

单词 pricket
释义 pricket|ˈprɪkɪt|
Forms: 4–6 prik(k)-, pryk-, prek-, prick-; -et, -ett, -ette, 5– pricket; also (chiefly Sc.) 5 pre-, prycate, 6 prekat(te, priccate, (7 ? proket).
[app. ad. med. (Anglo-) L. prikettus (13th c.), f. Eng. prike, prick n. + Rom. suffix -ettus, -etto, -et1.]
1. A buck in its second year, having straight unbranched horns. pricket's sister, a female fallow deer in its second year. Cf. brocket.
[1285Close Roll 14 Edw. I, m. 8 (P.R.O.), Capiendo vnam damam et vnum Prikettum de Ceruo... De quibus quidem dama et Priketto iidem Robertus et Johannes indictati sunt.]c1440Promp. Parv. 413/1 Pryket, beest, capriolus.1486Bk. St. Albans E iv, The secunde yere a preket.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Dec. 27, I..ioyed oft to chace the trembling Pricket.1657Verney Mem. (1894) III. 409 Non but dows and faunes and prickets and prickets sisters..tuenty shillins a peece for all thees.1772R. Graves Spir. Quix. (1820) II. 209. 1859 Todd's Cycl. V. 518/1 At the second year the..‘pricket’ puts forth a simple ‘dag’.
b. transf. A boy. Obs.
1582Stanyhurst æneis iv. (Arb.) 97 You with your pricket [orig. tuque puerque tuus] purchast loa the victorye famouse.1782J. Elphinston tr. Martial iv. i. xxvii. 180 Their industry industrious to deride, The pricket points the bed; but not the side.
c. The straight unbranched horn of a buck or young stag; a dag. rare.
1855Swainson Quadrupeds 296 The bucks..never bear other than prickets, or single dags on the head.
2. A spike on which to stick a candle; hence, pricket candlestick, a candlestick having one or more of these.
c1420Anturs of Arth. 451 (Thornton MS.) Preketes [Douce MS. torches, Irel. MS. troches] and broketes, and standertis by-twene.c1440Promp. Parv. 413/1 Pryket, of candylstykke, or other lyke, stiga.1534Inv. Wardr. Kath. Arragon 41 in Camden Misc. (1855), Syxe candil⁓styckes..wherof ij. with prickettes and iiij. withe sockettis.1552Inv. Ch. Surrey (1869) 24 Item ij small prykett candel⁓stickes.1859Jephson Brittany xii. 195 The thicker end [of the taper] was hollowed out for the convenience of sticking on the pricket.1884A. J. Butler Coptic Ch. Egypt I. 82 The picture is mounted in a frame: before it is fixed a little beam set with a row of prickets for candles.1886Morse Jap. Homes iv. 220 In England the pricket candlestick went out of use a few centuries ago; in Japan it is still retained.
3. A candle or taper (orig. such as was stuck on a pricket candlestick). Obs.
a1331MS. Cott. Galba E. iv. lf. 45 Item parui torticii minores de tribus filis qui vocantur prikettes coram priore in cena{ddd}viij. priketti ponderant vnam libram cere.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vi. xxiv. (Tollem. MS.) Candelis and oþer priketis beþ set on candelstikkis, and chaundelers.1432[see percher2].1527in Visit. Southwell (Camden) 129, iij or iiij poundes of prikketts to burne also abowte my herse.1557–75Diurn. Occurr. (Bannatyne Cl.) 103 All the barronis and gentilmen bure priccattis of waix.a1639Spottiswood Hist. Ch. Scot. iv. (1655) 197 Walking betwixt two ranks of Barons and Gentlemen..holding every one a proket [? preket] of wax in their hands.
4. A small prick or spike; a thorn, a prickle.
1682Wheler Greece i. 7 Each leaf ended with a Pricket.
5. A pinnacle or spire; a pointed finial. Obs.
c1600in A. Maxwell Hist. Old Dundee (1884) 150 Ane steeple and pricket of ashler wark upon the east neuk and cunyie.1652Urquhart Jewel Wks. (1834) 196 Outjetting of kernels, erecting of prickets, barbicans, and such like various structures.1717Records of Elgin (New Spald. Cl.) I. 397 The Contract with the masons for the four vaults of the tolbooth and the pricket was {pstlg}1000 Sc.
6. A chrysalis. Obs. rare—1.
1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) I. 327 To prevent their numerous increase on Trees gather them off in Winter, taking away the Prickets which cleave to the Branches, and burn them.
7. An old name of the Stonecrops, Sedum acre, S. album, and S. reflexum; = prick-madam.[? From the awl-shaped leaves, or the biting taste of S. acre.] 1611Cotgr. s.v. Ioubarbe, Petite Ioubarbe, the male Prickmadame, or Sengreene the lesser; also, Mousetaile, Pricket, Stonehore, little Stonecrop, Wall-pepper, Countrey⁓pepper, Iacke of the Butterie.1866Treas. Bot., Pricket, or Prick-madam, Sedum acre, album, and reflexum.




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