

单词 railway
释义 I. railway, n.|ˈreɪlweɪ|
Also rail-way, rail way.
[f. rail n.2 4 + way. Cf. railroad, at one time equally (or more) common in Great Britain and still usual in America.
1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 275/1 Railway seems now we think the more usual term.]
1. a. A way or road laid with rails (originally of wood, in later times usually of iron or steel), on which the wheels of wagons containing heavy goods are made to run for ease of transport; also, the way composed of rails thus laid.
Railways (or railroads) of this kind were app. first used at Newcastle in the beginning of the 17th c. Cast-iron rails were introduced about the middle of the 18th c., and wrought-iron ones about 1820. Although this use of the words is not obsolete, it has now a very restricted currency in comparison with sense 2.
1776Act 16 Geo. III, c. 32 To make..a rail-way from hence to or near Caledon..and to make other rail-ways.1798Term Rep. VII. 599 To the sleepers or dormant timbers they affixed railways or waggon ways.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 655 Five tons to a horse is the average work on railways, descending at the rate of three miles per hour.
b. Any line or set of rails intended to facilitate the motion of wheels or other apparatus.
1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 177 To turn the wheel round at such rates that the spindles will not take up faster than the carriage moves on its rail-way.1945G. Millar Maquis ii. 30 On the side of the aircraft near the hole there were several little metal railways for holding the fixed end of the static lines.1979W. Golding Darkness Visible iii. 39 The place [sc. a shop] grew a spider's web of wires along which money trundled in small, wooden jars..the overhead railway.
2. spec. A line or track consisting of iron or steel rails, on which carriages or wagons conveying passengers or goods are moved by a locomotive engine. Hence also, the whole organization necessary for the conveyance of passengers or goods by such a line, and the company of persons owning or managing it. British Railways: formerly, the name of the national railway system of Great Britain. Cf. British Rail s.v. rail n.2 5 a.
The great extension of railways from their original limited use (see sense 1) began with the opening of the line between Stockton and Darlington in 1825, and that between Liverpool and Manchester in 1830.
1812(heading) Map of the railways in the Newcastle on Tyne Coal Field in 1812 [reproduced in A. Hollar tr. W. Schivelbusch's Railway Journey (1980) i. 6].1830M. Edgeworth Let. 18 Oct. (1971) 418 We were invited..to go on the Liverpool railway in the very carriage in which the Duke of Wellington went... 4 of these cars similar in size and shape..were linked together on the rail way.1832Cobbett Rural Rides 2 Oct., They have begun to make a rail-way from Carlisle to Newcastle.1842Tennyson Locksley Hall 166 In the steamship, in the railway, in the thoughts that shake mankind.1868G. Duff Pol. Surv. 45 The construction of a railway would encounter no great difficulties.1889G. Findlay (title) The Working of an English Railway.1892B. Potter Jrnl. 13 Sept. (1966) 260 To Perth with Papa, the first time I have been on the railway since we have been here.1955Times 9 May 4/5 The start of a new era for the railways.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 12 British Railways, a weary and over-extended system, had been slithering ever deeper into deficits since 1953.1965Ann. Reg. 1964 486 British Railways signed an agreement in January with the Central Electricity Generating Board for the delivery of coal by continuously moving merry-go-round trains to selected power stations.1976Illustr. London News Nov. 51/3 The first iron railway in France was designed, as in Britain, for the transport of coal from the mines to the water... But it used horse traction as often as steam.
3. attrib. and Comb.
a. attrib., as railway accident, railway act, railway age, railway arch, railway bank, railway bill, railway book, railway bookstall, railway bridge, railway bus, railway cab, railway car, railway carriage, railway cat, railway company, railway contractor, railway cottage, railway cutting, railway director, railway economics, railway engine, railway enthusiast, railway excursion, railway fare, railway garden, railway horse, railway interest, railway journey, railway junction, railway labourer, railway line, railway man, railway manual, railway map, railway marshalling yard, railway office, railway platform, railway police, railway policeman, railway porter, railway poster, railway sandwich, railway servant, railway share, railway shareholder, railway siding, railway signal, railway speed, railway stall, railway station, railway stock, railway switch, railway system, railway tea, railway terminus, railway ticket, railway timetable, railway town, railway track, railway train, railway traveller, railway travelling, railway truck, railway tunnel, railway viaduct, railway wagon, railway worker, railway works.
The great development of railways in the 19th c., leading to an extensive use of the word in various connexions, has given rise to many attributive collocations of a more or less permanent character, while the number of those which may be formed at will is infinite. The examples given here have been selected mainly as being instances of some of the more usual combinations.
