

单词 contrarian
释义 contrarian, n. and a.
Brit. |kənˈtrəːrɪən|, U.S. |kənˈtrɛriən|, |ˌkɑnˈtrɛriən|
[‹ contrary n. + -an suffix (compare -arian suffix), after e.g. libertarian n., Unitarian n.]
A. n. A person who (habitually) opposes or rejects prevailing opinion or established practice; someone who behaves in a contrary manner; (Finance) an investor who goes against the current consensus when trading, e.g. by buying shares in a company when their price is falling.
1954H. B. Neill Art of Contrary Thinking Ded., To Contrarians and Libertarians everywhere. May their numbers grow!1975Forbes 1 May 52/1 They preferred to ride the favorites, shun the cyclic, out-of-favor stocks. But..John Neff..was a confirmed contrarian. Thus when Boston wanted to sell or avoid a stock, Neff might want to buy it.1989W. Boroson Keys to investing in Mutual Funds v. 25 Professional investors tend to be contrarians—to turn back when the crowd surges over the cliff.1992Business Week (Nexis) 5 May 96 As I approached week 42, I became a contrarian. Like some stock market watchers, I figured that if everyone expected my pregnancy to go one way, it would likely go the other. I was right. It was a girl.2001Herald (Glasgow) (Electronic ed.) 10 Mar. Organic contrarians are to be found on the internet, attacking environmentalists and organic agriculture on websites.
B. adj. Opposing or rejecting prevailing opinion or established practice; (habitually) going against the popular consensus; (Finance) designating or relating to an independent or unorthodox approach to investment; trading against the current consensus.
1973N.Y. Times 17 Mar. 39/5 What makes Mr. Froy unusual derives partly from his Old World style and contrarian views and partly from his professional expertise in foreign securities.1988Church Times 11 Mar. 5 (advt.) At Templeton International, we have always been aware that stock markets do not go up for ever. You could say that our contrarian approach is based on this fact of life.1993Canad. Business May 34/3 Maybe we are contrarian in some respects, in that everybody else is chasing the small companies and we're now going after the larger ones.2001P. Kennicott in R. Giannone Music in Willa Cather's Fiction (new ed.) Introd. p. ix, Silence and imprisonment, both real and metaphorical, are conjoined; growth, aspiration, and a kind of contrarian life-force are linked with musical expression.2001C. Hitchens Lett. to Young Contrarian i. 1 You rather tend to flatter and embarrass me, when you inquire my advice as to how a radical or ‘contrarian’ life may be lived.
Derivatives. contrarianism n. opposition to or rejection of prevailing opinion; behaviour contrary to a current or established consensus, (Finance) with regard to share-dealing.
1981Forbes (Nexis) 2 Feb. 114 And now for a little *contrarianism. If nobody likes bonds, you should own some 15% paper for now.2000D. Brooks Bobos in Paradise 159 His audience will demand vehemence, a tinge of paranoia, omniscience (the intellectual must be able to see the truth through the establishment's web of deception), and a willingness to broadcast his brave contrarianism.




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