

单词 sokeman
释义 sokeman Now Hist.|ˈsəʊkmən|
Also 6–7 erron. -mayn, -main.
[a. AF. sokeman or ad. Anglo-Lat. sokemannus (also sok-, socke-, sochemannus), f. the OE. word represented by soke1 and soken + man n.1]
A tenant holding land in socage; a socman.[a1066Laws Edw. Confess. xii. (Thorpe), Manbote in Danelaᵹa, de vilano et socheman xii oras.a1086Domesday Bk. I. 273/2 Ibi apposuit Rex W. sex sochemanos pertinentes at Rapendune.1235–59Bracton ii. xxxv. (Rolls) I. 614 Tenentes, qui tenent sockagio, sockemanni dici poterunt.Ibid. iv. xxviii. III. 378 Et hujusmodi villani sokmanni, proprie dicuntur glebæ ascriptitii.c1290Britton (1865) II. 13 Ceux sount proprement nos sokemans et privelegez en ceste manere.1367in Vinogradoff Villainage in Eng. (1892) 116 note, Teux services comme gents de petits sokemans fierent en auncien temps.a1399Ibid. 91 note, Item sokemanni predicti filias suas non possunt maritare sine licencia domini.141314 Hen. IV, f 34 in Year Book (1605) Hhh vj, Et auxy il ad diuersitie parenter sokeman de franktenure, et sokeman de base tenure.1567Fitzherbert Nat. Brev. 14 Quar les tenantz en auncien demesne sont appelles Sokemans, s. tenants del carue, anglice, le plough.1581Kitchin Court Leet 87 b, Mes est diuersitie enter Sokemaynes de franke tenure, et sokemaines de base tenure.] 1603Stow Surv. vii. 64 The said Robert [Fitzwalter] ought to haue a sokeman.1607Norden Surv. Dial. iii. 100 There is also a copy-hold estate, called ancient demeisne, and the tenants, Sokemains.1614Selden Titles Honor 334 Sokemans were but Tenants in socage.1749Pote Hist. Windsor Castle 2 Together with fourteen sokemen and their lands.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 87 The statute 28 Edw. I. c. i. declares, that a free sokeman shall give no relief.1839Penny Cycl. XIII. 245/2 No one was to be distrained..on account of land which he held in manors of the antient demesne of the crown as a sokeman.1897Maitland Domesday Bk. 142 The sokeman's hide or virgate..is composed of many scattered strips.
b. attrib. in sokeman-mote.
13..Rotuli Hundredorum (1818) II. 143/1 Item dicunt quod Ermoldus de Boys..solebat facere sectam ad Boxford ad sockemanemot pro terra Ricardi Serle.




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