1837Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 43/1 *Railway accidents, by An Old Engineer.1850J. H. Newman Christ upon Waters 23 You know what a sensation railway accidents occasion.1939T. S. Eliot Family Reunion i. i. 43 We know about the railway accident.
1829in Wood Pract. Treat. Railroads (ed. 3) 305 The provisions of the *railway act, 7 Geo. IV.
1877E. Blanchard in E. Farjeon Nursery in Nineties (1935) iv. i. 162 In this *railway Age..Fresh lines are still appearing.1976A. Price War Game i. v. 99 The railway age was..part of bygone history.
1892B. Potter Jrnl. 9 Sept. (1966) 257 A charming game of ‘bolting the pony’ under the *railway arch.1976A. Powell Infants of Spring v. 79 We were making for the open country beyond the railway arches that link Windsor with the main line.
1894B. Potter Jrnl. 25 Sept. (1966) 346 Our nerves were rather startled by the sight of some cattle up the *railway bank between Sprouston and Kelso.
1819Rep. Darlington & Stockton Railw. Petit. 3 Any Agent for the Darlington *Railway Bill.
1854C. M. Yonge Heartsease I. ii. ii. 142 It was a green *railway book. Theodora made me read it.
1893*Railway bookstall [see big a. 3 e].1974in A. Briggs Ess. Hist. of Publishing 289 The first railway bookstall was opened at Euston by W. H. Smith in 1848.
1837Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 55/2 About 140 men are employed at the fallen *railway bridge.
1892B. Potter Jrnl. 26 July (1966) 239 He [sc. a dog] used to be very much in evidence..until safely hoisted on to the top of the *railway bus in front of the luggage.
1893Yonge & Coleridge Strolling Players xxviii. 254 A *railway cab dashing up to the door.
1828Deb. Congress U.S. 9 Apr. 2249 The *rail way car at Charleston, South Carolina..weighs upwards of one ton.1830M. Edgeworth Let. 18 Oct. (1971) 418 Francis was prevented from going in the common train of railway cars from Liverpool to Manchester.1894Harper's Mag. July 316/1 Railway cars for transporting the army were appropriated at Omaha.
a1824A. Scott in Trans. Highland Soc. (1824) VI. 57 If springs..were fixed to the front of *railway-carriages.
1939T. S. Eliot Old Possum's Bk. Pract. Cats 40 (heading) Skimbleshanks: the *Railway Cat.Ibid. 41 You can leave all that to the Railway Cat, The Cat of the Railway Train!
1824R. Stevenson in Trans. Highland Soc. (1824) VI. The first Public *Railway Company seems to have been instituted at Loughborough, in the year 1789.1976A. White Long Silence vi. 43 Five shunting engines were..presented to the railway company.
1846Shaw Gauge Question p. xxviii, Carriers, miners, and *railway contractors.
1962M. Duffy That's how it Was ii. 22 The warren of *railway cottages run up at the end of the nineteenth century.1976Milton Keynes Express 23 July 2/6 Time is running out for the Bradwell residents who have petitioned against the preservation of the town's railway cottages.
1842Brande Dict. Sci. etc. 1017/2 The strata through which *railway cuttings are made.1878Q. Jrnl. Geol. Soc. XXXIV. 496 Railway-cuttings and other workings made since the date of the survey have exposed masses of rock not then known to exist.1976A. White Long Silence xviii. 147 The road that led to the railway cutting.
1837Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 43/1 The discouragement given by *railway directors to railway improvements.1845Punch VIII. 101 The old maxim that civility costs nothing, seems to be utterly repudiated by Railway Directors.
1976Illustr. London News Nov. 53/3 One aspect of *railway economics in which the SNCF has made remarkable progress in recent years is productivity.
1838Wood Pract. Treat. Railroads (ed. 3) 726 The Stanhope and Tyne *railway engines.
1950Oxf. Jun. Encycl. IX. 399/2 Ian Allan..brought into being the first club for young *railway enthusiasts who wished to collect the numbers of locomotives.1976Scotsman 20 Nov. (Weekend Suppl.) 5/8 Information and photographs are wanted from railway enthusiasts about historic rail buildings, either extant, demolished or adapted.
1853Punch XXIV. 92/2 Railway Maxims,..After a *Railway excursion, the Doctor.1885List of Subscribers, Classified (United Telephone Co.) (ed. 6) 181 Railway Excursion Agents..Cook Thomas & Son.
