

单词 counterpane
释义 I. ˈcounterpane1 Obs.
Forms: 5 contrepane, 6 -payne, counterpayne, -pein, 6–7 -paine, -pane, 7 -pain.
[app. a. Anglo-F. countrepan, in the (unrecorded) sense ‘opposite part’, f. contre- + OF. pan piece, part, portion (see Godef.): the Anglo-French word occurs in Britton, app. in sense ‘counter-part of the contract’, or ‘counter-obligation’: cf. counter-pawn.
1292Britton i. 237 Cestes condiciouns obligent les parties..en tele manere, qe si le un doigne ou face, le autre est tenuz et obligez a fere le countrepan solom le contract.]
1. Law. The counterpart of an indenture.
1509–10Act 1 Hen. VIII, c. 8 The jurye..shall receyve the counterpayne of the office..endented and sealed by the eschetour.1548Hall Chron. 12 b, This duke of Aumerle..had his counterpaine of the endenture of the confederacie..in his bosom.1586J. Hooker Girald. Irel. in Holinshed II. 65/1 Keeping the one counterpane with himselfe, sealed with his seale that made the seizure, and leauing the other in the hands of the said warden.1614B. Jonson Barth. Fair Induct., Read, Scribe, gi' me the Counterpaine.a1693Urquhart Rabelais iii. li. 414 Makers of Counterpanes, Writers.
fig.1609G. Benson Serm. 89 The assurance that we haue for our saluation is in the word of God..but God keepes a counterpane thereof.a1628F. Greville Poems, Hum. Learning lxxvii.1692Covt. Grace Conditional 31 The counterpane of the Covenant..engraven on the heart.
2. gen. A copy, duplicate; = counterpart 2.
c1475Partenay 6587 Or ellys man myght by computacion In ther contrepane finde others reson, In frensh or english.1596Nashe Saffron Walden V iv, I have a letter under his owne hand..this is the counterpaine of it.
3. fig. = counterpart 3. to play the counterpane: to imitate.
1549Allen Jude's Par. Rev. 35 Of bothe these states..the earthly Jerusalem..is set for a figure, comparison, example and counterpane.1560Rolland Crt. Venus iv. 62 That nane sould preis to play the counterpane.1628Prynne Love-lockes 33 We are but their Echos, Shadowes, Apes, or Counterpanes.1666–70Brooks Wks. (1867) VI. 107 Now is not famous London the sad counterpane of desolate Jerusalem? a sore and unquenchable fire hath turned England's metropolis into ashes.
4. One of two parts which fit together and complement each other; = counterpart 4.
1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus Ded., Whose holy doctrine and life, are the counterpaine one of the other.1614T. Adams Devil's Banquet 338 Our life should be the counterpaine of our doctrine.1615J. Stephens Ess. & Char., Gd. Husband in Halliw. Repr. Char. Bks. (1857) 139 Love and providence be the two counterpanes of a good husband.
II. counterpane2|ˈkaʊntəpɪn, -peɪn|
Also 7 -poyne, 8 -pain.
[An alteration of the earlier counterpoint2, the second element being made identical with the word pane (F. pan, L. pannus cloth), used in 15th c. (cf. quots. 1459, 1464) in the sense ‘coverlet, bed-cover’, or with the same element in cover-pane covering cloth, q.v.]
The outer covering of a bed, generally more or less ornamental, being woven in a raised pattern, quilted, made of patch-work, etc.; a coverlet, a quilt.
[1459Inv. in Paston Lett. No. 336 I. 484 [Bedchamber] j fedder bed..Item, ij blankettys, j payre of schettys. Item j rede pane furryd with connyngs. [Also on p. 483 bis.]1464Will in Draper's Dict. s.v., Six pair of blankets, and a pane of minever.]
1603Drayton Bar. Wars vi. xli, On which, a Tissue counterpoyne was cast.1626Sir R. Boyle Diary (1886) II. 193 For [the]..outside of a skarlett gown to mak a Counterpane sutable to my Skarlett Bedd.1679Lond. Gaz. No. 1434/4 An Indian Counter-pane or Coverlid with silk and silver.1745P. Thomas Jrnl. Anson's Voy. 200 The Counterpain is in a manner the same. They do not use Feather Beds.1851H. Melville Whale iv. 28 The counterpane was of patchwork.1885Tennyson In Children's Hospital viii, Her dear, long, lean, little arms lying out on the counterpane.




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