

单词 crepance
释义 crepance Farriery. ? Obs.
Also 7 pl. crepanches, 8 (mispr.) crepane.
[In 17th c. crepanches, crepances, ad. It. crepacci pl., ‘the scratches, cratches, or rats-tailes in a horse{ddd}little chaps or rifts about the cronet of the horses hoofe’ (Florio, 1598), f. crepare to crack, chap:—L. crepāre to crack, etc.]
A sore or wound on a horse's foot; see quots.
1610Markham Masterp. ii. lxxxvi. 366 The Scratches, Crepanches, or Rats-tailes..are long, scabby, dry chaps, or rifts..on the hinder legges, just from the fetlocke vnto the place of the Curbe.1727Bradley Fam. Dict., Crepances, Ulcers in the Fore-part of a Horse's foot..caused by a Hurt receiv'd in leaping over a Bar, or the like.1755Johnson, Crepane [a misprint copied in later Dicts.].1823Crabb Techn. Dict., Crepance (Vet.), a chop, or scratch in a horse's leg..which often degenerates into an ulcer.




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