1891Kipling Life's Handicap 30 Ye might give me my *railway fare.1980A. Morice Death in Round xxi. 169 The idea of thumbing a lift was reasonable... The railway fare is quite steep.
1892B. Potter Jrnl. 26 July (1966) 239 It [sc. a hedgehog] was gobbling up little spring cabbages in a promising little *Railway Garden.
1976Field 18 Nov. 994/1 (caption) Nationalization came that year [sc. 1947] and this was almost the end of a long *railway-horse tradition.
1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. p. xi, The *railway interest in parliament, etc.
1864Burton Scot Abr. I. i. 36 Who prefer economy and a sea-voyage to a *railway journey.
1845A. H. Clough Sic itur in Poems (1862) 24 As, at a *railway junction, men Who came together, taking then One the train up, one down, again Meet never!1977V. S. Pritchett Gentle Barbarian iii. 45 When Dickens stayed there with the Viardots he complained that..the place..was like a railway junction where people were changing trains.
1845Wordsworth At Furness Abbey in Poetical Wks. (1954) III. 63 Well have you *Railway Labourers to this ground Withdrawn for noontide rest.
1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 143/2 The survey of the *Railway line between England and Scotland.1880G. Meredith Trag. Com. (1881) 3 The bare railway line of their story.1976Illustr. London News Nov. 29/2 London is adequately served with railway lines..either by London Transport or British Rail.
1845Sidney Gauge Evidence (1846) 13 An experienced *railway man.1906Daily Chron. 30 Apr. 3/1 Near the junction of the northern and western railway lines,..two stones and a piece of iron had been placed on the rails. They were removed by a railwayman.1938F. D. Sharpe Sharpe of Flying Squad xxiv. 251, I could see by their ‘railwaymen's’ trousers that they were country splits.1976W. Greatorex Crossover 194 They found a pub..packed with railway porters and shunters... A couple of railwaymen moved out to make room.
1863(title) Bradshaw's *railway manual.
1845Punch IX. 163 (heading) A *railway map of England.1853J. E. Millais Let. Sept. in M. Lutyens Millais & Ruskins (1967) 90 My face..would be lined like a Bradshaw railway map.1907Yesterday's Shopping (1969) 1106/2 District Railway Map..0/9.
1976A. White Long Silence vii. 53 The *railway marshalling yards we were to disable were crescent-shaped.
1831W. Dalton Let. 16 Oct. in N. & Q. (1920) 11 Dec. 461/2 We drove to the *railway office at Warrington.1976A. White Long Silence vi. 44 She had no other thought than to seek employment in the railway office.
1922C. Mackenzie Altar Steps xix. 218 While Father Rowley was speaking the Bishop of Silchester had been looking like a man on a *railway platform who has been ambushed by a whistling engine.
1846Punch XI. 11/1 The corps of *Railway police was next put through its exercise.1972J. Wainwright Requiem for Loser viii. 165 The man..in charge of the goods yard police activity was a uniformed Railway Police inspector.
1838Penny Mag. 31 Aug. 331/2 The *railway policeman, holding up at intervals red or white flags.1972M. Gilbert Body of Girl i. 9 A very big consignment of used notes..was coming up for pulping... There were two railway policemen to meet it.
1890P. Geddes in Scots Mag. Aug. 192 The student..needs a better greeting than the *railway porter's when he arrives at his destination.1978Ld. Drogheda Double Harness xiii. 132 His father..obliged him to take a job as a railway porter.
1926Scribner's Mag. Aug. 221/2 Byron was too grandiose to travel well. He founded the *railway-poster style of description.1931D. L. Sayers Five Red Herrings xiv. 153 A board which displayed time-tables and railway posters.1948M. Laski Tory Heaven xii. 159 There were some benches round the walls..and a lot of gaudy railway posters.
1847Dickens Dombey (1848) xv. 155 There were railway plans, maps, views, wrappers, bottles, *sandwich-boxes, and time tables.1868Trollope He Knew (1869) I. xxxvii. 292 The real disgrace of England is the railway sandwich.1915J. Buchan Thirty-Nine Steps vii. 177, I never ate a meal with greater relish, for I had had nothing all day but railway sandwiches.1972Railway sandwich [see railway tea below].
1840Act 3 & 4 Vict. c. 97 §13 *Railway servants guilty of misconduct.
1837Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 27/2 Questions respecting the sale of *railway shares.1876‘L. Carroll’ Hunting of Snark iii. 30 You may seek it with thimbles—and seek it with care; You may hunt it with forks and hope; You may threaten its life with a railway-share; You may charm it with smiles and soap.
