

单词 soothfast
释义 soothfast, a. and adv. Now arch.|ˈsuːθfɑːst, -æ-|
[OE. sóð-, sóþfæst: see sooth n. and fast a.
Except in Sc. legal use, the word appears to have been obsolete from the beginning of the 17th cent. until its revival by Scott.]
A. adj.
1. Of persons: Speaking or adhering to the truth; veracious, truthful; true, faithful, loyal.
c825Vesp. Psalter lxxxv. 15 Swiðe mildheort & soðfest.a900Cynewulf Crist 302 Eac we þæt ᵹefruᵹnon, þæt ᵹefyrn bi þe soðfæst sæᵹde sum woðbora.971Blickl. Hom. 187 Þes man is soþfæst & soþsecgende.c1100O.E. Chron. (MS. D) an. 1065, Her Eadward cing..sende soðfeste saule to Kriste.1124Ibid. (Laud MS.) an. 1124, Fela soðfeste men sæidon þæt þær wæron maneᵹe..ᵹespilde.c1205Lay. 6535 He wes swiðe soðfest [v.r. sohfast] and swiðe wel iðæwed.a1300Cursor M. 10189 Was neuer..nan tholmoder in chastite,..Ne nan soth-faster þan was he.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 135 Whar-for ilk man..Suld..knaw..How rightwes God es, and how sothefast.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xv. 69 Ȝe schuld..be symple, meke and sothfast.c1440Promp. Parv. 465/2 Sothefast mann or womann, verax.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxxv. 43 Quhill I hard tell be mony suthfast wy, Fle wald ane abbot vp in to the sky.1577Test. 12 Patriarchs (1604) 102 Love ye one another with soothfast heart.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 1109 Christ..is called true or soothfast, because he only teacheth vs true, certeine,..& infallible things.1612J. Davies (Heref.) Muse's Sacrifice Wks. (Grosart) II. 36/2, I..weepe for what I want; that is, thy Grace, and Loue. Then, as thou art still soothfast, grant them me.1816Scott Antiq. xxv, Edie was ken'd to me..for a true, loyal, and soothfast man.1857Emerson Poems 79 Here am I, here will I abide Forever to myself sooth-fast.
absol.c825Lorica Prayer in O.E. Texts 174 Ðec alle soðfeste fore-ðingiað.a1425Cursor M. 17459 (Trin.), And soþfaste whenne fals is fled Holdeþ forþ his owne sted.1876Morris Sigurd i. 29 Thou shalt know indeed..why the liar gains in a day what the soothfast strives for late.
b. Const. in or of (word, etc.). Obs.
c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 103 Þat he be sothfast of wordes.1422Ibid., Priv. Priv. 211 He sholde bene Sothefaste in worde and dedd.1559Mirr. Mag. (1563) B j, Abandon all affray, be soothfast in your sawes.1577St. Aug. Manual (Longman) 70, I know..that he [God] is Soothfast of promise.
2. In accordance or conformity with the truth; true, veracious; just, equitable.
c950Lindisf. Gosp. John v. 30 Dom min soðfæst is.c1000Ags. Ps. (Thorpe) lxviii. 28 Hi on þin soðfæst weorc [L. in justitiam tuam] syþþan ne gangan.c1205Lay. 60 Nu bidded Laȝamon alcne æðele mon..þat he þeos soðfeste word segge to sumne.1375Barbour Bruce i. 3 Than suld storys that suthfast wer..Hawe doubill plesance in heryng.c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton, 1483) iv. xxxiii. 82 Shewynge by quyck reson that theyr seynge is sad and sothfast.1481in Eng. Misc. (Surtees) 39 In defawte of soothfast knowlage.1513Douglas æneid vi. i. 174 Scho wes constrenit to schaw all suthfast thingis.1559Mirr. Mag. (1562) B b j, It was a southfast sentence long ago That hastye men shal never lacke much woe.1567Turberv. Epit., etc. 57 b, Thus many yeares were spent with good and soothfast life.1818Scott Br. Lamm. xxii, Soothfast tidings had assured him that this nobleman was..to honour his castle at one in the afternoon.1829A. Cunningham Magic Bridle, Anniv. 136 I'll tell a tale. List, ye who glory In truth, and love a soothfast story.
b. Of an oath or evidence. Chiefly Sc.
a1300Cursor M. 6848 Bi fals godds suer yee nan, Athes noiþer sothfast ne man.1481Certificate in Eng. Misc. (Surtees) 39 It is meritable to bere wittenes and suthfast record in any cause.1502Mackintosh Muniments (1903) 8 Meritable it is to beir leill and suithfast witnessing to the merite.1561Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 198 To beir leill and suithfast witnessing in sa fer as thai knaw or shalbe sperit at thame.1666Proclamation in Wodrow Hist. Suff. Ch. Scot. (1830) II. 6 To bear leel and soothfast witnessing, in so far as they know, or shall be spiered at them.1732J. Louthian Form of Process (1752) 42 [as in prec.].1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xv, Why do not you step forward, and bear leal and soothfast evidence in her behalf?
c. Reliable, certain, sure. Obs.
a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxxii. 388 Þen schaltou haue soþfast knowyng, To knowe þi lord in whom is al.a1400Hylton Scala Perf. ii. xlii. (W. de W. 1494), This is a syker felynge & a sothfast.1593Lodge Compl. Elstred I 2 b, So wiser heads that knew the scourge of warre, Sought sooth-fast meanes to mittigate the iarre.
3. Truly or actually that which the name implies; true, real, veritable, very. Said esp. of God or of the persons of the Trinity. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 26 Almihti God, Feder, & Sune, & soðfest Holi Gost.c1250in O.E. Misc. 27 Be þet hi offrede gold, þet is cuuenable yeftte to kinge, seawede þet he was soth⁓fast kink.c1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 8656 For als he es, þai salle him se þan, Sothfast God, and sothfast man.c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 25 She that was sothfaste croppe, and moore, Of al his lust or joyes here tofore.c1430Hymns Virgin (1867) 47 In þe sooþfast sunne closid it was.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 22 Mony was in that tyme callit papis, and was nocht suthfast.c1470Gol. & Gaw. 1045, I swere be suthfast God, that settis all on sevin!
b. Of qualities, etc. Obs.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 57 Mid al þis haue þu charite, and soðfeste leaue and trowðe lef.c1200Ormin 1572 Forr soþfasst lufe bærneþþ aȝȝ.Ibid. 2659 Þatt wass wiss-soþfasst metleȝȝc.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiii. 217 Sobrete, and symple speche and sothfaste byleue.
B. adv. Soothfastly.
a1300Cursor M. 22926 All þe flexs þat was o þe man Sothfast sal be raised þan.c1375Ibid. 26961 (Fair.), Þe xv. point hit is þe laste Þat þi shrift be made soþ-faste.1867Emerson May-Day 26, I care not if the pomps you show Be what they soothfast appear.




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