

单词 comse
释义 comse, v. Obs.
Also 3–4 cumse, 4 komse.
[A shortened by-form of commence, starting from a form accented ˈcommence: cf. commandment.]
a1225Juliana init. (Royal MS.), Her cumseð þe uie of seinte iuliane.c1350Will. Palerne 424 Þe kouhered for kare cumsed to sorwe.Ibid. 1430 Vpon here knes þei komsed him grete.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. i. 128 Bi what craft in my corps hit [Truth] cumseth.Ibid. v. 23 How Conscience with a Cross Comsede to preche.1399Rich. Redeles iv. 35 Comliche a clerk than comsid the wordis.
(Comse in R. Copland Guydon's Chirurg., 1541, E ij b, is an error for compose.)
Hence ˈcomsing vbl. n., commencing.
c1325Orfeo 57 In the comessing of May.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 213 Deyinge..vnknitteth al kare & comsynge is of reste.1393ibid. C. xii. 95 All kyne konnynges and comsynges of Dowel.




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