v. loose a. 9; hence as v. trans., to cover with a slip-cover; slip crew Aviation, an aircrew stationed at an intermediate point or carried to take over the operation of an aeroplane on a long-distance flight; slip edition, a special (usu. local) edition of a newspaper, carrying news items not included in the main issue; slip-finger, a., that has slippery fingers; in quot. fig.; slip gauge Engin., a Johansson block (see Johansson); slip-gear, a gear designed to slip if loaded above a predetermined limit; slip-gibbet, a scape-gallows (now dial.); slip-groat, = slide-groat; slip-halter, = slip-gibbet; slip-hook (see quots.); slip-horn, a slide-trombone; slip-jig, some kind of dance; slip joint, (a) (see quots.); (b) a joint in a pipe, one section of which can move telescopically within another, to allow longitudinal expansion and contraction and so prevent damage by temperature changes or jolts; slip-link (see quots.); slip-noose, a noose which tightens and slackens by means of a slip-knot; slip ring Electr. Engin., a ring of conducting material which is attached to and rotates with a shaft, so that electric current may be transferred to a stationary circuit through a fixed brush pressing against it; also attrib.; slip road, a short (usu. one-way) road giving access to or exit from a main highway, esp. a motorway; an approach road; slip rope (see quot.); slip scraper U.S., a horse-drawn earth-moving device; slip-screw, -shackle (see quots.); slip sheet Printing, a sheet of paper interleaving newly printed sheets to prevent set-off or smudging; hence slip-sheet v. trans., slip-sheeting vbl. n.; slip-shelled a., ? having the outer covering removed; slip-skin a., slippery, evasive; slip sole Sc., slip spear (see quots.); slip-sprung a., illegitimately born; slip-stitch n. (see quots.); hence slip-stitch vb., slip-stitcher; slip-stocking, ? a short stocking, a sock; slip-stopper (see quots.); slip thong, a thong which operates by means of a slip-knot; slip-thrift, shovel-board; a spendthrift; cf. slide-thrift; slip winder (see quot. 1921); also slip winding.
Various other accidental or trivial combs. of this and the following types appear in recent use.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk. 633 *Slip-Bend, when a man makes a false step, and slips down a hatchway, or over⁓board.
1798Capt. Miller in Nicolas Disp. Nelson (1846) VII. p. clviii, We hove up to our best bower..and got a *slip buoy on the end of our sheet cable.
1930A. E. Newton This Bk.-Collecting Game ii. 20 Many collectors, in binding their books or in having *slip cases made for them,..have their novels..in one colour, their poetry in another.1942W. Stevens Let. 17 Sept. (1967) 420, I should like the general effect of the binding to be light... There should, of course, be a slip case.1966P. J. Kavanagh Perfect Stranger xiii. 187 Why not put all three [volumes] into a slip-case..and sell them as a set?1977Gramophone May 1738/2 Decca have also made again available this month an integral recording of the five Beethoven Piano Concertos, previously issued in a slip⁓case but now in a box.1979Amat. Photographer Feb. 54/3 Both versions are supplied in a gift outfit with flash unit, slip case and wrist chain at a price of about {pstlg}85.
1969Times 15 Nov. p. iv/6 (Advt.), Magellan's Voyage.. 2 volumes *slipcased.1978Amer. N. & Q. Nov. 44/2 A handsome slip-cased volume..seems to be under-priced.
1562T. Phaer æneid ix. Cc ij, You must haue..gay ioly Jerkins, saffron shirts, Your *slipcoats must haue sleeues.
1847W. C. L. Martin The Ox 166/1 Let the *slip-cords be applied to the fore-legs, and held by an assistant.
1886Home Decoration 3 Apr. 79/1 The *slip covers for the furniture are of..toile.1911[see klaxon n.].1920T. Eaton & Co. Catal. Spring & Summer 395/2 Slip Covers for Ford Cars... Set consists of cover for each seat and back of seats, doors, kicking pad for front seat and complete cover for hood.1952S. Kauffmann Philanderer (1953) iii. 36 Cora had, of course, made all the curtains, slip covers and bedspreads herself.1965T. Capote In Cold Blood ii. 78 The couch..that Nancy had slip-covered.1978T. Gifford Glendower Legacy 75 The slipcovers were wearing out at the arm.
