

单词 coupon
释义 coupon
(ˈkuːpɒn, kupɔ̃)
[a. F. coupon, in OF. colpon, copon piece cut off, cutting, whence the earlier Eng. culpon, colpon, coulpoun slice, cut, piece (of meat, etc.). The latter has come down to coupoun, cowpon, coopin in Sc., but was obs. in English when coupon was reintroduced from mod. French.]
1. A separable certificate or ticket, of which a series are attached to, and form part of, certain original or principal certificates, in order that they may be severally detached and given up as required.
a. One of a set of certificates attached to a bond running for a term of years, to be detached and presented as successive payments of interest become due to the holder; a separable dividend-warrant. Also transf., the nominal rate of interest redeemable at a given time on a bond, fixed-interest security, etc.; also attrib. b. One of a series of conjoined tickets issued together, which entitle the holder to certain services rendered in separate instalments, after each of which the corresponding coupon is detached and given up. They are largely issued by Excursion Agencies, so as to facilitate the prepayment in a singled fixed sum of the travelling and hotel expenses of a tourist, who then, instead of paying money, gives up the corresponding coupon at each stage of his tour. The name and system of Coupons was introduced by the late Mr. Thomas Cook in 1864.
a.1822Cohen Compendium of Finance 19 These 212,000 rentes [of the City of Paris] are made to bearer, and divided in coupons of 250 francs each.1836Stock Exch. Official List. Oct. 28 Spanish Bonds 5 per Cent. Consolidated..Ditto ex Coupons.1839J. J. Wilkinson Law of Public Funds 216–17 Dividends on Russian bonds..are payable half-yearly..on presenting the dividend-warrants (coupons)..and on some Dutch bonds by delivery of the coupons.1860Bartlett Dict. Amer. s.v., In the United States, the certificates of State stocks drawing interest are accompanied by coupons, which are small tickets attached to the certificates.1874Act 37–8 Vict. c. 3 §5 The coupons for interest annexed to any debenture shall also pass by delivery.1949Pract. Investment (Investors' Chron.) ii. 28 ‘Redemption Yield Tables’..are grouped in sections, covering a range of interest rates—say from 1½ to 5 per cent in ‘steps’ of 1/4 per cent. (These are the ‘coupon’, or interest rates on securities.)1952Economist 27 Sept. 781/2 The stock..carries the high coupon rate of 5 per cent.1963H. D. Berman Stock Exchange (ed. 4) x. 84 The surtax payer must look for a low coupon loan with a comparatively short date (‘coupon’ is used as an abbreviation for ‘interest rate’).1973Daily Tel. 3 Mar. 19/1 A wholly-owned subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries..is to raise {pstlg}101/4 million on the Swiss capital market. The loan will have a coupon of 6 p.c.1982Times 15 Sept. 18/6 Coupons on United Kingdom municipal authority fixed interest bonds rose by up to one quarter point at par pricing.
b.1864Cook's Excursionist 25 Apr. (Suppl.), The [railway] tickets are..in the shape of small books of coupons.1868Ibid. 1 July, The Hotel accommodation coupons..constitute quite a new feature in tourist programmes.
c. attrib. and Comb.; coupon-clipper U.S., a person who has a large number of coupon bonds from which to detach the coupons.
1860Ann. Rep. Treasury (U.S.) 480 Such coupon stock..may be assigned and transferred by the delivery of the certificates.1861U.S. Statutes XII. 259 The Secretary of the Treasury..is authorized to issue coupon bonds, or registered bonds, or treasury notes.1880C. J. Stromberg (title) Coupon ticketing points from or via Chicago,..for the use of patrons of the Stromberg improved coupon ticket.1887Nation (N.Y.) 2 June 460/3 The select few of the coupon-clippers may escape it [i.e. being in debt].1956Ann. Reg. 1955 80 Mr. Harris's Budget was criticized..as providing ‘a guaranteed annual wage for coupon clippers’.
