

单词 slumbering
释义 I. slumbering, vbl. n.|ˈslʌmbərɪŋ|
[f. slumber v. Cf. MDu. slumer-, sluymeringhe (Du. sluimering), MHG. slommeringe, slummerunge (G. schlummerung), Sw. slumring).]
1. The state, condition, or fact of being in a slumber; sleeping; sleep.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Kt. 1182 As in slomeryng he slode, sleȝly he herde A littel dyn at his dor.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋705 Thanne cometh Sompnolence, that is, sloggy slombrynge, which maketh a man be heuy and dul, in body and in soule.c1450Lovelich Merlin 12364 He ne slepte..tyl that lady was fallen in Slombring.c1491Chast. Goddes Chyld. 42 Whan nede drew hem to slombryng or slepe.1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 30 Whylis I stode musynge.., In slumbrynge I fell and halfe in a slepe.1592Kyd Span. Trag. iii. xv, For in vnquiet quietnes is faind, And slumbring is a common worldly wile.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxii. 196 A man..not having well observed his own slumbering.1864[see sluggarding vbl. n.].
b. An instance or occasion of this; a slumber or slumberous condition; a sleep.
c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 67 Ever lay Pandare a bedde, half in a slomeringe.Ibid. v. 246 Whan he fil in any slomeringes.c1440Gesta Rom. lxx. 324 (Harl. MS.), Þer com vpon him such a slombring, that..he most nedis slepe.1470–85Malory Arthur v. iv. 165 As the kyng laye in his caban in the shyp he fyll in a slomerynge.1611Bible Job xxxiii. 15 In slumbrings vpon the bed.
2. attrib., as slumbering bed, slumbering cup, slumbering posture, etc.
1535Coverdale Isaiah li. 17 Thou that hast..sucked out the slombringe cuppe to the botome.1581J. Derricke Image Irel. ii. E iv b, And other some to stiffle quight in slumbryng bedde that lyes.1595Barnfield Cassandra xxxii, Heerewith awaking from her slumbring sleepe.1825Scott Talism. xv, Rising from his slumbering posture.
II. ˈslumbering, ppl. a.
[f. as prec.]
1. That slumbers or is asleep; dozing.
1390Gower Conf. II. 103 With mochel wo..His slombrende yhen he upcaste.c1742Gray Ignorance 16 Dost thou..Still stretch..The massy sceptre o'er thy slumb'ring line?1807Crabbe Par. Reg. iii. 830 Th' expecting people view'd their slumbering priest.1817Byron Manfred ii. iv, I have..Startled the slumbering birds from the hush'd boughs.1895Sir H. Maxwell Duke of Britain i. 4 We stroll through the slumbering camp.
b. Marked or characterized by slumber; idle, indolent; drowsy.
1538Starkey England i. i. 5 For the mayntenaunce of theyr idul and slomeryng lyfe.1737Gentl. Mag. VII. 567/1 Sprightly I start, and free from slumb'ring yawn, Leave the soft bed.1784Cowper Task ii. 774 Her, whose winking eye And slumb'ring oscitancy mars the brood.
2. Quiet, peaceful; calm, still, motionless.
1632Milton L'Allegro 54 Oft list'ning how the Hounds and horn Chearly rouse the slumbring morn.c1635Arcades 57 Ere the odorous breath of morn Awakes the slumbring leaves.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xliii, When..slumbering ocean faint and fainter glows.1849Ruskin Sev. Lamps vi. §xx. 182 An influence from the silent sky and slumbering fields.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 161 At no great distance lay the slumbering sea-lake.
3. Dormant, inoperative, quiescent; torpid.
1703Rowe Ulysses ii. i, And thou Revenge! Shoot all thy Fires, and wake my slumb'ring Rage.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xxviii, When Montoni absolutely refused it, her slumbering mind was roused.1818Byron Corsair i. xi, The slumbering venom of the folded snake.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. II. 223 In Franconia the slumbering fires of discontent burst forth.1878Huxley Physiogr. 195 Its shape led hardly any one to suspect that the mountain was a slumbering volcano.
Hence ˈslumberingly adv., in a slumbering manner; ˈslumberingness. rare—0.
1647Hexham i, Slumberingly, sluymachtighlick.1648Ibid. ii, Vaeckerigheydt, Sleepienesse, Slumbringnesse.1847Webster, Slumberingly. [Hence in later Dicts.]




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