

单词 crinoline
释义 crinoline|ˈkrɪnəʊliːn, -əlɪn|
[a. mod.F. crinoline, f. L. crīnis hair, in sense of F. crin horse-hair + līnum thread, a manufacturer's name intended to express its composition with warp of thread and woof of horse-hair.]
1. A stiff fabric made of horse-hair and cotton or linen thread, formerly used for skirts (see 2), and still for lining, etc. (For the latter purpose the name is also applied to imitations made of stiffened muslin, etc.)
1830World of Fashion Aug. 180 The new stuff called crinoline; it was at first announced as a material for shoes and bottines only, then for bonnets; now it is offered for dresses.1848Thackeray Bk. Snobs xxv, Crinoline or its substitutes is not an expensive luxury.
b. This material or its substitutes (e.g. whalebone or iron hoops) as used to expand a petticoat: see next.
1848Thackeray Bk. Snobs xxxii, I saw them to-day, without any crinoline, pulling the garden-roller.1859All Year Round No. 33. 161 We hear..of a woman in crinoline being blown off a narrow ledge into the water.1885K. O'Meara Madame Mohl ii. 117 A short skirt, guiltless of the faintest suspicion of crinoline.
2. A stiff petticoat made of this stuff, worn under the skirt of a woman's dress in order to support or distend it; hence, a petticoat lined with, or consisting of, a framework of whalebone, steel hoops, etc., worn for the same purpose; a hoop-petticoat.
1851Punch's Almanac 9 Mrs. H. came out this morning in her crinoline, as if she was not big enough already!1869Trollope He Knew vii. (1878) 38 In the days of crinolines she had protested that she had never worn one.
3. transf.
a. A contrivance worn by divers.
1870Instr. Mil. Engineering I. 351 The crinoline should be used in deep water..it is placed round the body and tied in front of the stomach..it..enables him to breathe more freely.
b. A netting fitted round war-ships as a defence against torpedoes. Chiefly attrib.
1874Times 23 Feb. in Ure's Dict. Arts (1875) II. 207 A strong crinoline framework of booms and spars built up round her.1885Times 30 Apr. 10/6 Her crinoline defences against torpedoes.1887Pall Mall G. 5 July 5/1 When the Légé torpedo is drawn up against the crinoline of an ironclad it impinges upon it and is then drawn under the crinoline by the wire.
4. attrib., as crinoline cloth, crinoline hat (made of cotton braid, and then stiffened like straw), crinoline steel, crinoline wire.
1848Thackeray Van. Fair iii. iii. 38 Crinoline-petticoats.1850Harper's Mag. I. 144 Crinoline hats of open pattern..are worn to the opera.1868Rogers Pol. Econ. viii. (ed. 3) 78 Fifty tons of crinoline wire were turned out weekly from factories.1882Worcester Exhib. Catal. iii. 54 Horse-hair crinoline cloth.1891Leeds Mercury 27 Apr. 4/7 A wide-brimmed pale-grey crinoline straw hat.
Hence ˈcrinoline v., to stiffen or provide with crinoline. ˈcrinolined ppl. a., wearing crinoline or a distended petticoat (also fig.).
1855De Quincey in H. A. Page Life (1877) II. xviii. 111 But afterwards..he buckramed or crinolined his graceful sketch with an elaborate machinery of gnomes and sylphs.1862T. A. Trollope Marietta I. xi. 210 Crinolined lady.1927E. Sitwell Rustic Elegies 78 Like the crinolined waterfalls.1930Coll. Poems 222, I sat at my dressing-table—that chilly Palely crinolined water-lily.1934Ld. Berners First Childhood 200 A crinolined damsel seated at the piano.




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