2. a. A form, ticket, part of a printed advertisement, etc., entitling the holder to a gift or discount, etc., or designed to be filled up by an intending user or purchaser and forwarded to the advertiser for information, goods, etc. Also attrib. (See also cigarette coupon s.v. cigarette 2.)
1906Westm. Gaz. 19 Sept. 4/3, I mean to forbid the use of all coupon goods at my house.1914John Bull 5 Dec. p. ii, By sending this Coupon with P.O. for 2/6..the holder is entitled to receive a..Gold Nibbed Fountain Pen.1915Daily Express 27 Jan. 6 In addition, a Profit-Sharing Coupon and a Composite Flag of the Allies are enclosed in every packet [of cigarettes].1928Sunday Express 19 Aug. 1/4 Newsagents as well as advertisers are perturbed by the menace of the multiple coupon.Ibid., In Manchester many agents cut out the coupons for their customers and sell the couponless copies in bulk to waste-paper merchants.1961Guardian 15 Dec. 1/3 Kensitas..reintroduced coupons... Hitherto Gallagher has not engaged in coupon trading.
b. spec. An entry-form for a competition, esp. for a football pool (see football coupon s.v. football 4). Also attrib.
1909Daily Chron. 26 Feb. 4/4 Amending them [sc. the Lottery Laws] with a view..to checking coupon-competitions in newspapers.1918Methodist Times 5 Dec. 9/1 The amendment of the Gambling Laws, particularly in relation to football coupons, press competitions, [etc.].Ibid., Will you advocate the suppression of professional and coupon betting?1940Graves & Hodge Long Week-end xxii. 384 The Pools' promoters..distributed coupons.
3. One of a series of tickets entitling the holder to a share of rationed food, clothing, etc. Hence coupon-free a., obtainable without coupons.
1918Times 25 Feb. 9/5 You must not tear off meat coupons yourself. This duty rests with the retailer.Ibid., Only three coupons each week of a meat card can be used for butcher's meat. The fourth or any of the coupons can be used to buy bacon, tinned meats, poultry, and game.Ibid. 26 Feb. 7/6 A whole coupon [at the Express Dairy] entitled one to have stewed steak and carrots, two sausages, or cold ham and tongue.1918Ministry of Food, National Rationing 4 July, §6 If you hold sugar coupons and not a sugar ticket, you may choose the retailer with whom you wish to register for sugar... § 7 Lard will be rationed separately by means of the brown set of coupons.1941Times Lit. Suppl. 6 Dec. 614/1 (Advt.), Books are tax- and coupon-free.1943,1946[see clothing vbl. n. 5 b].1947News Chron. 11 Apr. (Advt.), Coupon free brand new nylon.1948‘N. Shute’ No Highway vii. 188, I ought to get another suit, but there never seem to be any coupons.1959J. Braine Vodi vii. 116 They found his father checking sweet coupons when they entered.
4. A recommendation given by a party leader to a parliamentary candidate. Also attrib., as coupon candidate, coupon election, coupon majority.
1918Methodist Times 5 Dec. 7/2 Men whose tongues are tied by a pledge before they get their ‘ticket-of-leave’, or ‘coupon’, as it is contemptuously called, are being chosen for this English Reichstag by a secret cabal sitting in darkness. ‘Half-coupon men’ is the name bestowed on those who have not got the blessing, but are piteously bleating for it.1919G. B. Shaw Heartbreak House p. xxxii, Provided the leader will make their seats safe for them by the process which was called, in derisive reference to the war rationing system, ‘giving them the coupon’.Ibid., The electorate..cast out all the coupon candidates at the earliest bye-elections.1925F. W. Hirst From Adam Smith to Snowden 64 The Coalition continued with a huge ‘coupon’ majority ready to extend protective measures.1932Spender & Asquith Life of H. H. Asquith I. iv. 51 The ‘Coupon’ election of 1918.Ibid. II. lv. 316 The certificate took the form of a letter signed by the two leaders (which Asquith immortalised by dubbing it the ‘coupon’).1945Ann. Reg. 1944 92 The executive of the Labour Party..rejected uncompromisingly the idea of a ‘coupon’ election after the 1918 model.




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