1837Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 43/2 The anxiety..for *railway shareholders to commence business.
1942C. Milburn Diary 26 Feb. (1979) 130 The King and Queen slept in our *railway siding on Tuesday night.1976A. White Long Silence vi. 43 The railway sidings became one of the principal marshalling yards.
1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 358/1 A *railway signal erected at the Grand Junction station.
1836T. Barlow (title) A Trip to Rome at *Railway Speed.
1866Geo. Eliot Let. 11 Sept. (1956) IV. 309 My 6/- editions are never on the *railway stalls.
1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 358/1 Fire at the London and Birmingham *Railway Station.1849De Quincey in Blackw. Mag. Oct. 492/1 Interesting personal communications,..revelations of impressive faces..could not have offered themselves amongst the hurried and fluctuating groups of a railway station.1892B. Potter Jrnl. 25 Aug. (1966) 252 A large proportion of the seven thousand spectators poking away through the small Railway Station.1964G. L. Cohen What's Wrong with Hospitals? vi. 115 Their baronial board-room..dignified by a staircase for consultants only, in Railway Station Gothic.
1852Jewish Chron. 10 Dec. 78/2 The poor..are induced to go..from town to town; each congregation..assisting to pay a portion of the dividends on *railway-stock, under the name of..charity.1863H. Fawcett Pol. Econ. iii. xv. 504 The possessor of railway stock is part owner of the railway itself.
1838Civil Engin. & Archit. Jrnl. Oct. 358 *Railway Switch Signal.
1824R. Stevenson in Trans. Highland Soc. VI. 3 An offer of a reward for the advancement of the *Railway-system.1872Geo. Eliot Middlem. III. lvi. 227 The infant struggles of the railway system.1981Times 10 Feb. 6/6 The railway system and the port of Mombasa have..benefited from the growing volume of tea exports.
1972‘G. North’ Sgt. Cluff rings True iv. 31 Travellers..reviving themselves with *railway tea and railway sandwiches.
1845Punch VIII. 101 An applicant for information at a *Railway Terminus.1942E. Waugh Put out More Flags iii. 228 They reached the classic columns of the railway terminus.1976G. Seymour Glory Boys iv. 42 The big railway termini of North London.
1839F. Witts Diary 4 May (1978) 158 Meantime the passengers receive a *railway ticket to London which purports to be worth 5s 6d.1895E. Lear in Nonsense Songs & Stories 87 On his nose there was a Cricket,—In his hat a Railway-Ticket.1912W. Owen Let. 4 June (1967) 140 Does the Railway Ticket Problem assume a different aspect now?1977Lancashire Life Dec. 60/2 In those wartime days, holiday-period railway tickets were at a premium.
1847*Railway timetable [see railway sandwich above].1932D. L. Sayers Have his Carcase xxvi. 352 Do you happen to have a railway time-table on you?1980Times 12 Aug. 10/1 He wants the centre of the British railway system moved from London to Birmingham..to rewrite the entire railway timetable around Birmingham.
1881A. Begg Gt. Canadian N.W. 106 The railway is constructed to a point on the eastern side of the river opposite Selkirk, so that there is every chance of its becoming a *railway town.1888Lippincott's Monthly Mag. XLII. 783 There stood close to the opposite wall a large piano of the class known as the ‘grand’, rare enough among the railway towns west of the Mississippi States.1943Sun (Baltimore) 13 Dec. 5/2 The Peiping Hankow railway town of Sinyang.
a1824A. Scott Ibid. 43 All public lines of railway will require two distinct sets of *railway-tracks.1976A. White Long Silence vi. 44 She propelled the creaking vehicle..up and down the railway tracks.
1841S. C. Brees Gloss. Civil Eng. 196 The effect of high winds upon a *railway train is very considerable.
1891Murray's Handbk. India & Ceylon p. xv, In Bombay, the Indian A.B.C. Guide and the Indian *Railway Travellers' Guide ..give..the railway routes for all India.1980G. M. Fraser Mr American xxvi. 552 The vaguely hostile silence of the British railway traveller.
1842W. F. Cooke Telegr. Railw. 3 The comparatively high-degree of safety now attained in *Railway travelling.
1838Civil Engineer I. 390/1 A new *Railway Truck, the invention of Mr. Robert Grant, of Maine.1839F. Witts Diary 4 May (1978) 158 There the carriages are placed each on a railway truck.1841Dickens Let. 13 June (1969) II. 302 One is hoisted bodily, carriage and all, on a Railway Truck.