1947Shell Aviation News No. 112. 8/3 One of the most important problems is that of aircrew fatigue, and research on this question includes investigation into..provision of ‘*slip’ crews at strategic points, facilities for crew rest in aircraft.1973C. Egleton Seven Days to Killing xix. 196 The RAF are not carrying a slip crew on this trip. They would need to rest before the return flight.
1961‘B. Wells’ Day Earth caught Fire iii. 39 This is terrific stuff. We'll have a *slip edition.1975T. Allbeury Palomino Blonde iv. 12 Issues of the Northumberland Gazette with slip editions for Morpeth and Berwick.
1848Fraser's Mag. XXXVIII. 428 The empty, tattered Past,..the greased *slipfinger Present.
1919Engineering 11 July 33/3 The minimeter for comparing *slip gauges to an accuracy of one-millionth of an inch is another of the new precision instruments.1971B. Scharf Engin. & its Language vii. 47 In order to combine two slip gauges, they are slid together with slight pressure.
1897E. K. Scott Local Distribution of Electric Power in Workshops 53 The current at starting a heavy lift can be materially reduced by having a *slip gear or belt, so as to enable the motor to get up speed.1930Engineering 4 Apr. 431/2 An electric motor fitted with a centrifugal clutch and slip-gear.
1785Grose Dict. Vulgar T. s.v. Scapegallows, A *slip gibbet, one for whom the gallows is said to groan.
1521in Inderwick Cal. Inner Temple Rec. (1896) 63 [None of the society shall play within the Inn at the game called] shoffe boorde [or] *slypgrote.
1659Lady Alimony iv. vi, As I hope for mercy, I am half-persuaded that this *slip-halter has pawned my clothes.
1863A. Young Naut. Dict. 356 *Slip hook..is ‘especially useful on shipboard in securing and slipping towing cables, etc.’1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2212/1 [The] Slip-hook..may be disengaged or slipped by the motion of a trigger, a sliding ring, or otherwise.
1923G. McKnight Eng. Words & their Background iv. 45 *Sliphorn, trombone.1938D. Baker Young Man with Horn iii. i. 120 He doesn't play a valve trombone either, just a regular slip-horn.1957Melody Maker 4 May 6/2 Wilbur himself was somewhat subdued, using both slip-horn and valve, but what he did was pleasant trombone.
1829G. Griffin Collegian I. ii. 19 Eily was dancing with a strange young gentleman..and..he would not let her go until she had finished the *slip jig.1895Cath. News 13 July 2/3 He would not let her go until she had finished the slip jig.a1966‘M. na Gopaleen’ Best of Myles (1968) 284 The lads who believe that in slip-jigs we have a national prophylaxis make life less stark.
1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 234 If the pipes are iron, one of them has to be broken; where this is unavoidable a *slip joint is afterwards employed to protect it—that is to say, two half pipes..are placed one over and the other under the break; they are screwed together and the ends tightly packed.1930Walker & Crocker Piping Handbk. vii. 504 Slip joints are used very extensively in water and saturated-steam lines.1972L. M. Harris Introd. Deepwater Floating Drilling Operations ii. 6 Slip joints compensate for vertical motion in the lower section of the drill string.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2212/1 *Slip⁓link, a connecting link which allows a certain freedom of motion.
1837*Slip noose [see lasso n. 1].1847W. C. L. Martin The Ox 166/1 It may be necessary to put a slip noose on each fore limb.1897G. C. Bateman Vivarium 225 A properly-contrived slip-noose.
1896S. P. Thompson Dynamo-Electric Machinery (ed. 4) iii. 35 There must..be sliding contacts to maintain the coils of the revolving field-magnet part in continuous metallic connexion with the auxiliary exciting circuit. In either case the appropriate device consists of a pair of *slip rings, against each of which a brush presses.1958Times Rev. Industry Feb. 46/1 Automatic starting of slip-ring electric motors has always presented many problems.1974Physics Bull. May 204/2 Special emphasis is placed on the study of aluminium as a contact material in place of copper for sliprings and commutators.
