

单词 sodlet
释义 sodlet Obs.
Forms: 4 sowdel-; 4, 6 soud(e)let, 6 sodelet(t, sodlett.
[? f. OF. souder to solder.]
A saddle-bar for a window.
1332in J. T. Smith Antiq. Westminster (1807) 196 [Nine small bars of iron, called] soudlets, [to hold the glass in the said windows].1339–40Ely Sacr. Rolls (1907) II. 96 Item in Sowdelibus faciendis per eundem de vj peciis ferri.Ibid. II. 97 In diuersis sowdelibus fact{ddd}pro fenestris superioris istoriæ Noui Operis.Ibid., Barris et sowdelibus reparand.1532–3in E. Law Hist. Hampton Court Pal. (1885) 349 For 295 sodlettes servyng the syde wyndows.Ibid. 350, 40 sodletts for the harnessyng of the Greatt Wyndow.
attrib.1533MS. Rawl. D. 776 fol. 175 For xxj Fott off sodlett barres.1536MS. Rawl. D. 780 fol. 59, xxxijti fote of sodelett barrs spent by the glasyers.




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