1836in Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. (1837) I. 27/1 Improvements in the Construction and Arrangement of *Railway Tunnels.
1867Queen Victoria Jrnl. 22 Aug. in D. Duff Victoria in Highlands (1968) 223 We went by the side of Eildon Hills, past an immense *railway viaduct.1976C. Dexter Last seen Wearing xxi. 162 He..slept beneath a railway viaduct.
a1824Robertson in Trans. Highland Soc. (1824) VI. 88 A *railway-waggon..has two axles to sustain the burden.1976A. White Long Silence xiv. 121 They might hide themselves in a railway wagon.
1943J. Flanner in New Yorker 29 May 45/1 The Nazis..had decided to kill the French railroad men's resistance movement..by inviting twelve thousand French *railway workers to go to Germany.1979P. Alexander Show me Hero xv. 161 Crumbling terraced cottages, once occupied by railway workers.
1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. 371, 17,500,000 thalers were to be applied to *railway works.1976Milton Keynes Express 16 July 7/7 The part time station at the Wolverton is still dependent on men from the railway works.
b. objective and instrumental, as railway-borne adj., railway-making.
1843(title) Examples of Railway Making (Weale).1881Daily News 9 Sept. 2/6 An inland market for..railway-borne fish.
4. Special combs.: railway beetle = railroad worm s.v. railroad n. 3 c; railway bull = railroad bull s.v. railroad n. 3 c; railway-creeper, a plant conspicuous at railway stations in India; railway crossing = level crossing s.v. level a. 3 b; railway edition, a cheap edition of a book suitable for reading on a railway journey; railway guide, a train timetable; railway hotel, an hotel sited near to a railway station for the convenience of travellers; Railway Institute, a (social) club building for railway workers, esp. in India; railway label, an address or destination label stuck on a passenger's luggage; railway letter (see quot. 1933); railway novel, a light novel, suitable for reading on a railway journey; railway pass, a ticket authorizing the holder to travel by rail; railway rug, a rug used for warmth during railway journeys; railway sickness = railsickness s.v. rail n.2 6 c; railway spine, an affection of the spine produced by concussion in a railway accident; railway time: see as main entry; railway volume = railway edition; railway warrant = railway pass; railway whistle, a whistle blown by the guard as a signal to the driver to start the train; railway wrapper, a travelling-cloak.
1915E. R. Lankester Diversions of Naturalist 234 A peculiar grub-like female glow-worm, three inches long, is found in South America, which produces a red light at each end of the body and numerous points of green light on each side of it. It is called the ‘*railway-beetle’ in Paraguay.
1973B. Broadfoot Ten Lost Years ii. 17 [To] the town cop or the *railway bull..you automatically became a criminal.
1895B. M. Croker Village Tales (1896) 47 Verandahs, embowered in pale lilac ‘*railway’ creeper.
1907Yesterday's Shopping (1969) 1040/2 *Railway Crossing, finely japanned, to be opened and shut..8 in. long.1937Discovery May 144/2 A railway crossing west of Scarborough.
1859G. H. Lewes in Blackw. Edin. Mag. July 101/1 Twice or thrice have the *railway editions been out of print.
c1838W. H. Murray in M. R. Booth Eng. Plays of 19th Cent. (1973) IV. 161 That woman..[is] as difficult to understand as an Act of Parliament, or a *Railway Guide, or a Weather Almanack.1855Mrs. Gaskell North & S. II. vii. 87 One of the very common mistakes in the ‘Railway Guide’ as to the times when trains arrive at the smaller stations.1932D. H. Lawrence Etruscan Places i. 13 The inestimable big Italian railway-guide says the station is Palo.
1847F. A. Kemble Rec. Later Life (1882) III. 265 To this Hull *Railway Hotel is attached a magnificent Railway Station (or rather vice versâ).1871Geo. Eliot Let. 20 Aug. (1956) V. 179 There is a palatial bedroom here, but if you reject that, there is a Railway Hotel, just opposite the station.1911Beerbohm Zuleika Dobson ii. 13 She took a night's sanctuary in some railway-hotel.1972Country Life 5 Oct. 799/1 The Great Northern, designed by Lewis Cubbitt..was far more restrained than any of the railway hotels of the next decade.