1953Times 11 Feb. 3/3 A ‘*slip-road’ a mile and a half long..would draw away from the narrow streets of High Barnet the great number of heavy lorries now passing through this congested centre.1968W. Garner Deep, Deep Freeze iii. 36 He took the slip road on to the Autobahn.1979A. Price Tomorrow's Ghost ii. 17 He waited to leave the slip⁓road for the motorway proper.
1750T. R. Blanckley Naval Expos. 136 *Slip Ropes for triseing up the Bites of the Cable to the Rails of the Head.1846A. Young Naut. Dict. 287 Slip-rope, a rope bent to any thing in such a manner that it may be slipped when required.1909Man. Seamanship (Admiralty) II. iii. ix. 177 If there is much strain on the slip rope, it should be eased before letting it go.1964Slip rope [see honda].
1934Sun (Baltimore) 9 Nov. 15/3 Ringle, while clearing loose dirt with the aid of a horse and *slip scraper, lost his footing and fell.1942W. Faulkner Go down, Moses 113 Throwing dirt..faster than a slip scraper could have done it.
1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 117/1 A ‘*slip-screw’, viz., one in which the threads do not bite, and the screw turns round in its receptacle.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk. 633 *Slip-Shackle, a shackle with a lever-bolt, for letting go suddenly; yet, when ringed, is sufficient to secure the ship.
1917F. S. Henry Printing for School & Shop xiv. 237 Never use enameled paper for *slipsheets, or the sheets will stick together.
1924Essent. Printing x. 149 While an expert feeder can sometimes do his own *slipsheeting, it is customary to have an assistant place the slipsheets as the printed sheets are stacked on the feedboard.1949Melcher & Larrick Printing & Promotion Handbk. 279/2 This slip sheeting assures a clean job of mimeographing where it is necessary to print on non-absorbent paper.1957Jackson & Cleverdon Printing iii. 139/2 Clean unprinted newspaper..makes good slip sheets.1967V. Strauss Printing Industry vii. 516/2 In two-sided printing..it may be necessary to ‘slip-sheet’ the job. (Slip-sheeting means that a sheet of waste paper is inserted after each printed sheet. When the ink is dry the slip sheets are removed.)
1826Hone Every-day Bk. II. 1352 Walnuts *slip-shelled are heaped in a basket.
1641Milton Animadv. Wks. 1851 III. 205 A pretty *slip-skin conveyance to sift Masse into no Masse, and Popish into not Popish.
1887Archit. Soc. Dict. VII. 90 *Slip Sole, the term in some parts of Scotland for a step.
1883Gresley Gloss. Coal-m. 227 *Slip Spear, a tool for extracting tubing from a borehole.
1665Manley Grotius' Low-C. Wars 21 Altogether forgetful..that they preferred before him a Bastard, *slip-sprung from an unlawful coition.
1872Young Englishwoman Oct. 558/1 Work 2 *slip-stitches on the first 2 chain.1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlwk. 125/1 Slip Stitch, a stitch much used in Raised Crochet, both in joining together detached sprays, and in passing from one part of a pattern to another at the back of the work.1932D. C. Minter Mod. Needlecraft 92/2 Single Crochet (or Slip-stitch)..is used for making a very narrow row.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 58/1 Tack, and slip-stitch by hand.1964McCall's Sewing ii. 32/1 Slip-stitch, tiny hand-stitches taken through and under a fold of fabric where the stitching must be invisible.
1897Westm. Gaz. 4 Feb. 3/3 The silk should be turned over on the right side and *slip-stitched.
1896Daily Chron. 7 Aug. 10/7 Ties.—Good *slipstitchers for derbys, outdoors.
1673Hickeringill Greg. F. Greybeard 242 Plung'd themselves into perplexities, or into Parson *slip-stockins extravagancies.a1680Butler in D'Urfey Pills (1719) III. 334 Slip-stocking Similitudes.1698Collier Immor. Stage ii. 60 This lady's fancy is just slip-stocking-high, and she seems to want sense more than her breakfast.
1831Ann. Reg. LXXIII. 445 The apparatus [for releasing the life-buoy] is kept in place by what is called a *slip-stopper, a sort of catch-bolt, which can be unlocked at pleasure, by merely pulling a trigger.c1860H. Stuart Seaman's Catech. 54 The slip stopper..is used for stoppering the cable,..to prevent the cables running out of the hawse-hole.
