

单词 sorcery
释义 sorcery|ˈsɔːsərɪ|
Forms: α. 4 sorceri, 4–7 sorcerie, 4, 6 sorcerye, 4– sorcery; 4 sorsory(e, 4–6 sorserye, 5 sors(s)ery, sorsry, -rie. β. 5 socerye, 5–6 socery, 6 sossery, -rie.
[a. OF. sorcerie (f. sorcier sorcer), or ad. med.L. sorceria. So MDu. sorcerie, sorserie.]
1. The use of magic or enchantment; the practice of magic arts; witchcraft.
αa1300Cursor M. 29255 Crists enemy, þat wiche-craft or sorceri Dos wit ani halud thing.13..K. Alis. 478 (Laud MS.), Þat ilk niȝth, Neptenabus Made so stronge sorcerye.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋340 If he were al refreynit by siknes, or by malefice of sorserye.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 199 He..beleuyd swenys and sorsrie.1470–85Malory Arthur ii. iii. 79 By enchauntement and sorssery she hath ben the destroyer of many good knyghtes.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, I ij b, A seruaunte of the Dukes was sodainly accused..of poysonyng, sorcery, or inchauntment.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, ii. i. 15 To quittance their deceite, Contriu'd by Art, and balefull Sorcerie.1628Coke On Litt. iii. vi, A man was taken in Southwark..with a Book of Sorcery in his Male and was brought into the Kings-Bench.1844Emerson Misc. P., Tantalus Wks. (Bohn) III. 322 Alas! the same sorcery has spoiled his skill; no syllable can he shape on his lips.1878Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xviii. 90 The queen dowager was accused..of an attempt to destroy the king by sorcery.
βc1460Towneley Myst. xxvi. 129 That may be done thrugh socery.1500–20Dunbar Poems l. 6 His mother was ane Farie Queyne, Gottin be sossery.1511–2Act 3 Hen. VIII, c. 11 Curis..in the which they..use socery and which crafte.1568Lauder Lam. Pure 33 Now mony vsis Sosserie.
b. pl. Separate forms or instances of this.
1357Lay Folks Catech. (1901) 34 Al mawmetries, Al fals enchaunmentez, and al sorceries.1542–3Act 34 & 35 Hen. VIII, c. 8 The advoyding of sorceryes, witchecrafte, and other inconveniencies.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. (1886) 267 Thereby Ulysses escaped Circes hir sorceries and inchantments.1648Wilkins Math. Magic ii. vii. 201 Simon Magus was eminent for miraculous sorceries.1671in Verney Mem. (1907) II. 279 Whether she uses any manner of charmes, sorceries, or magic whatever.1741–2Gray Agrip. 171 Sorceries, Assassinations, poisonings.
2. transf. and fig.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 156, I am not surprised with the incantations and sorceries of vaine glorie.1592Nashe P. Penilesse 12 b, What drugs, what sorceries, what oiles,..doe our curious Dames vse to inlarge our withered beauties?1667Milton P.L. ii. 566 Vain wisdom all, and false Philosophie: Yet with a pleasing sorcerie could charm Pain for a while.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. ii. iii. vi, It is possible, the greatness of this man..might, with most legitimate sorcery, fascinate the volatile Queen.1880‘Ouida’ Moths III. 262 Personal beauty is a rare sorcery.




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