

单词 sonic
释义 sonic, a.|ˈsɒnɪk|
[f. L. son-us sound + -ic.]
1. a. Employing or operated by sound waves; used esp. with reference to devices and techniques which make use of the reflected echo of a sound pulse.
1923Sci. Amer. May 330/2 Sonic sounding is rendered possible by the fact that sound vibrations, passing through water and striking a solid surface, are returned as an echo to the source from which they originated.1924Telegr. & Telephone Jrnl. X. 172/2 The United States destroyers Hull and Corry, equipped with sonic depth sounders..have been ordered to survey the ocean bed.1933Geogr. Jrnl. LXXXI. 572 The exploration of the Maldive ridge by sonic sounding should be interesting.1952Chambers's Jrnl. June 364/2 After the War a sonic gun was actually found in a German laboratory.1961Flight LXXIX. 249/2 In addition to the display system, the RH-1 was fitted with Ryan APN-97 Doppler and the sonic altimeter.1965Punch 17 Mar. 390/1 ‘That thing [sc. a torpedo] live?’ I asked. ‘Very,’ said the Lieutenant-Commander, ‘but it's only an antiquated sonic-homing job.’1967Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems 1967–68 94/1 It receives craft motion input from a sonic height sensor in the bow.1976B. Bova Multiple Man (1977) i. 11 If anyone tried to fire a shot..the scanning lasers would pick up the bullet... Sonic janglers would paralyse everyone in the auditorium.
b. Of or pertaining to sound or sound waves, esp. within the audible range.
1936Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. LVIII. 1071/2 In order to avoid any possible sonic action directly on a test reagent.1939[see sonoluminescence s.v. sono-].1942Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. XLVI. 83 The guiding intention will be, to avoid..the formation of sonic waves, and practical elimination of compression shocks, in order to obtain a minimum of the so-called wave-making resistance.1947Aircraft Engin. XIX. 180/1 The design of the VG-70 experimental monoplane..was begun as a determined effort in the field of sonic research.1962F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics viii. 345 Since the flow often speeds up when passing over a body it is possible for sonic flow to exist over parts of a body which is moving at speeds somewhat less than Mach 1.1969L. F. Yerges Sound, Noise, & Vibration Control i. 1 There is no essential difference between the sonic and vibratory forms of sound energy.1972Observer (Colour Suppl.) 22 Oct. 53/2 It is this depth of sound which stereophony failed to capture, or so the sonic engineers believed when they looked around for their next breakthrough.1975Sci. Amer. Oct. 135/1 The ultrasonic world is quieter than the sonic, mainly because its sounds are more local.1977Gramophone Dec. 1016/1 Sonic beauty abounds in The Triumphs of Oriana..: 64 minutes of music packed with admirable clarity..on a single disc.
2. Special collocations: sonic bang = sonic boom below; sonic barrier = sound barrier s.v. sound n.3 8 a; sonic boom, the sudden loud noise heard when the shock wave from an aircraft travelling faster than sound reaches the ears; sonic speed, sonic velocity, the speed at which sound waves travel in a particular medium, esp. air.
1953Sci. News XXX. 118 Subsequently two sonic bangs were heard of the same intensity with a small time interval apparently the same as that between the vapour puffs.1955Times 20 June 8/7 As the new fighters showed their considerable paces the programme was punctuated with ‘sonic bangs’ as the speed of sound was exceeded in dives.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1976) II. 169 Next came the Minister of Aviation, Mr Mulley, who had put in a request for urgent legislation on sonic bangs.
1946Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. L. 445/2, I do not imagine for one moment that man will be happy until he has conquered the ‘sonic barrier’.1955Sci. News Let. 24 Sept. 195 (caption) By giving the aircraft a ‘wasp waist’, engineers..made it slip more smoothly through the sonic barrier.
1952Times 2 Sept. 4/5 Aircraft travelling at about the speed of sound cause a loud bang, which has become known as the ‘sonic boom’.1966Guardian 2 May 8/6 Mr Amery, Minister of Aviation, told Parliament that damage from the Concord's sonic booms would be ‘negligible’.1969Times 17 Nov. 4/7 Their home collapsed after another sonic boom.1977New Yorker 24 Oct. 36/2, I heard the explosion even inside the manuscript room... It sounded like a sonic boom.
1946Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. L. 436/1 The problems of aerodynamics at speeds well in excess of that of sound are in some respects much simpler than those quite near the sonic speed.1950Sci. News XV. Plate 7 (caption) This model aeroplane..was designed to investigate the forces acting on an aircraft reaching sonic speed.1962F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics viii. 344 At this point the body is moving at sonic speed and transonic conditions exist.
1942Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. XLVI. 64 The local ‘sonic velocity’ a is then defined by the expression:—a2 = dp/dρ.1949Jrnl. Appl. Physics XX. 638/1 A slowly varying pressure change or signal is transmitted through the mixture with a definite critical or ‘sonic’ velocity.
Hence ˈsonically adv., by means of sound waves; as regards sound.
1936Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. LVIII. 1070/2 A quantitative study of certain oxidation reactions sonically activated in the audible range.1959Brookhaven Symp. in Biol. XII. 11 A sonically fragmented sample.1975Gramophone June 36/1 Sonically the record is obviously to be preferred to Menuhin's earlier recording with Furtwängler.1981Popular Hi-Fi Mar. 21/2 The Crimson is a better pre-amplifier sonically.




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