1799Monthly Rev. XXX. 367 All carry lances, which, when on horseback, by means of a *slip thong, they sling to a rest in the stirrup.
1579Rice Invective agst. Vices B ij b, What to dooe there? To Bowle, or to plaie at Dise, or Cardes, Penipricke, or *slipthrift?1621Granger Eccles. 273 Thus it is in the house of prodigals, drinking slipthrifts, and Belials.
1921Dict. Occup. Terms (1927) §371 *Slip winder; winds silk threads, for use in lace making, from hanks or cops on to spools or bobbins.1976Evening Post (Nottingham) 16 Dec. 17/5 (Advt.), Wanted male or female experienced slip winder (cone to spool).
1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 778/2 *Slip winding (Textiles), the process of transferring yarn from a hank to flanged bobbins in lace manufacture.
b. Applied generally to devices that may be slipped or slid aside, back, in, out, etc., or to things provided with these, as slip-bar (-gate), slip-board, slip-bottom, slip coffin, slip-coupling, slip-door, slip-feather, slip-feathering, slip gap, slip ladder, slip-lid, slip-panel, slip-ring, slip-shave. Also slip-rail.
1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. I. 143 The *slip-bar-gate is a form of gate often used.
1726Swift Gulliver ii. viii, I..ventured to draw back the *slip-board on the roof.
1854H. Miller Sch. & Schm. (1858) 285 In square wicker⁓work panniers with *slip-bottoms.
1900J. J. Vernon Parish of Hawick 1711–1725, 167 Interring tramps..by means of ‘a *slip coffin’, i.e., a coffin which upon being lowered..by ropes attached to it, could be recovered, the body being left in the grave.
1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm III. 927 The spindle may be attached to another shaft..by means of a *slip-coupling.
1764Lloyd Actor Poet. Wks. 1774 I. 19 But in stage customs what offends me most Is the *slip⁓door, and slowly-rising ghost.
1881Mechanic §444. 194 The *slip feather that is to be pressed into the grooves to hold the boards.
Ibid. 193 The modes..adopted for this juncture of pieces of wood are..known respectively as rebating,..grooving and *slip feathering [etc.].
1859Bartlett Dict. Amer. 167 A *Slip gap is a place provided in a fence, where the bars may be slipped aside and let down.
1795Holcroft in Kegan Paul W. Godwin (1876) I. 149, I fell from a *slip ladder, and broke it fairly in two.
1938Shelf Appeal July 26/2 The *slip-lid tin was evolved rather over fifty years ago.1979Gloss. Packaging Terms (B.S.I.) ii. 8 Slip lid, a lid that fits over the mouth of the container body.
1864E. A. Murray Ella Norman I. 161 Jock..rode on, until he came to some *slip panels; these he let down.1881A. C. Grant Bush Life Queensland II. xxviii. 107 His step, as he bowled up to the slip-panel, was brisk and energetic.
1742A. Monro in Med. Ess. Edinb. V. 455 A Spring which keeps the Handles [of a needle-holder] asunder..till the *Slip⁓ring or Slider is thrust towards the End of the Handles.
1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl. 823/2 *Slip Shave, a point or shave made to slip over the nose of the mold-board.
c. In the sense ‘detached, or intended to be detached, from a railway train while running’, as slip-carriage, slip-coach, slip-compartment, slip-portion. Hence slip-guard, the guard of such a carriage, etc. Also in connection with other vehicles and craft, as slip-tank, a fuel tank that may be jettisoned from an aircraft when empty.
1869Echo 23 Aug., A ‘slip’ carriage placed in the rear of the train, which is dropped at Hatfield.1884G. W. R. Time Tables July 33 Slip Coach detached at Bridgewater.1898Daily News 11 Oct. 8/1 Entering the slip compartment, one finds little to differentiate it from a small guard's van.Ibid., Where the detached slip-portion has collided with the train it has just left.1920Flight XII. 957/1 Seventeen tanks may be readily slipped overboard to act as ballast. These slip-tanks have no bottom connections, and petrol is drawn from them by means of a semi-rotary pump.1932G. Greene Stamboul Train i. i. 8 The party..belonged to the slip-coach for Athens.1978Lancs. Life Apr. 52/2 The L & Y..brought in slip coaches, notably at Rochdale where two trains from Bradford to Manchester unhitched the back two coaches without stopping.