1937K. Blixen Out of Afr. iv. 299 The High Court was set in Nakuru, in the *Railway Institute.1954J. Masters Bhowani Junction i. v. 42 There were two Railway Institutes..one for Europeans and Anglo-Indians, and one for Indians... Ours was a fine big building with a dance floor and card rooms and a bar.1979Times 26 Nov. 14/7 Giving song recitals at the Railway Institute at Lahore.
1909Beerbohm Yet Again 125 *Railway-labels are..crudely coloured, crudely printed.1917Science Progr. XI. 685 The railway labels jealously preserved on travellers' portmanteaux.
1933Post Office Guide Jan. 42 The following Railway Companies..under agreement with the Postmaster-General, accept and convey letters, both on week-days and on Sundays, by the next available train or ship, either to be called for at the Station of address or to be transferred there to the nearest Post Office letter box. Such letters are called *Railway Letters.1971D. Potter Brit. Eliz. Stamps xii. 132 In 1969 two other railway lines decided to avail themselves of the privilege of accepting and carrying railway letters.
1857C. M. Yonge Dynevor Terrace I. ii. 12 ‘Reading... See here’, as he held up maliciously a *railway novel.1871Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. June Suppl. 3/1 Two or three..Railway novels.1896B. Matthews Bookbindings iv. i. 239 In England the railway novel is incased in boards sheathed in paper.1981V. Powell Flora Annie Steel i. 6 The yellow-backed novels..known as ‘railway novels’ and bought to beguile the long haul from Harrow to the West of Argyll.
1901Kipling Kim vii. 178 Colonel Creighton's *railway pass lay in his hand, and Kim..was still lord of two rupees seven annas.1915W. B. Yeats Reveries 5 An uncle called me out of bed one night, to ride..to Rosses Point to borrow a railway-pass from a cousin.
1853Illustr. London News 12 Nov. 409/2 Blankets and *railway rugs have formed the chief protection against the low temperature.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Railway-rug.1883G. H. Boughton in Harper's Mag. Apr. 688/1 With a railway rug around one.
1895Swinburne Lett. (1962) VI. 85, I am now sufficiently recovered from *railwaysickness.
1878tr. H. von Ziemssen's Cycl. Med. XIII. 353 *Railway-spine of the English.1888Pall Mall G. 29 Nov., It is now stated..that the Tzar is suffering from ‘railway spine’.1895G. B. Shaw in Liberty 27 July 6/2 The connection between degeneration and ‘railway spine’.1954W. Mayer-Gross et al. Clin. Psychiatry iv. 135 The days of neurasthenia and railway-spine at the time of Beard.
1869D. G. Rossetti Let. Aug. (1965) II. 710 In the above year [1862] Messrs. Routledge reprinted it as a shilling *railway volume.
1919J. Buchan Mr. Standfast ix. 183, I..emerged in the uniform of a British private... I had a *railway warrant made out in my name for London.1978T. Allbeury Lantern Network ii. 30 He had been released..with a railway warrant to Southampton.
1854Dickens Seven Poor Travellers in Househ. Words VIII. Extra Christmas No. 4/1 A..young man connected with the Fly department, and well accustomed to the sound of a *railway whistle which Ben always carries in his pocket.
1847*Railway wrapper [see railway sandwich, sense 3 a].1860Dickens Uncomm. Trav. (1861) i. 1 No hotel-room tapestried with great-coats and railway wrappers is set apart for me.1866G. M. Hopkins Let. 14 Dec. (1956) 34 Tell Anne to pack my railway-wrapper (which will help to keep the books fr. jolting).
Hence ˈrailwayize v. trans., to furnish with a railway; ˈrailwayless a., having no railway.
1873M. Collins Squire Silchester III. xii. 118 He is getting up a company to railwayize you quiet folk at Silchester.1860Chamb. Jrnl. XIV. 338 Many a day's hard galloping in the railwayless East.
II. railway, v.|ˈreɪlweɪ|
[f. prec. n.]
1. intr.
a. To make railways.
b. To travel by rail.
1839Carlyle Chartism viii. 168 The Saxon kindred burst forth into cotton-spinning,..railwaying.1855Sir J. G. Simpson in Mem. xi. 359, I was railwaying hither or thither.1860Mrs. Carlyle Lett. III. 36 Sailing, which he prefers infinitely to railwaying.
2. trans. To deprive of, by making a railway.
1844J. T. J. Hewlett Parsons & W. i, A house now, alas! railwayed of its glories.
3. To provide with railways.
1917H. Macfall Germany at Bay xii. 243 When Russia was gunned and munitioned and well railwayed, she was more than a match for the Germans.




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