

单词 sparver
释义 ˈsparver Obs.
Forms: α. 5 spervyr, spervier, speruer, 5–7 (9) sperver, 6 spurver. β. 5–7 (9) sparver, 5 Sc. sparwort, 6 sparuiour, sparuer, sparvill, 6–7 sparvar.
[ad. OF. espervier (esprevier) ‘l'ensemble des pièces qui composent le coucher’ (1380 in Godefroy), = obs. It. sparviere, -eri, -ero. The forms are those of the OF. and It. names for the sparrow-hawk (see sperver), but the connexion is not obvious.]
A canopy for a bed (or cradle).
α1440–1Durh. Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 627 Et solut. pro j. sperver empt. apud London pro d'no Priore.1480Wardr. Acc. Edw. IV (1830) 129 Sperver of rede damask with curtyns of sarsynett.1501Bury Wills (Camden) 91 It[em] a sperver of sylke.1519N. Cy. Wills (Surtees, 1908) 106 A sperver of whyte with a coverlete.
β1444Test. Ebor. (Surtees) II. 112 A sparver wt coueryn of lynnyn clothe.1473–4Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 41 For iiij½ elne of tartar for a sparwort abone his creddil.1494in Lett. Rich. III & Hen. VII (Rolls) I. 390 The parlement chambre, where wer..beddes wiche hadden sparvers.1519W. Horman Vulg. 167 b, Some haue curteynes: some sparuers aboute the bedde to kepe awey gnattis.1591Harington Orl. Fur. v. 39 A happie woman..hath as quiet sleeps..in a bed of cloth as vnder a sparuer of tissue.a1612Epigr. (1633) iv. vi, At home in silken sparvers, beds of down, We scant can rest.1641Invent. in Burlington Mag. (1911) Nov. 100/1 A greate Sparver round about over the Bed.
b. fig. and transf.
c1640A. Townshend Poems & Masks (1912) 24 Thy sparver, a well tufted tree, Ore heaven itselfe, thy canopy.1688Holme Armoury iii. 449/2 The several names given to these Moveing Houses... A Tent, or a Sperver. A Hutt. A Booth [etc.].
c. attrib., as sparver bed, sparver curtain, sparver tester. Also Comb., as sparver-wise adv.
1475Bury Wills (Camden) 251 A white bedde made sparverwyse.1501Ibid. 135, vj payre shetes wyth the sparver curtanys of dornykes.1596Unton Invent. (1841) 4, j sparvill tester of silk.1610Althorp MS. in Simpkinson Washingtons (1860) App. p. ii, One half hed bedsted for a sparvar bed.1611Cotgr. s.v. Parement, Lict de parement,..a bed of State, or, a great Sparuer bed.




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