

单词 speedly
释义 ˈspeedly, adv. Obs.
Forms: α. 4 spedlic, -li, 4–5 -ly, 6 lye, 7 speedly. β. 4 spedeliche, 4–6 -ly, 6 -lie, speadely, 6–7 speedely(e.
[f. speed n. Cf. OE. spédlíce successfully, effectually.]
= speedily adv.
αa1300Cursor M. 19214 Spedli [Edinb. spedlic, Gött. spedeli] þai speld godds word.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 153 Þei..ne wolen spedly lerne..þe gospel & goddis hestis.c1400Laud Troy Bk. 9621 The ffloures sprede & spedly sprynge.1482Monk of Evesham xxviii. (Arb.) 69 She..hastyd her spedly gretly profeting on the iorney that goyth to paradyse.1530Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 334 Beseching your grace spedlye to send hym home.1618Bolton Florus iii. xxi. (1636) 246 The army of Norbanus was quickly overthrowne and all Scipio's forces..speedly oppressed.
β13..[see α].1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 199 Þe ȝongelynge dede spedeliche his dedes.c1400Destr. Troy 10942 Two spurres full spedely [she] spent on his helis.c1440Jacob's Well 208 It castyth noȝt oute spedely þe wose of synne fro þe pytt of lustys.1512Act 4 Hen. VIII, c. 18 Preamb., For the accomptes of the same more spedelie to be taken.1588Parke tr. Mendoza's Hist. China 38 For that it should be speedelier doone.1618in Foster Eng. Factories India (1906) I. 17 You must speedelye looke to this maggat.




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