2. In comb. with advs., as slip-along a., slip-shod; slip-down dial. (see quot. 1828); slip-in a., admitting of a person or thing slipping in, or being slipped in, easily or readily; slip-on, something that may be slipped or put on readily, esp. (formerly) a great-coat or overall, (U.S.) a glove, and now usu. a shoe; also attrib. or as adj.; slip-out a., that one may slip out of in a convenient manner; slip-over a., of a garment: made without an opening at the front, and to be slipped on over the head; hence as n. (usu. one word), a sweater or pullover, usu. with a V-neck and no sleeves; slip-up, the act of slipping up (see slip v.1 8 d), a failure, mistake, blunder.
1849Maitland Reformation Eng. xx. 559 It would be less worth while to read Fox's *slip-along stories.
1828Carr Craven Gloss., *Slip-down, old milk, a little curdled, which readily slips down the throat.
1859Sala Gaslight & D. xxii. 252 He knows all the *slip-in and slip-out public-houses in London.1906Westm. Gaz. 1 Dec. 18/2 Both slip-in and paste-on mounts, upon which the photographs can be mounted with the minimum of trouble.
1815[Mrs. Johnstone] Clan-Albyn xiii. (1853) 66 Hugh flung his *slip-on around him.1904Ladies Field 14 May 426/1 The ‘Slip-on’ coat for all weathers.1920T. Eaton & Co. Catal. Spring & Summer 395/3 Running Board Mat. Fastened with patent slip-on fasteners.1923Ibid. 214/3 One of the smartest of the new models [of coat]..a double-breasted ‘slip-on’, with yoke.1938[see scuff n.1 4].1949Sun (Baltimore) 8 Sept. 5/1 (Advt.), Wear Right gloves... Shorties and slipons all hand-sewn.1956People 13 May 3/7 (Advt.), Slip-on Casual. Brown Willow uppers, leather sole.1959Wall St. Jrnl. 13 Dec. (Eastern ed.) 17/4 ‘Slim slip-ons’, or dressy shoes without laces, will be promoted for men.1965N.Y. Times 9 Dec. 5 (Advt.), Hand-in-Glove with fashion:..Elbow-deep slipons.1972J. Ball Five Pieces of Jade xiv. 178 Tibbs..noted the slip-on shoes which..could be shed within a second or two.1978L. Charteris Saint in Trouble (1979) i. iii. 33 His eyes..started with the suede slip-ons, journeyed up..the light grey suit.1982Barr & York Official Sloane Ranger Handbk. 33/2 These are smart tough slip-ons, in black or dark blue patent or leather, with a chunky heel and gilt snaffle or chain across the top.
1859*Slip-out [see slip-in above].
1919–20T. Eaton & Co. Catal. Fall & Winter 153/3 *Slip-over Nightgown.1923Daily Mail 6 Mar. 1 (Advt.), Elastic bust bodice of special value, slip-over shape.1936Times 10 Jan. 7/4 Bargains for men include poplin shirts at 9s. 6d. and all wool slip-overs at 10s.1941Picture Post 3 May 32/1 Pullovers, Slipovers, and Beach Shirts for men and boys.1945Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch 9 Jan. 16 (Advt.), All-wool slipover sweater.1962Punch 26 Sept. p. xvii, Burberrys have..reversible alpaca slip-overs.1981Times 6 Jan. 12/7 According to numerous shop window displays observed during the current sales, the garment I have always called a pullover is now known as a slipover.
1909N.Y. Even. Post (semi-weekly ed.) 30 Sept. 1 Should there be any *slip-up in the present plans.1948‘G. Orwell’ Let. 21 Dec. in Coll. Essays (1968) IV. 459, I suppose there may be some slip-up, but if not my address..will be The Cotswold Sanatorium.1978H. Jobson To die a Little ii. 26, I..had a slight feeling of apprehension... Had there been some legal slip-up?




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