

单词 conglutinative
释义 conˈglutinative, a. ?Obs.
[a. F. conglutinatif, -ive, ad. L. type *conglūtinātīv-us, f. conglūtināt- ppl. stem: see -ive.]
Having the quality of conglutinating; spec. in Med. having the property of uniting wounded parts.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg., Anoynte them with oyntementes myscatyues and conglutynatyues.1563T. Gale Antidot. i. 7 Medicines conglutinatiue.1671J. Webster Metallogr. xx. 268 To stop small Hæmorhages..by its conglutinative quality.1730–6Bailey (folio), Conglutinative, of a gluing or sticking Quality. In Johnson; and in mod. Dicts.




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