

单词 soignous
释义 soignous, a. Obs. rare.
In 4 soigneus, 5 soygneus, -ous.
[a. OF. soigneus (mod.F. soigneux, -euse), f. soign (mod.F. soin) care, heed.]
Careful, heedful.
1340Ayenb. 155 [Seneca says] þet of þe parties of þe liue ech þenche and is soigneus, ac of al þe liue to ordayny non ne þencþ ne studeþ.
Hence soignously adv. Obs. rare.
c1477Caxton Jason 76 [Apollo] founde under his hede the bille afore said whiche he kepte soygneusly.1481Godfrey cciv. 299 To kepe soygnously and defende the turkes fro thyse two Cytees.




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